General Gymnastics Floor & Vault Competition Structure 2012
Last updated: 16 August 2011
Kent Gymnastics, General Gymnastics Technical Committee
Jon Green (Secretary)
General Gymnastics Competition Format 2011
There will be six levels of competition opportunity. Whilst it is expected that most gymnasts will commence at Key StepOR Novice Level, the coach should ensure that theycommence the programme at the most appropriate level according to their ability. For example, gymnasts who already perform ‘C’ skills at a competent level should commence at Intermediate rather than ‘medal hunt’ at Novice Level. *Gymnasts who have transferred to General Gymnasticsfrom another discipline will commence at the most appropriate level, following a time lapse from competition decided by the GGTC (at least six months), or dispensation from the GGTC. In either case you must apply to the GGTC as detailed in the diagram on page 1, at least two months before the date of the competition. Each case will be decided on its merits and in the interests of fairness to ALL participants and in the interests of the sport as a whole, and will follow liaison between the countyGGTC, the other TC concerned, and in some cases the regional chair of the GGTC.
Key Step Minimum age: Must be 6 years old in calendar year of the competition
For gymnasts who are too young for Novice level, who have never competed in any County/Regional competition or who scored less than 17.00 overall in a County/ Regional event. Gymnasts will be required to move up to Novice level* at the next County/Regional event once a score of 17.00 has been achieved, but may move up to the next level without achieving the standard at the discretion of the coach.(*providing they are 7 years old on or prior to the day of the Novice competition.)
Novice Minimum age: Must be 7 years old on or prior to the day of the competition.
For gymnasts who have never competed in any County / Region competition, or who have competed at Introductory level and scored 17.00 or higher, also those that have competed at Novice level previously and scored below 14.00. Gymnasts will be required to move up to the next level once a score of 14.00 has been achieved, but may move up to the next level without achieving the standard at the discretion of the coach.
Intermediate Age group = Age on day of birthday in calendar year of competition
For gymnasts who have already competed at Intermediate level and scored 15.49 or less, or who have competed at Novice level and scored 14.00 or higher.
A gymnast scoring 15.50 or more will be required to move up to Bronze Level, but may move up to the next level without achieving the standard at the discretion of the coach.
Bronze Age group = Age on day of birthday in calendar year of competition
For gymnasts who have already competed at Bronze level and scored 15.99 or less, also those that have competed at Intermediate level and scored 15.00 or higher. A gymnast scoring 16.00 or more will be required to move up to Silver Level, but may move up to the next level without achieving the standard at the discretion of the coach.
Silver Age group = Age on day of birthday in calendar year of competition
For gymnasts who have already competed at Silver level and scored 16.99.or less, and those that have competed at Bronze level and scored 16.00 or more. A gymnast scoring 17.00 or more at Silver Level will be required to move up to Gold Level, but may move up to the next level without achieving the standard at the discretion of the coach. Gymnasts who achieve a minimum score of 8.50 on floor and 7.50 on vault will be required to move up to Gold level.
Gold Age group = Age on day of birthday in calendar year of competition
For gymnasts who have already competed at Gold level, and those that have competed at Silver level and scored 17.00 or higher.
The rules set out below reinforce good standards of behaviour and a code of conduct that is expected fromBritish Gymnastics members at Gymnastics events.
To ensure friendly and fun events for all concerned, you are asked to ensure that all those involved with any General Gymnastics events are aware of these rules.
Failure to adhere to the rules will result in the withdrawal of the gymnast and may negate the coach’s BG insurance.
Coach Qualification criteria:
The coach must hold a minimum qualification of Level 2 Coach or above in General Gymnastics or Artistic Gymnastics.
The coach must hold an Award appropriate to the skills being performed by the gymnast.
A Level 1 coach may assist a more highly qualified coach but only to the level to which they are qualified.
A Trainee/Award Scheme coach may assist a qualified coach with minor duties (e.g holding up gymnast numbers, etc).
Coaches must hold current BG membership, proof of which may be asked for at registration.
The following Code of Dress should be adhered to during events:
- Coaches must wear a tracksuit or tracksuit bottoms & fleece, a collared polo shirt or club t-shirt (no shorts or vest tops), and suitable footwear (no shoes, flip-flops).
- Jewellery, body piecing and adornments are not permitted. Rings that cannot be removed must be sufficiently covered with protective tape.
- Long hair should be tied back.
- Long fingernails present a risk to the gymnast and the coach and should therefore be kept reasonably short.
- Dress code for Gymnasts: Leotards (full-length one piece leotard [unitard], shorts and close fitting t-shirt, leotard with leggings/footless tights or shorts will be allowed).
Gymnasts should work in bare feet. For reasons of safety covering the face or the head is not allowed.
The coach has a duty to ensure that each gymnast is adequately prepared for the event.During warm-up, judges may ask for a move to be removed if deemed unsafe to execute.
It is the responsibility of the Competition Organiser / Welfare Officer as well as the coachNOT to let gymnasts continue to compete if they are showing signs of injury.
It is the responsibility of the club to ensure that all parents/carers are aware of the new policy (Aug 2008) re photography, available on the BG website.
Accredited photographers may be present at events. By entering an event, there is an acceptance that the participant may be photographed.
- Gymnasts may not enter General Gymnastics events if they are part of any discipline specific squad (e.g. W/A M/A squad, Development squad etc), and must not havecompeted in any discipline specific event.
- Gymnasts must be members of British Gymnastics. Proof of membership may be asked for at registration.
- Only correctly completed entry forms will be accepted and must be submitted no later than the closing date. Late entries will not be accepted.The correct entry fee,and separate participation fee, must be enclosed.
- In age group competitions different ages may be grouped together depending on numbers entered. This will be decided by the Competition Organiser.
- Each club will be required to nominate a judge for the event, who must have given their permission to be nominated.
- Each club must provide 2 volunteers to assist with the running of the event.
- It is the responsibility of the club to ensure that their volunteers have a clear understanding of what is required of them in terms of time and task.
- Coaches have responsibility for ensuring the good behaviour of their supporters.
- The participation cheque will be returned to the club after the competition providing that the judge and volunteers have been provided as required.
- Gymnast numbers should be returned at the end of the competition.
- Floor Music: Competitors may not use any form of music from Andrew Lloyd - Webber, Disney, Pixar or Cirque du Soleil*
- Music must be provided on a properly formatted CD and clearly labeledwith the gymnast’s name and club, and should be collected at the end of the competition.Bring a spare copy!
The Competition Organiser’s decision is final on all matters.
Key Step, Novice and Intermediate Level
Floor routines will be performed along a strip of mats (2m x 12m max), moving up and down the strip as required.
No music will be allowed.
Bronze, Silver and Gold levels
Floor routines will be performed on a 12m x 12m floor area. Music must be used by Female gymnasts at this level. Time: 45 – 90 seconds.
Novice Level / Intermediate Level / Bronze, Silver and Gold levelsMaximum 10 elements from the list, linked to each other but without additional linkages/dance moves.
There must be two moves from each of the groups. No music allowed.
May only perform elements from A and B lists. / Max 10 elements from the list directly linked to each other or with additional linkages/dance moves.
There must be two moves from each of the groups. No music allowed.
May only perform elements from A, B and C lists. / Floor routines must include 10 differentagilities from the list.
At least two moves, but no more than four, must be from each of the groups.
Links/dance moves should be used to connect the routine.
Routine Construction
- Gymnasts are encouraged to select moves form travelling, flight, balance, rotation, flexibility and strength to create a varied routine.
- All entries and exits are optional for NOVICE only.
- Up to two skills may be replaced with ones from a higher category. E.g. a group 1 ‘C’ skill may replace a group 1 ‘B’ skill.
- Elements will score once only in an exercise.
- Gymnasts must have 8 elements before bonus skills can be given.
- Difficulty content can be included within the special requirements e.g. split leap(120 degree split), cat leap would give you the special requirement of 1x leap/jump series group 1 (B or above) and would also provide you with 2x B elements.
- An acrobatic flight series should consist of 2 or more elements to be classed as a series e.g. round off flic or handspring to 1 handspring to 2.
- Bonus skills should not be included in the special requirements or the difficulty content.
- Prompting the gymnast will be deducted at 0.1 each time, to maximum of 0.3 if it occurs throughout the routine.
Marks will be deducted for poor execution during the whole routine. All moves and all links will attract deductions when performed poorly or not at all. These deductions will be 0.1, 0.3, or 0.5 depending on severity. Lack of links, poor use of floor and excessive use of jumps and leaps will be deducted, depending on severity, under artistry.
(please see attachment for further explanation) / VAULT
Performers allowed ONE attempt at either 1 or 2 below.
The floor sequence will be performed on a floor strip.
The sequences are ‘set’, ie they must be performed as written down. / Performers allowed 2 attempts at either (1) or (2) Best score to count
Apparatus height: optional height approximately 90 – 100 cms (3 layers of wooden box or medium height movement table.)
For gymnasts who turned 6 in the calendar year of the competition up to and including the date of the competition.
e.g. for a competition on 24.06.12. children born between 1.1.06 and 24.06.06. / FLOOR ROUTINE KEY STEP 2
For 6-year-old gymnasts who will turn 7 in the calendar year of the competition, but have not yet had their 7th birthday.
i.e. children born between 25.06.05 and 31.12.05. / If doing KS 1 = vault 1, if doing KS 2 = vault 2
(1)Few short running steps, squat onto 60 cm block, walk to end, straight jump to land with control.
(2)Few short running steps to take off springboard and squat on 1 meter (approx) box placed lengthways.
Stand, walk to end of box and perform straight or tucked jump to land on floor mats.
The Floor will be judged out of 10.00 marks.
Each skill in the sequence has a value mark of 1.0 mark.
If a gymnast misses out a skill then they will automatically lose 1.0 mark.
Execution of 9 moves (9.0 maximum)
Flow / Posture / Body tension / Overall impression 1.00 / Vault completion 2.0
Approach & First Flight 2.0
Shape & Control 3.0
Second Flight 2.0
Control of Landing 1.0
Max achievable score 10.00 / Max achievable score 10.00
Start Value (S.V) 8.00
/ Start Value (S.V) 8.40 / Start Value (S.V) 8.80 /Start Value (S.V) 8.50
/ Start Value (S.V) 8.40Difficulty Content: 1.60
8 x ‘A’ elements @0.2ea. 1.60
/ Difficulty Content: 2.004 x ‘A’ elements 0.80
4 x ‘B’ elements 1.20 / Difficulty Content: 2.60
2 x ‘A’ elements 0.40
4 x ‘B’ elements 1.20
2 x ‘C’ elements 1.00 /
Difficulty Content 2.70
1 x ‘B’ element 0.302 x ‘C’ elements 1.00
2 x ‘D’ elements 1.40 / Difficulty Content: 2.60
2 x ‘B’ elements 0.60
1 x ‘C’ element 0.50
1x ‘D’ element 0.70
1x ‘E’ element 0.80
Max 10 agilities
/ Max 10 agilities / Min 10 different agilities /Min 10 different agilities
/ Min 10 different agilitiesSpecial Requirements: 1.00
2 x skills from Group 1
1 x held position from Group 2 1 x acrobatic skill -Group 3/ 4
1 x acrobatic skill -Group 4 / Special Requirements 1.00
1 x ‘B’ skill from Group 1
1 x held position (2 sec) Group 2
2 x held positions (2 sec) Group 2
1 x skill from Group 1
1 x acrobatic skill – Group 3 or 4
1 x flight skill from Group 4 / Special Requirements: 0.80
1 x leap/jump series
Group 1(both ‘B’ or above)
1 x mixed series - Group 1 + 1 other group(both ‘B’ or above)
1 x acrobatic skill – Group 3 or 4
1 x ‘C’ flight skill – Group 4 / Special Requirements: 0.60
1 x leap/jump series
Group 1(both ‘B’ or above)
1 x mixed series - Group 1 + 1 other group(both ‘B’ or above) Acrobatic series of 2 flight skills - ‘C’ or above) / Special Requirements 0.60
1 x leap/jump series
Group 1 (both ‘C’ or above)
1 x mixed series - Group 1 + 1 other group (both ‘C’ or above) Acrobatic series of 3 flight skills (‘D’ or above)
Execution: 5.00
Artistry/linkage: 0.40 / Execution 5.00
Artistry/linkage: 1.00 / Execution: 5.00
Artistry/linkage: 0.40 / Execution: 5.00
Artistry/linkage 0.20 / Execution: 5.00
Artistry/linkage 0.20
Bonus (optional): 0.6 0
/ Bonus (optional ): 1.00 / Bonus (optional): 1.20 /Bonus (optional): 1.50
/ Bonus (optional): 1.601 x ‘B’ skill 0.30
1 x ‘B’ skill 0.30
(must be from different groups) / 1 x ‘C’ skill 0.50
1 x ‘C’ skill 0.50
(must be from different groups) / 1x ‘C’ Acro flight series 0.50 1x ‘D’ (from Groups 1,2,3) 0.70 / 1 x ‘E’ element 0.80
1 x (‘D’)Acro flight series 0.70 / 1x ‘E’ element 0.80
(Group 2,3,4)
1x‘E’ Acro flightseries 0.80
Max achievable score 8.60
/ Max achievable score 10.00 / Max achievable score 10.00 /Max achievable score 10.00
/ Max achievable score 10.00Please note
Routine construction: As long as the gymnast has the required amount of moves (i.e TWO from EACH group), it does not matter where the bonus moves are in the routine
‘A’ ELEMENTS (0.2 ea)
/‘B’ ELEMENTS (0.3ea)
/‘C’ ELEMENTS (0.5 ea)
/ ‘D’ ELEMENTS (0.7ea) / ‘E’ ELEMENTS (0.8ea)GROUP 1
/ GROUP 1 / GROUP 1 / GROUP 1Straight jump
Tuck jump
Star jumpJump ½ turn /
Jump full turn
W jump(1 leg tucked,1 straight fwd)
Split leap or jump (120 split)Stag leap or jump
Scissor jump
Cat leap / Jump 1 ½ turnStraddle jump
Split leap or jump (150 split)
Full spin
Tuck jump ½ turn
Cat leap ½ turn / 1½ Spin
Jump double turn
Split leap or jump (180 split)
Change leg split leap or jump (180 split)
Cat leap full turn
Tuck jump full turn
Straddle jump (feet hip high) / Double spin
Full spin with 1 leg extended
Straddle jump shushunova
Change leg split leap / split leap
Split leap / cat leap full turn
Split leap / sissone
Split leap / W jump
Straddle jump / pike jump
Full turn jump / straddle jump
/ GROUP 2 / GROUP 2 / GROUP 2 / GROUP 21 leg balance
Splits (front or side)Japana, (chest angle 45 or less)
Piked V sit (with hand support)½ lever (1 foot resting on floor)
Front or back support - (lower to floor or push up to support)
Shoulder stand (hips supported)
/ ArabesqueJapana (flat back, chest to floor)
½ lever held for 2 seconds(straight or straddled)
Piked V sit (without hand support)Shoulder stand (unsupported)
/ Y scale (leg above waist height)Press to handstand from straddle stand (‘elephant lift’).
Straddle lever from floor to handstand.
Tucked hold (press off knees) / Y scale (leg lifted to shoulder height)
Press to handstand from straddle stand full turn
V sit (‘Russian lever’) held 2 seconds (with hand support only on floor.)
3 way splits
Straddle lever from floor to handstand / Straddle lever to handstand full turn
From splits position lift to handstand
Straddle lever to handstand return to straddle lever
Tucked top planchě (held)
/ GROUP 3 / GROUP 3Roll sideways (optional shapes – e.g straight, arched)
Side tucked (‘egg’) roll (leg shape optional)
Circle (‘teddy bear’) roll
Forward RollBackward Roll /Straddle / Forward roll to straddle stand
Backward roll to pike stand
Handstand forward roll
Handstand ½ turn
Backward walkover
/ Forward roll with straight legsHandstand fwd roll
(with straight arms throughout)
Backward roll through handstandHandstand full pirouette
Forward walkover /
Handstand fwd roll piked exit (with straight arms throughout)
Backward roll to handstand (with straight arms throughout)Handstand 1½ pirouette
Tic toc / Backward roll to handstand, half or full pirouette (with straight arms throughout)
Handstand double pirouette
/ GROUP 4 / GROUP 4 / GROUP 4 / GROUP 4Bridge
Headstand (leg shape optional)Handstand
Cartwheel / Cartwheel ¼ turn inCartwheel ¼ turn out
1 armed cartwheel
2 consecutive cartwheels side to side (optional entry & exit position)
Dive cartwheel (must show flight)
Roundoff jump (optional shape) / Standing flic to 2 feet
Standing flic to 1 foot
Handspring to 2 feet
Handspring to 1 foot
2 handsprings (both must show flight) 1 – 2 feet