Each student will be required to complete each part of the project to earn credit for it. A project is a WSFCS requirement for all Honors students; therefore, an incomplete project earns an F in the class. This project will require most of the time allotted to you, so students are encouraged to begin immediately and work at a steady pace until the due date. Students are welcome to bring in their work periodically for the teacher to look at and give suggestions as they go, but this is not required. The project counts as 20% of the grade each quarter. The overview and the first part are explained below.

Kingdom Booklet

Part 1.

You are tasked with developing a booklet on the six kingdoms. You will use information compiled in the booklet to complete a multiple choice question test, for which you will receive a test grade. You need to complete all questions in the sections, include a version of the life function chart, and complete the required BioEducation Cards to receive full credit. Questions must be answered in complete sentences. The booklets may be typed or neatly handwritten. Any pictures and information must be cited if they come from a source other than your text book. Copying and pasting information from the internet or using information without citing it are considered plagiarism and will result in a zero (0) and a write up for honor code violation.

Archaebacteria and Eubacteria

1.  Give an example of photosynthetic bacteria. What is their major ecological contribution?

2.  Where would you find archaebacteria?

3.  Describe the three shapes of bacteria.

4.  To what domain do bacteria belong? Why?

5.  What is fermentation? How is it related to bacteria?


1.  What type of protist is a protozoan?

2.  List the three main types of algae.

3.  What is a slime mold?

4.  What protists can cause illness in human? Give two examples and describe their life cycle.


1.  What is lichen? What type of symbiotic relationship is it an example of?

2.  Why are fungi good indicators of pollution?

3.  In what ways can fungi reproduce?

4.  What is a spore?


Invertebrates—Insects and Worms

1.  Describe the main characteristics of a flat worm. Give three examples.

2.  What unique features allow movement in a segmented worm?

3.  Describe the main characteristics of an arthropod. Give three examples.

4.  What is a body cavity? How does circulation work in arthropods?

Vertebrates—Amphibians and Mammals

1.  List four characteristics of a vertebrate.

2.  Are vertebrates ectotherms or endotherms? What does this mean? What is the difference?

3.  How does gas exchange occur in amphibians?

4.  Which animals were first to develop an amniotic egg? What is an amniotic egg? Why are these an evolutionary advantage?

5.  What is the main advantage of a four-chambered heart in mammals?

6.  What are the three types of mammals? Briefly describe the characteristics of these three groups.


1.  What is a non-seed plant?

2.  Provide an example of a non-seed, non-vascular plant.

3.  Provide two examples of non-seed, vascular plants.

4.  Describe how a conifer reproduces.

5.  What adaptations exist for plants in cold or dry environments?

6.  What is an angiosperm?

7.  Compare and contrast monocots and dicots.

8.  Describe how pollination works.

9.  How does a fruit form?

Grading Rubric for Part 1: Due Date: April 10______

Title page / 5
Table of Contents / 5
6 sections with ALL information (2 pts/question) / 65
3 colored pictures in each section / 20
Polygenic tree showing kingdoms / 10
Life processes chart / 50
Presentation, includes grammar/formatting / 15

BioEducation Cards


Each student will be creating a set of educational cards for a set of 20 organisms. These cards will include specific required facts about each organism as well as random fun facts and a picture.

Part 2:

Organism Selection Completed by_March 19______

Each student will turn in a list of a VARIETY of 20 organisms they want to research as a part of their project. To help with the variety, each project MUST contain at least 1 of each of the following organisms. The remainder of the organisms can be of your own choosing.

bacteria - harmful / Protist-slime mold / Amphibian
bacteria - helpful / Fungus (no lichen) / Mammal-placental
Protist--algae / insect / Mammal-marsupial / Gymnosperm
Protist-protozoan / Annelid worm / Mammal-monotreme / angiosperm

Part 3:

Fact Finding

Students will gather the following information about the organisms they have chosen:

J  Common Name

J  Scientific Name (Genus species)

J  Classification (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, species)

J  World map showing natural Habitats

J  Status (Endangered, Overpopulated, Only found in zoos, normal distribution…)

J  Habitat preferences (Biome, temperature, ponds, salt water…)

J  Diet (What/how does it eat?)

J  A minimum of 5 really neat “fun facts”

J  What niche (role) it plays in the environment

J  Natural Predators

J  Color Picture – site source if you did not draw it

J  Written description

J  Cite source or sources for info about your organism on its card

Part 4:

Final Cards Completed April-May 24

Students should continue to gather the required information for each of their organisms and begin to determine the look of their final product.

Completed cards should have all of the information gathered about the organism in the same format on each one. Students should use the front and the back of the card. Location of the material should be determined by the creativity of the student. The card should be approximately 8x5. You may use index cards, white or colored paper, or be creative. Students should also place their full name discreetly on each card. The completed cards should be placed alphabetically by common name in some type of holding container– like a box or envelope.

Due 3rd Quarter Exam day: 1 of your completed final cards and your organism list

Due on Dates below: All 20 cards in a container with the student’s name on the outside along with the organism list.


(+10)____May 17-19______during the first 5 minutes of your class period

(Reg)____May 24______by 4:00

(-10)_____May 25______by 4:00 and -10 points each additional day.

Student earns a Zero, but must still turn in a project to pass the class after 4:00 on_____May 28______.

Organism List

bacteria – harmful
5—slime mold
Fungus (no lichen)
Annelid worm
Basic Information about Kingdoms
Kingdom / Type of Cell
(Eukaryotic or Prokaryotic) / Number of Cells
(unicellular or multicellular, or some of each) / How does it get energy?
(autotroph or heterotroph, or some of each) / Examples
(2 or more)
Kingdom / Animalia / Animalia / Animalia / Animalia
Phylum / Annelida / Arthropoda / Chordata / Chordata
Class / Insecta / Amphibia / Mammalia
(What type of digestive system?—one way or two way?)
Gas Exchange
(How do they take in oxygen?—Lungs, gills, skin, etc. or a combination)
Support & Movement
(what type of skeleton?
How do they move?—legs, etc.)
Internal Transport
(heart and circulatory system—how many chambers?)
(internal or external, etc)
(waste removal, kidneys or other structure)
(2 or more)