Elements and Compounds Everywhere!!!
Choose one element, one ionic compound, and one covalent compound used in the home or workplace (See some ideas). For each, find information that reliably answers the questions. In each section, copy and paste the URL to cite your sources. Use the table below as a template if you wish. Otherwise, use the following headings:
4)Raw Materials
5)How it is Produced
6)Safety and Hazards
Due Friday.
Element: / SourcesName products which use this substance.
What are the uses for this element or compound?
What are the raw materials needed to make this? Where do they come from? Does Canada play a role?
How is this material produced or manufactured?
Where are the factories located? Does Canada play a role? Describe the process.
Are there safety concerns with this product? Describe them.
Ionic Compound: / Sources
Name products which use this substance.
What are the uses for this element or compound?
What are the raw materials needed to make this? Where do they come from? Does Canada play a role?
How is this material produced or manufactured?
Where are the factories located? Does Canada play a role? Describe the process.
Are there safety concerns with this product? Describe them.
Choose one use. What are the alternatives to using this chemical?
Which way is best in your opinion, and why?
Covalent Compound: / Sources
Name products which use this substance.
What are the uses for this element or compound?
What are the raw materials needed to make this? Where do they come from? Does Canada play a role?
How is this material produced or manufactured?
Where are the factories located? Does Canada play a role? Describe the process.
Are there safety concerns with this product? Describe them.
Choose one use. What are the alternatives to using this chemical?
Which way is best in your opinion, and why?
Performance Indicators
Level 1: Not yet within expectations
Level 2: Meets expectations (minimal level)
Level 3: Fully meets expectations
Level 4: Exceeds expectations
Support for Topic•provides details to support ideas
•detects bias or inaccurate approaches
•uses reliable references / 0-3
Student does not
support ideas nor
assess approaches.
2 or fewer references shown. / 4-6
Student can support
ideas with details, but
has difficulty assessing approaches.
3 references shown / 7-8
Student gives detailed
supports and assesses approaches.
4-5 references shown / 9-10
Student enhances
ideas through details, responds to and
assesses approaches.
6 or more references
Grammar and Punctuation
•finds and fixes mechanical and grammatical errors
for final report / 0-2
Student often leaves
serious errors in reports. / 3
Student tries to rid
report of serious errors. / 4
Student usually finds
and fixes most errors before final report. / 5
No errors in
final report.
•Uses language that is appropriate for intended audience in technical vocabulary and description / 0-2
Student shows
little awareness
of audience. / 3
Student tries to
produce project
for audience. / 4
Student links project
to audience. / 5
Student designs
project for audience.
Total: /20