Request for Developer Proposals

McKinney Housing Authority

McKinney, Texas

Merritt Homes

DUE: January 18, 2008

5:00 P.M., CST

(Housing Authority’s Time Stamp)

Beth Bentley

McKinney Housing Authority - OFFICE

1200 N. Tennessee St.

McKinney, Texas 75069

Phone: 972-542-5641

Fax: 972-562-8387

Issue Date: December 18, 2007

Redevelopment of the Merritt Homes site for senior development facilities

McKinney, Texas




Table of Contents


II.  DEVELOPER’S ROLE…………………………………………..………………...6









The McKinney Housing Authority (MHA) is requesting submissions of proposals from developers to assist in developing and implementing a Master Development Plan for the redevelopment of the Merritt Homes public housing community in McKinney, Texas. It is MHA’s intent to redevelop these sites either in total or in part under the HUD mixed-finance approach including the combination of public housing funds including operating subsidies and/or Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, low-income housing tax credits, conventional and innovative loans, developer’s equity, etc.

Proposals meeting the requirements of the RFP Documents, must be received at MHA located at 1200 N. Tennessee St., McKinney, Texas 75069, no later than 3:00 P.M. (Housing Authority’s time stamp) on January 18, 2008.

RFP Documents can be obtained from the MHA (see above address) after Monday, December 18, 2007.

Technical questions may be addressed, IN WRITING ONLY, to:

Beth Bentley

McKinney Housing Authority - OFFICE

1200 N. Tennessee Street

McKinney, Texas 75069

Fax: 972-8387

No verbal requests for clarification or information will be accepted. All such requests must be made in writing. All such requests must be submitted to the Authority no later than 3:00 P.M. (Housing Authority’s time stamp) on January 18, 2008 (by mail, FAX, or hand delivery). All questions and clarifications will be answered in one written addendum, to be issued no later than January 18, 2008 to all Respondents who have been issued a copy of this RFP and have been duly recorded as having received a copy in the Authority’s RFP distribution log. Include your FAX number with your query submission.


The McKinney Housing Authority (MHA) is requesting submissions of proposals from developers to assist in developing and implementing a Master Development Plan for the redevelopment of the Merritt Homes public housing community in McKinney, Texas. It is MHA’s intent to redevelop this site either in total or in part under the HUD mixed-finance approach including the combination of public housing funds including operating subsidies and/or Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, low-income housing tax credits, conventional and innovative loans, developer’s equity, etc.

The selected developer or developer team must have experience with development of low-income, subsidized rental, market rate, and affordable single-family homes. Respondents are encouraged to offer creative development options for the sites.

Evaluation and selection of the Developer will be in accordance with the evaluation criteria specified in the Request for Proposal (RFP).

MHA strongly recommends that Respondents visit the site and surrounding neighborhood to ascertain the existing conditions.

Technical questions during the proposal phase may be addressed, IN WRITING ONLY, to:

Beth Bentley

McKinney Housing Authority - OFFICE

1200 N. Tennessee Street

McKinney, Texas 75069

Fax: 972-8387

No verbal requests for clarification or information will be accepted. All such requests must be made in writing. All such requests must be submitted to the Authority no later than 3:00 P.M. (Housing Authority’s time stamp) on January 18, 2008 (by mail, Fax, or hand delivery). All questions and clarifications will be answered in one written addendum, to be issued no later than January 18, 2008 to all Respondents who have been issued a copy of this RFP and have been duly recorded as having received a copy in the Authority’s RFP distribution log. Include your FAX number with your query submission.

The successful Respondent must be familiar with, or become familiar with, the following documents and regulations (documents not provided by MHA):

1.  4 CFR Part 8, non-discrimination based on handicap

2.  Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended, and the rules and regulations there under, with regard to provision of accessible housing

3.  24 CFR Part 135, employment opportunities for Section 3 business and low-income persons

4.  The HUD Procurement Handbook (7460.8)

5.  24 CFR Part 85 (HUD procurement regulations) and OMB Circular A-87 (concerning procurement and costs)

6.  HUD Handbook No. 1378, Tenant Relocation and Real Property Acquisition, as amended

7.  HUD disposition approval process

8.  Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs requirements

9.  Federal Home Loan Bank and Affordable Housing (FHFC) Program guidelines

10.  24 CFR 941 (Mixed-finance development regulations)

11.  The Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998

12.  Low Income Housing Tax Credit program (IRS)

13.  City of McKinney Development Services Codes and Regulations


The selected Developer will be expected to perform the following services:

1.  Determine a feasible final development proposal for the site. MHA encourages creative development plans for the community. Development plans must comply with basic design objectives and requirements of HUD mixed-finance development and are strongly encouraged to include design elements described by the “New Urbanism” and “Livable Communities” design objectives. Also, please note HUD guidelines related to accessibility and “visitability”.

PLEASE NOTE: MHA desires to submit at least one tax credit application during 2008. If the MHA is unsuccessful, the selected developer will be expected to work with the MHA and its development advisors to develop alternative financing and redevelopment plans.

2.  Develop a financing plan for the recommended development proposal.

3. Structure and secure all necessary construction and permanent financing.

4. Provide all appropriate operating, financing, and completion guarantees to the equity investor, the MHA, and other institutions.

5. Assist MHA with any requests it may present to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) or state or local agencies for approvals and/or funding for the development, which may include, but not be limited to HOPE VI Grants, Capital Fund Program, or similar housing production funding.

6. Develop and submit an application for tax credits in the next (2008) available funding cycle in the State of Texas, and subsequent cycles, if necessary.

7. Assist in preparation of a mixed-finance proposal for submission to HUD, if necessary.

8. Assist in preparation of a HUD disposition approval as required.

9. Secure broad community and financial support for the Development Plan.

10. Assist where needed and appropriate in the creation of home-ownership development proposals.

11. Perform professional services including program planning, obtaining necessary permits, preparing project plans and specifications, organizing appropriate ownership entities, and preparing applications for funding.

12. Negotiate contracts for subcontractors and consultants, subject to the approval of the MHA and HUD. For example, such contracts may be for: geo-technical services for subsurface soil investigations, property surveying, and architectural services for real estate development plans, market studies, handicap accessibility studies, and hazardous materials testing services.

13. Develop and implement a marketing plan for the new development for rental and home ownership units.

14. Assist in developing a working partnership with residents, MHA, and other stakeholders to promote the project and community vision.

15. Meet with officials of the City of McKinney as directed by MHA and assist in coordinating necessary approvals and implementing requirements and suggestions as needed.

16. Be responsible for providing all drawings, schematic designs, engineering, and other related services.

17. Serve as our Procurer, subject to MHA approval, of all necessary contractors and oversee all elements of construction until project completion and acceptance by the MHA.

18. Communicate regularly with MHA and its designated Housing Development Consultants, verbally or in writing as arranged or as needed, about all aspects of the project including progress and completion of tasks and milestones, scheduling, development and financial issues, important communications with HUD or local officials, and any other events or issues of significance to the project.

19. Work with MHA on the demolition of existing buildings and site clearance and preparation.

20. Conduct any necessary site remediation.

21. Provide genuine training and employment opportunities for Section 3 covered individuals.

22. Develop a construction strategy and implementation schedule.

All work shall be completed in strict accordance with the procurement policies of the McKinney Housing Authority and HUD. All work is subject to, and shall comply with, all Federal, State, and Local Government requirements, regulations, codes, guidelines, standards, and policies.


Only submissions meeting the following Basic Requirements will be considered.

1. A Registered Architect, licensed in the State of Texas, must perform all architectural services.

2. Provide as part of the team a designated General Contractor who may be an affiliate entity.

3. All civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering services must be performed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Texas.

4. All landscape architecture services must be performed by a Landscape Architect registered in the State of Texas.

The selected Development Team must have:

5. At least ten (10) years of satisfactory experience in the project management of multi-faceted community planning and development processes involving low-income and/or subsidized rental or for-sale housing, preferably public housing, including working with residents, community groups, business owners, non-profit organizations and other stakeholders.

6. Successfully developed and constructed at least four (4) housing developments of at least 100 units.

7. Knowledge and experience in the development of rental housing and single-family for-sale housing including for entry-level and low-income homeownership, as well as market rate housing.

8. Knowledge and experience in HUD mixed-finance development, HUD disposition requests, public housing funds, and other state and federal housing programs, such as Low Income Housing Tax Credits, HOME, State of Texas housing programs, public/private programs such as the Federal Home Loan Bank Affordable Housing Program, and private financing.

9. A commitment to a strong local presence and the ability to assign a full-time locally based Project Manager to the project.

10. Experience in the local housing market and understanding of local development and market conditions.

11. Extensive experience with or in governmental organizations, housing development and construction, private market financing, tax credits, and affordable housing programs.

Compliance with the following is required: Davis-Bacon Act and other Federal Labor Standards Provisions; Title VI and other applicable provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the Department of Labor Opportunity Clause (41CFR 40-1.4); Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; Executive Order 11625 (Utilization of Minority Business Enterprise); Enterprise Order 12138 (Utilization of Female Business Enterprise), which requires MHA to maximize minority and female business participation in all program activities; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits denial of benefits and discrimination under federally assisted programs on the basis of race, color, or national origin. Section 109 of the Community Development Act of 1974 prohibits discrimination in programs and activities.

Compliance is also required with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, which requires that to the greatest extent feasible, opportunities for training and employment be given to lower income residents of the project and contracts be awarded to business concerns which are located in, or owned in substantial part, by persons residing in the area of the project.


Submit all Proposals in response to this RFP to:

Beth Bentley

McKinney Housing Authority - OFFICE

1200 N. Tennessee Street

McKinney, Texas 75069

Phone: 972-542-5641

Fax: 972-8387




DUE: January 18, 2008 by 3:00 p.m. Housing Authority’s time stamp

Deadline for Submissions:

Time and date as shown on the cover of this document.

January 18, 2008 by 3:00 p.m. Housing Authority’s time stamp

A submission received after this time will be considered non-responsive.

Number of Copies:

Submit one (1) ORIGINAL (with signatures) labeled Original and seven (7) DUPLICATES.

All submittals of proposals should be bound and tabbed by section as follows:

1. LETTER OF INTENT – The Letter of Intent must identify all members of the Developer entity and be signed by an Officer, Managing Member, or the General Partner of the Developer entity. The Letter of Intent should identify all interested parties, the respective relationships between all principals, owners, agents, or employees of the Developer entity; and compensation expectations of all parties. Additionally, the Letter of Intent should address the organizational structure of the Developer entity.

2. PROJECT OBJECTIVES – A description of the developer’s capability to meet the MHA’s project plan.

3. PROJECT FEASIBILITY – A financial plan inclusive of timelines and proformas will include demonstrating the effectiveness of the respondent’s strategy.

4. CONCEPT DRAWINGS – A site plan, unit mix, and elevation will be provided for the project.

5. PARTNERSHIP – Discussion of the potential partner relationships between MHA and the proposer as it relates to ownership and management.

6. CERTIFICATIONS – Submit the following certifications:

a. Contractor’s Section 3 Compliance Affidavit1

b. Business Section Compliance Affidavit1

c. Estimated Project Work Force Breakdown Form and Employment Certification2

d. Estimated Project Work Force Breakdown Form and Employment Certification for Subcontractor’s Use2

e. MHA Section 3 Business Utilization Form

f. Non-Collusive Affidavit1

g. WBE & MBE1

7. QUALIFICATIONS – Provide a description of the qualifications of the Respondent, including resumes and defined proposed roles and responsibilities of each member of the proposed Development Team. The resumes should include the Respondent’s roles in past projects, along with its background in the type of projects the Respondent is proposing. This should include previous examples in high-quality residential low-income family projects.