DECISIONS REQUIRED : (i) To appoint the representatives on the outside bodies named for 2016/17

(ii) To delegate appointed to any vacancies to the Head of Legal, Democratic and Strategy Services in consultation with the Group Leaders

Outside Body / No of Representatives / Current Representatives / Nominations 2016/17
Bearwood Community Association / 1 / Councillor Jane Newell / Councillor Jane Newell
Bournemouth International Airport Consultative Committee / 1 + 1 Deputy / Councillor Mohan Iyengar
(Deputy) Councillor Xena Dion / Councillor Mohan Iyengar
Deputy – Councillor Andy Garner-Watts
Bournemouth Orchestras Council / 1 / Councillor Ron Parker (Substitutes Councillor Joanne Tomlin, Councillor Vishal Gupta) / Councillors Ron Parker (Substitutes Councillors Joanne Tomlin, Vishal Gupta)
Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Minerals & Waste Policy Joint Advisory Committee / 3 / Councillor David Newell, Councillor Ray Tindle, Councillor John Rampton / Councillor John Rampton (Substitutes: Councillors Garner-Watts and Tindle)
Canford Park Sports Park Joint Committee / 2 / Councillor David Brown, VACANCY / Councillor David Brown, VACANCY
Children’s Services Governance Board / 3 / Councillor Janet Walton
2 vacancies / Councillors Mike White, John Challinor, (Opposition vacancy)
Countryside Recreation Strategy for SE Dorset – Steering Group (Greenlink) / 1 + 1 Deputy / Councillor Xena Dion, Councillor John Challinor (Deputy) / Councillors Mohan Iyengar, Ray Tindle (Deputy)
Creekmoor Community Association / 1 / Councillor John Rampton / Councillor John Rampton
Dorset/Wilts Fire Authority (*subject to political balance) / 3 / Councillor Les Burden, Councillor Phil Eades, Councillor Ann Stribley / Councillors Les Burden, Phil Eades, Ann Stribley
Dorset Archaeological Committee / 1 / Councillor Marion Pope / Councillor Marion Pope
Dorset Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / 1 / Councillor Vishal Gupta / Councillor Vishal Gupta
Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole Local Access Forum / 1 / Councillor Andy Hadley / Councillor Andy Hadley
Dorset and South Wilts Strategic Planning Forum / 2 / Councillor Ian Potter, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration and 1 Opposition Member, Councillor Mike Brooke / Councillor Ian Potter, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration and 1 Opposition Member, Councillor Mike Brooke
Outside Body / No of Representatives / Current Representatives / Nominations 2016/17
Dorset County Council Pension Fund Investment Committee / 1 / Councillor May Haines / Councillor May Haines
Dorset Local Nature Partnership Board / 1 / Councillor John Rampton (Deputy Councillor David Newell) / Councillors John Rampton,Andy Garner-Watts
Dorset Police and Crime Panel (*subject to political balance) / 3
(2+1) / Councillor Mohan Iyengar (Co-optees Councillor Phil Eades, Councillor Ann Stribley) / Councillor Mohan Iyengar (Co-optees Councillors Phil Eades, Ann Stribley)
Dorset Reserve Forces Committee / 1 / Councillor Emma Williams / Councillor Emma Williams
Dorset Heathland Advisory Group / 1 / Councillor Ian Potter / Councillor Ian Potter
Friends of Poole Park / 3 + 1 Deputy / Councillor Andy Garner-Watts, Councillor Andy Hadley, Councillor Emma Williams / Councillors Andy Garner-Watts, Andy Hadley, Emma Williams
General Council of Broadstone Community and Arts Centre / 2 / Councillor David Newell plus VACANCY / Councillor David Newell plus VACANCY
Housing Strategic Policy Board / 2
Observers / Councillor Elaine Atkinson, Councillor Mike Wilkins / Councillors Elaine Atkinson, Mike Wilkins
Joint Archives Advisory Board / 2 / Councillor Xena Dion, Councillor Marion Pope / Councillor Xena Dion, Councillor Marion Pope
Joint Public Health Board / 2 / Councillor Drew Mellor
Councillor Karen Rampton
Councillor Mike White (Reserve) / Councillor Drew Mellor
Councillor Karen Rampton
Councillor Mike White (Reserve)
Local Government Association / 3 + 3 Deputies / Councillors Mrs Walton, Mrs Haines + Vacancy / Councillors Mrs Walton, Mrs Haines + Vacancy
Local Government Association Coastal Issues Group / 1 + 1 Deputy / Councillor Xena Dion
Councillor David Newell (Deputy) / Councillor John Rampton, Councillor Andy Garner-Watts (Deputy)
Outside Body / No of Representatives / Current Representatives / Nominations 2016/17
Municipal and Owen Carter Almshouse Charity Trustees / 5 / Councillor Mike White
Councillor Mike Wilkins
Councillor Graham Wilson
Councillor Vishal Gupta
Councillor Andy Garner-Watts / Councillors Mike White, Mike Wilkins, Graham Wilson , Vishal Gupta
Andy Garner-Watts
Old Town Community Association Management Committee / 2 / Councillor Andy Garner-Watts plus VACANCY / Councillors Andy Garner Watts and Howell
Pan Dorset Community Safety and Criminal Justice Board / 2 / Councillor Mohan Iyengar
Vacancy / Councillors Mohan Iyengar, Karen Rampton
Poole Cherbourg Twinning Association (Management Committee) / 3 + 1 Deputy / Councillor Les Burden, Councillor Ron Parker, Councillor Janet Walton plus VACANCY / Councillors Les Burden, Ron Parker, Janet Walton plus vacancy to Opposition
Poole CAB Management Committee / 3 / Councillor Peter Adams, Councillor Mark Howell, Councillor May Haines / Councillor Peter Adams, Councillor Mark Howell, Councillor May Haines
Poole Heritage Forum / 3 / Councillor Mark Howell, Councillor Ron Parker, plus VACANCY / Councillors Mark Howell, Ron Parker, Mohan Iyengar
Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust / 1 / Councillor Ann Stribley / Councillor Ann Stribley
Poole Housing Partnership Ltd (PHP)
The Council agree to appoint two non-elected representatives to sit with the Member representatives. These representatives are appointed for the normal five-year term, as per the Memorandum and Articles. / 5 / Peter Woodroffe, Diane McLoughlin, Councillor Peter Adams, Councillor Andy Garner-Watts, Councillor Sandra Moore / Peter Woodroffe, Diane McLoughlin, Councillors Peter Adams, Andy Garner-Watts, Sandra Moore
Poole Shopmobility / 1 + 1 Deputy / Councillor Peter Adams, Councillor Jane Newell / Councillors Peter Adams, Jane Newell
Poole Sports Council / 3 / Councillor Xena Dion, Councillor John Challinor, Councillor Graham Wilson / Councillors Mohan Iyengar, John Challinor, Graham Wilson
Poole Tourism Management Board / 5 / Councillor Xena Dion, Councillor Ron Parker, Councillor Emma Williams, Councillor Lindsay Wilson plus VACANCY / Councillors Ron Parker, Mohan Iyengar, Xena Dion, Graham Wilson, Mark Howell
Outside Body / No of Representatives / Current Representatives / Nominations 2016/17
Poole Town Centre Management Board / 3 / Councillor Andy Hadley, Councillor Mohan Iyengar, Councillor Vishal Gupta / Councillors Andy Hadley, Mohan Iyengar, Vishal Gupta
Purbeck Rail / 1 / Councillor Ron Parker / Councillor Ron Parker
Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – Council of Governors / 1 / Councillor John Challinor / Councillor John Challinor
Schools Forum / 2 / Councillor Drew Mellor, Councillor Mike White / Councillors John Challinor and Mike White
Southern Inshore Fisheries District Committee / 1 + 1 Deputy / Councillor John Rampton plus VACANCY / Councillors John Rampton and Malcolm Farrell
South West Home and Leisure Safety Council / 1 / Councillor John Rampton / Councillor John Rampton
South Western Provincial Council / 1 / Councillor May Haines / Councillor May Haines
Standing Conference on Oil and Gas Development / 1 + 1 Deputy / Councillor Peter Pawlowski
Councillor Marion Pope / Councillors Peter Pawlowski and Ron Parker
Standing Conference on Problems Associated with the Coastline / 1 + 2 Deputies / Councillor John Rampton, Councillor David Newell, Councillor Ray Tindle / Councillors John Rampton, Andy Garner-Watts and Ray Tindle
Strategic Arts Review Group / 4 / Councillor Ian Potter, Councillor Mark Howell plus
Spectrum Housing – Western Challenge Housing Association / 1 / Councillor Peter Adams / Councillor Peter Adams
Wessex Water (Southern) Customer Liaison Panel / 1 / Councillor Malcolm Farrell / Councillor Malcolm Farrell
Tricuro (Local Authority Trading Company for provision of Social Care) / 2 / Councillor Karen Rampton
Councillor Drew Mellor
Substitute Cllr May Haines / Councillor Karen Rampton
Councillor Drew Mellor
Substitute Cllr May Haines
Outside Body / No of Representatives / Current Representatives / Nominations 2016/17
Wessex Regional Flood Defence Committee / 1 + 1 Deputy / Councillor John Rampton
Councillor Malcolm Farrell / Councillors John Rampton, Malcolm Farrell
Wytch Farm Oilfield Consultative Committee / 2 / Councillor Peter Pawlowski
Councillor Marion Pope / Councillors Peter Pawlowski, Ron Parker

Youth Centre Management Committees

No. of Representatives / Appointed 2015/16 / Nominations 2016/17
Bourne Valley / 3 / Councillor Karen Rampton, Councillor Russell Trent, Councillor Louise Russell / Councillor Karen Rampton, Councillor Russell Trent, Councillor Louise Russell
Broadstone / 1 / Councillor Mike Brooke / Councillor Mike Brooke
Creekmoor / 1 / Councillor John Rampton / Councillor John Rampton
Hamworthy/Turlin Moor / 1 / Councillor Mike Wilkins / Councillor Mike Wilkins
Hillbourne/Waterloo / 2 / Councillor Les Burden, Councillor Judy Butt / Councillors Les Burden, Judy Butt
Limelights (CH) / 2 / Councillor Sean Gabriel, Councillor Sandra Moore / Councillors Sean Gabriel, Sandra Moore

Council Champions 2015/16

Nominations 2016/17
European Maritime Day / Councillor Xena Dion / Councillor Xena Dion
Carers / Councillor Drew Mellor / Councillor Drew Mellor
Equalities (to include Older Persons) / Councillor Russell Trent / Councillor Russell Trent
Learning Disabilities / Councillor Joanne Tomlin / Councillor Joanne Tomlin
Dementia / Councillor Mrs Jane Newell / Councillor Mrs Jane Newell
Domestic Violence Joint Champions / Councillors Ms Elaine Atkinson and Mrs Jennie Hodges / Councillors Ms Elaine Atkinson and Mrs Jennie Hodges
Mental Health / Councillor Vishal Gupta / Councillor Vishal Gupta