Request for Information to Complete Information Certificate
Body Corporate Community Management Act (BCCM Form 13)
Fees apply under Section 205 of the BCCM Act to the preparation and supply to interested persons of an Information Certificate (BCCM Form 13) and will need to be paid before the certificate is supplied. There is also an additional fee for the supply of a Certificate of Currency.
The information is provided exclusively in relation to the Lot mentioned. No warranty is given as to the accuracy or adequacy of the information which has been taken from the records of the Body Corporate as at the date of this Statement. The Seller or its Agent should make their own enquiries and conduct their own search of the records of the Body Corporate. The Body Corporate and/or its servants and agents accept no responsibility or liability to any party for any errors or omissions whatsoever contained in the Statement.
Name of Body Corporate (building name)*:
Which Lot Number is the report required*:
Lot Owners Name*:
Lot Owners Contact Details*:
How is report to be delivered*: Emailreport to:
Owner AgentLawyer :
- Email Address:
- Contact’s Name if to be sent to Agent/Lawyer:
- Name of Company:
Fees (please tick as required)*:
Information Certificate$61.27(inc. GST) – normal – processed and returned within 7 days
Urgent Certificate$84.26 (inc. GST) – URGENT required within 24 hours from receipt of payment
Certificate of Currency$22.00 (inc. GST)Total to be Charged: $
How will you be paying for this report? *:
BPAY (Make this payment via internet or phone from your cheque, savings or credit card account).
Biller Code: 96503 Ref:2121584551 0000 0000 12
(Please include a copy of your Bank Confirmation with your request)
Make a Credit Card Payment
Card Type: MasterCard Visa
Card Number:Expiry Month: Year:
Name on Card:
Email address for Receipt:
I have made a Credit Card Payment via the BCP Strata website
You can make a credit card payment using SecurePay via the BCP Strata website ( Go to Client Services/Request Forms and follow instructions.
I have made a Credit Card Payment via the Telephone to BCP Strata
Call our office and speak to one of our staff to organise payment over the telephone.
(Please print name):
* Mandatory Fields - Information must be supplied for your request to be processed