Reproductive System


Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

____ 1. The lower temperature in the scrotum is essential for the production of sperm.

____ 2. The vas (ductus) deferens acts as both a passageway and a temporary storage area for sperm.

____ 3. The vas (ductus) deferens is the tube that is cut to produce sterility in the male.

____ 4. Both the prostate gland and Cowper’s glands produce an alkaline fluid that provides a more favorable environment for the sperm.

____ 5. The ejaculatory ducts are two short tubes formed by the union of the vas deferens and the seminal vesicles.

____ 6. Testosterone is responsible for the secondary male sex characteristics.

____ 7. The ovaries produce hormones that produce secondary sexual characteristics.

____ 8. Fertilization usually takes place in the uterus.

____ 9. The lateral ends of the fallopian tubes are attached to the ovaries.

____ 10. The narrow bottom section of the uterus that attaches to the vagina is the cervix.

____ 11. The breasts contain lobes separated into sections by connective and fatty tissue.

____ 12. Testicular cancer occurs most frequently in men over 65 years of age.

____ 13. The American Cancer Society recommends that men begin monthly testicular self-examinations at the age of 15.

____ 14. Mammograms and ultrasonography can often detect tumors or masses in the breast up to two years before the tumor or mass can be felt.

____ 15. The ureter carries both urine from the urinary bladder and semen from the reproductive tubes of the male.

____ 16. A transurethral resection is used to surgically remove the testes when testicular cancer is present.

____ 17. The middle muscular layer of the uterus is the perimetrium.

____ 18. An adult female should perform a breast self-examination every month at the end of menstruation or on a scheduled day of the month after menopause.

____ 19. If not treated, STDs can cause serious chronic conditions and, in some cases, sterility or death.

____ 20. A PSA blood test is done to check for the presence of the HIV virus that causes AIDS.

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. The male gonads are the ____.

a. / testes / c. / ovaries
b. / scrotum / d. / epididymis

____ 2. The male tubes where the sperm mature and become motile are the ____.

a. / vas deferens / c. / epididymis
b. / seminal vesicles / d. / ejaculatory ducts

____ 3. The male tubes that produce a thick, yellow fluid rich in sugar to nourish the sperm are the ____.

a. / vas deferens / c. / epididymis
b. / seminal vesicles / d. / ejaculatory ducts

____ 4. The gland in the male that contracts during ejaculation to aid in the expulsion of the semen into the urethra is the ____.

a. / Cowper’s gland / c. / Bartholin’s gland
b. / bulbourethral gland / d. / prostate gland

____ 5. The proper name for the foreskin on the penis that is removed surgically during a circumcision is ____.

a. / prostate / c. / prepuce
b. / vulva / d. / glans penis

____ 6. Fingerlike projections on the ends of the fallopian tubes that help move the ovum are called ____.

a. / rugae / c. / fimbriae
b. / cilia / d. / villi

____ 7. The innermost layer of the uterus that deteriorates and causes the bleeding known as menstruation is the ____.

a. / myometrium / c. / epithelium
b. / endometrium / d. / vulva

____ 8. The glands in the female that secrete mucus for lubrication during intercourse are the ____.

a. / Bartholin’s glands / c. / bulbourethral glands
b. / Cowper’s glands / d. / vulva glands

____ 9. The two folds of fatty tissue covered with hair that enclose and protect the vagina are the ____.

a. / vulva / c. / clitoris
b. / labia minora / d. / labia majora

____ 10. The proper term for the area between the vagina and anus in the female is the ____.

a. / perineum / c. / clitoris
b. / vulva / d. / pelvic floor

____ 11. The sexually transmitted disease characterized by a greenish-yellow discharge, burning when urinating, sore throat, and swollen glands is ____.

a. / gonorrhea / c. / chlamydia
b. / herpes / d. / trichomonas vaginalis

____ 12. A drop of silver nitrate or antibiotic is routinely placed in the eyes of newborn babies to prevent ____.

a. / syphilis
b. / gonorrhea
c. / Chlamydia
d. / acquired immune deficiency syndrome

____ 13. Treatment for prostatic carcinoma includes ____.

a. / radiation / c. / prostatectomy
b. / estrogen therapy / d. / all of the above

____ 14. The top section of the uterus that provides for the attachment of the fallopian tubes is the ____.

a. / fundus / c. / corpus
b. / body / d. / cervix


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
b. / Cervical cancer
c. / Chlamydia
d. / Endometriosis
e. / Epididymitis
f. / Gonorrhea
g. / Herpes
h. / Orchitis
i. / Ovarian cancer
j. / Pelvic inflammatory disease
k. / Premenstrual syndrome
l. / Prostatic hypertrophy
m. / Pubic lice
n. / Syphilis
o. / Trichomonas vaginalis

____ 1. Viral infection that attacks the body’s immune system

____ 2. An inflammation of the testes

____ 3. Common condition in men over age 50

____ 4. Condition that can be detected early by a Pap smear

____ 5. Growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus

____ 6. STD caused by parasitic protozoa that results in a white or yellow foul-smelling discharge

____ 7. STD caused by a spirochete that often starts with a painless chancre or sore

____ 8. Parasites that can be spread sexually or by clothing or bed linen

____ 9. STD caused by a virus that creates fluid-filled vesicles that rupture and form painful ulcers

____ 10. Inflammation of the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries

____ 11. Common cause of cancer death with vague initial symptoms

____ 12. STD caused by a specialized bacterium that lives as an intracellular parasite