CSD 476: Structured Clinical Observations
Spring 2016
Syllabus and Schedule
Course: CSD 476: Structured Clinic Observations
Credits: 1:0:2
Course Prerequisites: CSD 334, 336, and 337 or permission of instructor
For Whom Planned: Seniors and second-degree students admitted to the CSD undergraduate program.
Instructor Information:
Ginger Hinton, PhD, CCC-SLP
Associate Professor
338 Ferguson Building
Catalog Description: Clinical observation of assessment and/or treatment sessions conducted by ASHA certified speech-language pathologists and/or audiologists
Students Learning Outcomes (SLO), ASHA Standard IV-C:
Upon completion of this course, students will:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the UNCG HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) policies and procedures
2. Complete 25 hours of observation
Evaluation Methods and Guidelines for Assignments:
Grading Scale: The course is graded as a pass or fail. Students will receive a passing grade upon fulfilling the following requirements:
1. UNCG HIPAA Training
o Complete UNCG HIPAA modules and quiz with 80% accuracy by Friday, January 15th at 5:00 p.m.
o Upload a screen shot of your score to Canvas, as soon as you have successfully completed the test.
o My Graduate Assistant will send you a copy of a UNCG HIPAA card.
o Lack of compliance with HIPAA policies may result in your dismissal from the class or the program
o PLEASE NOTE - other facilities may require additional HIPAA training or other background checks prior to observing. You need to check with each facility to determine the policy.
2. Completion of all 25 clinical observation hours: Observations can be completed in any setting. The more settings that are observed, the more you will learn about the profession. In all settings, you must:
· Always have your UNCG Student ID and your HIPAA card available during your observations.
· Always dress modestly and professionally (no jeans, sweats, spaghetti straps, etc.).
Observation procedures:
o CSD 476 students CANNOT observe in the UNCG Speech and Hearing Center at any time.
o Students MUST obtain permission from an appropriate person to observe in any off-campus setting!
o You can contact SLPs directly or the appropriate manage (i.e. Director of Rehab) to schedule a time to observe. In some settings, you will need to complete and additional HIPAA test prior to observation. Many local facilities (e.g. Ling & Kerr, Cheshire Center) have allowed observation by UNCG students. If you wish to observe at other sites in other areas, such as you home town, please contact the facilities as soon as possible to determine the process for observing.
o You can contact me or any other CSD faculty member regarding potential sites and ways to obtain permission to observe.
o All observed hours must be recorded on the Observation Log available through Canvas. At mid-term, March 4th, you must have completed 12 or more hours and all 25 by the end of the semester. Hours may be submitted to me in hard copy or uploaded to Canvas.
o Upon completion of your observations, you will receive a certificate indicating that you have completed the ASHA requirement. You should attach the original signed Observation Log to the certificate and present it to the appropriate person when you begin your Master’s program.
Master Clinician:
o This a website (http://masterclinician.org/) that contains assessment and treatment sessions posted by many different clinicians in a wide variety of settings. Although there is a $25.00 charge for using the site, many students choose this format for convenience. All of the clinicians who have posted videos are ASHA certified.
o The hours that you observe will be listed as Pending. Don’t worry! I will provide you with a certificate of completion at the end of the semester.
o Some schools do not want all of your observation hours to be completed on-line. Therefore, you can only submit 10 hours from Master Clinician.
3. Reaction Paper: Upon completing your 25 hours of observation, you must write a 1-2 page reaction paper that describes what you learned and how you felt about what you saw. This is not a summary of the sessions! It should focus on how the experiences impacted your knowledge of the professional, as well as what you learned about yourself in the process.
Attendance Policy: The first face-to-face meeting for this class is mandatory. Lack of attendance at this meeting may result in dismissal from the class. Throughout the remainder of the semester, attendance will be based on regular observation of professional sessions, with assignments due on the dates listed below.
Academic Integrity Policy:
All students are expected to adhere to the Academic Integrity Policy as published in the UNCG Student Handbook. This code of conduct is online at: http://studentconduct.uncg.edu/. If students fail to comply with this policy by not following HIPAA guidelines or by falsely identifying observations, they will receive an F for the course and will risk dismissal from the program.
Learning Differences and Disabilities: For students with documented physical or learning differences and/or disabilities, appropriate arrangements will be made for completion of all classes and assessments. Documentation of these differences and/or disabilities must be made available to the instructor prior to the first assessment. Information regarding disabilities and/or differences will be kept confidential. If you are unsure whether or not you need special accommodations, please contact the UNCG Office of Disability Services, 336-334-5540 or .
Course Schedule
Activity / Due dateFace-to-face meeting: class procedures / Monday, January 11, 2016, 325 Ferguson, 9:15 a.m.
Submission of UNCG HIPAA test score / Friday, January 15, 2016, by 5:00 p.m.
Completion of 12 observation hours / Friday, March 4, 2016 by 5:00 p.m.
Completion of all 25 observation hours / Tuesday, April 26, 2016 by 5:00 p.m.
Reflection paper due / Tuesday, April 26, 2016 by 5:00 p.m.