The MCA-N Livestock Market Efficiency Fund
requires the services of two individual consultants or consulting firm (hereinafter referred to as the “Consultant”) to provide the following services:
Summary of Services
Assessment of management approaches to FMD outbreaks in the Caprivi & development of viable alternatives for consideration (Activity no 4 of Phase II)
Outline of requirements:
1. Description of the present strategy for management of FMD in the Caprivi
a. Analysis of the technical strengths & weaknesses of the current approach
b. Assessment of the positive & negative socio-economic and environmental impacts of the current approach
2. Development of 2-4 alternative approaches to management of FMD outbreaks in the Caprivi taking the epidemiology of SAT serotype FMD in southern Africa/Caprivi into account and
a. Analyse comparative technical strengths & weaknesses of the alternatives & compare with the current strategy
b. Conduct a semi-quantitative or qualitative socio-economic/environmental impact analysis of the existing strategy and potential alternatives taking other studies and previous and current Project findings/data into account
3. Record of findings and conclusions
4. Written report on the methodology adopted, findings, conclusions & recommendations.
To achieve the above the Project team would benefit from the inputs of two independent consultants, one of international standing and the other with hands-on experience of managing TADs, FMD in particular, in Namibia/SADC Region.
This document sets out the application procedure and the Terms of Reference for the above assignment.
Location: Windhoek & the Caprivi
Anticipated Start Date: 1 July 2013
Duration of Assignment: 23 days
Application Procedure and Selection
Before applying, interested Consultants shall review the Terms of Reference, which provides a detailed description of the assignment and the qualifications and experience required of the Consultants.
Interested Consultants shall send their responses, which shall include an Expression of Interest (EOI) to be considered for the assignment including the date of availability, up-to-date CV demonstrating that the Consultant fulfils the minimum requirements described in the TOR, contact details (i.e., address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address, website, etc.), at least three references that can comment on the Consultant’s related work experience, and any other relevant information.
The selection shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures for Selection based on the Consultants’ Qualifications method set forth in Annex VI, Section 1.B. 3.7 of the MCA Namibia Procurement Rules (see the Procurement page on website for the Procurement Rules). The selected Consultants will be requested to submit separate technical and financial proposals for the assignment, which, together with the Consultant’s EOI will be used for the negotiation of a fixed-price contract between the Consultant and MCA-N Livestock Market Efficiency Fund.
Interested Consultants shall submit their responses in the standard MCA-N EOI format (Attachment 1) to:
Dr Susanne Thalwitzer, Meat board of Namibia, P O Box 38, Windhoek, NamibiaAlternatively the following e-mail address can be used:
Deadline for the submission of responses: 13h00 on Tuesday 4 June 2013
Attachment 1: Expression of Interest Forms
Expression of Interest: Form 1
[Location, Date]
Dear Sir,
Re: Consultancy for MCA-N Livestock Market Efficiency Fund
I/We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for the abovementioned assignment in accordance with your Request for Consultant’s Qualifications dated [Insert Date] and this Expression of Interest.
I/We hereby submit my/our Expression of Interest, which will be open for acceptance for a period of 60 (sixty) days.
I/We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this Expression of Interest are true and accept that any misrepresentation contained in it may lead to my/our disqualification.
If negotiations are held during the initial period of validity of the Expression of Interest, I/ We undertake to negotiate on the basis of the availability of the proposed team member(s) for the assignment.
My/Our Expression of Interest is binding upon myself/ourselves and subject to the modifications resulting from Contract negotiations, and I/We undertake, if my/our proposal is accepted, to initiate the consulting services related to the assignment not later than [insert the date on which you will be available to commence with the assignment]
I/We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal that you may receive.
Yours sincerely,
Name and title of SignatoryAddress of Consultant
Expression of Interest: Form 2
Experience of the Consultant
[Using the format below, provide information on each relevant assignment for which your firm was legally contracted either individually as a corporate entity or as one of the major companies within an association, for carrying out consulting services similar to the ones requested under the Terms of Reference included in this RCQ. The Proposal must demonstrate that the Consultant has a proven track record of successful experience in executing projects similar in substance, complexity, value, duration, and volume of services sought in this procurement.
Maximum 20 pages]
Assignment name: / Approx. value of the contract (in current US$):Country:
Location within country: / Duration of assignment (months):
Name of client / Total No. of staff-months of the assignment:
Address: / Approx. value of the services provided by your firm under the contract (in current US$):
Start date (month/year):
Completion date (month/year): / No. of professional staff-months provided by associated consultants:
Name of associated consultants, if any: / Name of proposed senior professional staff of your firm involved and functions performed (indicate most significant profiles such as project director/coordinator, team leader):
Narrative description of project:
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Name of Firm: ______
Expression of Interest: Form 3
Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Proposed Key
Professional Personnel
2. Name of Firm / [Insert name of firm proposing the staff]
3. Name of Personnel / [Insert full name]
4. Date of Birth / [Insert birth date] / Nationality / [Insert nationality]
5. Education / [Indicate college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving names of institutions, degrees obtained, and dates of obtainment].
6. Membership in Professional Associations
7. Other Training / [Indicate appropriate postgraduate and other training]
8. Countries of Work Experience / [List countries where staff has worked in the last ten years]
9. Languages / [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading, and writing]
Language / Speaking / Reading / Writing
10. Employment Record / [Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held by staff member since graduation, giving for each employment (see format here below): dates of employment, name of employing organization, positions held.]
From [year]: / To [year]:
Position(s) held:
11. Detailed Tasks Assigned / [List all tasks to be performed under this assignment]
12. Work undertaken that best illustrates capability to handle the tasks assigned: / [Among the assignments in which the staff has been involved, indicate the following information for those assignments that best illustrate staff capability to handle the tasks listed under point 11.]
Name of assignment or project:
Main project features:
Position held:
Activities performed:
13. References:
List at least three individual references with substantial knowledge of the person’s work. Include each reference’s name, title, phone and e-mail contact information. MCA Namibia reserves the right to contact other sources as well as to check references, in particular for performance on any relevant MCC-funded projects.
14. Certification:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes me, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I agree to participate with the [Consultant] in the above-mentioned Request for Proposal. I further declare that I am able and willing to work:
1. for the period(s) foreseen in the specific Terms of Reference attached to the above referenced Request for Consultants’ Qualifications for the position for which my CV has been included in the offer of the Consultant and
2. within the implementation period of the specific contract.
Signature of Key Professional PersonnelIf this form has NOT been signed by the Key Professional Personnel, then in signing below the authorized representative of the Consultant is making the following declaration.
“In due consideration of my signing herewith below, if the Key Professional Personnel has NOT signed this CV then I declare that the facts contained therein are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true and fair statement AND THAT I confirm that I have approached the said Key Professional Personnel and obtained his assurance that he will maintain his availability for this assignment if the Contract is agreed within the Proposal validity period provided for in the RCQ.”
Signature of Authorized Representative of the Consultant
Day / month/ year
Assessment of management approaches to FMD outbreaks in the Caprivi & development of viable alternatives for consideration (Activity no 4 of Phase II)
The Caprivi Region in the North-eastern part of Namibia is subject to FMD outbreaks, mainly due to the presence of free-roaming buffaloes using the same land as livestock. In the case of an FMD outbreak, current measures applied include the restriction on export of meat and meat products from the Region for a minimum of 6 months following the last confirmed case. This leads to the export abattoir operated by MeatCo to be closed for a lengthy period, a decrease of local meat and livestock prices and increased pressure on rangeland. Alternative veterinary measures will be investigated which should allow for alleviation of above mentioned situation by at the same time assuring that the disease is being efficiently controlled and managed.
International consultant
The consultant will be demonstrably recognised as knowledgeable and with first-hand experience in/of:
(i) the practical management of TADs in a variety of geographic and socio-economic settings;
(ii) international standards and practices associated with management of TADs and associated trade in commodities and products derived from animals;
(iii) the epidemiology of SAT serotype FMD in southern Africa;
(iv) international agencies and standard-setting bodies and their requirements in the field of TADs and food safety;
(v) assessment policies and strategies for management of major TADs including FMD.
Regional consultant
(i) the practical management of FMD in southern African/Namibian by official veterinary services with established understanding of the principles that currently guide their approach;
(ii) a sound understanding of the historic and current approaches to FMD management in Namibia;
(iii) a sound understanding of the epidemiology of FMD in southern Africa & its trade impacts;
(iv) a good personal relationship with Namibia’s Directorate of Veterinary Services and other stakeholders in Namibia concerned with livestock production and wildlife conservation.
Expected outcomes
· Assessment of current DVS measures applied following an FMD outbreak
· Investigation of alternative measures with less negative social and economics impacts
- Draft report and presentation to DVS (6 August 2013)
- Final report (20 August 2013)
These consultancies need to run concurrently over a 3 months period and ideally will comprise:
· An initial 10 working-day fact-finding mission to Windhoek/Caprivi, involving in-depth consultation with all major stake-holders, including Namibia’s Directorate of Veterinary Services (the MCA Project will assist in identifying other stake-holders) and relevant conservation bodies;
· Five working days for assessment of the findings of the fact-finding mission & development of possible alternative approaches;
· Five days for writing a concise but detailed report by the leader of the MCA Project;
· A further 3 days to react to comments on the report supplied by the leader of the MCA-N Caprivi Project.
Total time
· International consultant – 23 days
· Local consultant – 18 days