Illinois State University Civil Service Council (CSC) Meeting February 15, 2011
Approved Minutes – motion by S. Cox, second by B. Blink
Present: Barb Arbogast, Bob Blick, Valerie Bridson, Tom Cotton, Sarita Cox, Jean Darnall, Dara Gibson, Christa Lawhun, Maureen Peel, Carol Pfoff, Andrea Rediger, Theresa Sanchez, Jan Jolynn Staley, Jason Taylor, Troy Zeigler
Not Present: none
Ex-Officio: Andrea Radliff
Guests: Jan Cook, Alyssa Mancso
The February 15, 2011 meeting was called to order by Chair T. Sanchez at 12:07 pm.
Minutes of the January 18 minutes were unanimously approved on a motion by J. Darnall and a second by B. Blick.
Chair Remarks
Chair Sanchez reported and read the posting for the opening of the: “Employee Advisory Committee Representative Election”. This position holds an ex-officio appointment to the Civil Service Council. It was noted that the voting location will be announced later and civil service employees will need to present an identification card before they are allowed to vote. The announcement is a part of these minutes.
Friday (2/18/11) is the next Board of Trustees meeting. Theresa was involved in writing the letter of the Campus Communication Committee and will be reading the letter at the meeting. The Master Plan is expected to be approved during the meeting.
Founder’s Day is Thursday (2/17/11) and Jan Cook will be one of the bell ringers that day.
Standing Committee Reports
OpenLine – The February 2011 OpenLine is out today, this issue contains lots of information. A. Rediger also reported she is happy to be able to report she has developed a list of contacts that have allowed the OpenLine to grow and contain more information.
Human Resources – A. Radliff was asked if the HR area would be offering training for the Staff Connect project. This project offers email, iCampus and internet access at locations throughout campus for those employees that do not have individual computer access and may not be familiar with using the technology.
Annuitants – J. Cook reported there are several pending legislation that could affect state employees that work at Universities and Community Colleges. She distributed three separate documents that note the proposed legislation
Questions were asked about posting information on the Civil Service Facebook page to inform people of the pending legislation. It was suggested that Larry Alferink, President of ISUAA, will be asked to write an article that could be included in the OpenLine to inform Civil Service Employees.
Committee Reports
The food drive will be held March 14 through April 8 with the donated items going to the Jesus House. The Jesus House is religious based organization that is open to all in need. They offer outreach to the community and are also a warming center.
A motion was made by A. Rediger and seconded by S. Cox to approve funds to purchase additional bins for collecting food drive donations. The motion was approved.
J. Darnall announced that Friday, May 27 has been set as the day for the ISU Cubs Bus Trip. The game will begin at 1:20 p.m. More information will come soon, the Cubs will face the Pittsburg Pirates.
Bylaws Committee has been meeting and will be presenting suggested changes to the full council at a later date.
T. Sanchez reported on a meeting with Julie Barnhill on the possibility of moving the Children’s Holiday Party to a University Event. During the discussion it was mentioned that a committee could be created to organize the event under the direction of the University Events Office. The Council looked into this option as a result of the scope of the event in the past few years.
After a lengthy discussion a motion was made by B. Arbogast and seconded by S. Cox to move the Children’s Holiday Party to the management of University Events with the stipulation that if University Events needs to drop the project in the future the CS Council would have the option of reclaiming ownership of the event. In addition, the committee will always include civil service representation and sponsorship. The motion was unanimously approved.
A motion to allow the executive committee the ability to distribute additional scholarship funds to recent awardees was approved on a motion by S. Cox and a second by T. Cotton.
J. Staley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:11 pm. The motion was seconded by B. Blick and approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Pfoff, Secretary
Reminders: Deadlines for next OpenLine –March 2, April 6, May 4, June 8
Upcoming CSC Meeting Dates –March 1, March 15, April 5, April 19, May 3, May 17, June 7, June 21
Websites of Interest:
· Civil Service Council:
· State Universities Civil Service System:
· SUCSS Classification Status Notices:
· ISU Annuitants Association:
· State Universities Annuitants Association:
· Human Resources:
· A/P Council:
· Academic Senate:
The next regular Civil Service Council Meeting will be March 1 in the 3 East Lounge at Bone Student Center.
Employee Advisory Committee Representative Election
On Tuesday, April 5, 2011, Civil Service staff will participate in an election of a new Employee Advisory Committee representative to the Civil Service Merit Board. Individuals interested in becoming a candidate can pick up a Petition for Candidacy and a Statement of Candidacy starting at 8:00 a.m., Monday, March 7, 2011, in the Human Resources office, Nelson Smith Building 101. The deadline to file the completed forms is by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 11, 2011.
More information regarding the election will be forthcoming after the filing deadline. If you have questions, please contact Sue Locke at 438-8843. Thank you.
Please post February 10, 2011, through March 11, 2011.