Wedding/Baptism enquiries etc

For Weddings, Baptisms and other admin please contact Sue H 07707 806316 or

For any other church matters, please ring

Rev Ian Crofts on 020 8363 1935 or email

This week

Tuesday9am Tea, Toys and Toast

Wednesday9.15am All Age Holy Communion

Thursday 8pm Course on John’s Gospel

Friday7.30pm Hub

Saturday8 - 9am Hour of Prayer

Next Sunday

8.00am Holy Communion

10.30am Holy Communion

3pm Forty Hall Farm visit – harvest service in barn at 4.30pm

Please note: No evening service at Jesus Church

Dates for your Diary


Sun 7th 10.30am Harvest Service followed by
Bring & Share lunch

Mon 8th 8pm Mothers’ Union

Wed 10th 8pm Prayer evening

Thurs 18th Homes of Promise evening


Tues 6th RAGS starts

Wed14th PCC

Admission to Church Schools

As there are many parents attending Jesus Church who want their children to be considered for admission to Forty Hill School and other Church Schools, we keep a register of attendance.

Kindly email notices for the sheet to Sue by Thursday evening andcopy to Ian

Welcome to


Forty Hill

Sunday23rdSeptember 2018

Trinity 17

8.00am Holy Communion

1 Samuel 3:1-10


10.30am Special All Age Service
to mark the start of the school year

HymnBe Still for the presence

Confession, absolution

Reading 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Jonquil Izard



Hymn My Jesus my saviour

A further thought.

HymnI the Lord of sea and sky


School Choir

Mr Newham, Head Teacher at Forty Hill, will share with us some of his vision for this year

HymnIn Christ alone

Prayers Lord's Prayer

Hymn Bless the Lord (During this hymn a collection will be taken for the work of the church)



6.30pmHoly Communion


Tea, coffee and cold drinks will be served in the Charis today after the 10.30am serviceand we do welcome everyone to join us. Especially if you are new please do come and say hello!

Provision for children

As today is an all-age service we all stay in church together. There will be a children’s spot, a colouring activity/word search and interactive prayers. The service will be shorter – under an hour. The vestry is a quiet space available for any parent who needs to settle a child and the service can be heard there. There will be children’s groups next week. The yellow leaflet ‘Families in Church’ can be helpful – just ask for a copy.

For your Prayers this week
Please pray for
For Liz, a teacher at Freezywater St. George's School and her family, who were involved in a serious car accident, her oldest son Dante has now passed away and the rest of the family remain in hospital, and for the School in their concern
Robert’s friend’s son Mark is in hospital again
Those who mourn the loss of Joan Shand who used to sing in the Choir. The funeral will be on Thursday 2pm in Necton Church.
Our parish and Enfield
Forty Hall farm and the manager Kate
Our country and world
Jane and the work of the whole team at Homes of Promise in Uganda as they seek to transform lives for the better.
For wisdom for our leaders at this crucial time.
Prayers are also welcome on the Prayer Board in the Charis lobby. They are prayed for especially each Saturday morning Prayer Hour.

This Week

New 3-week course on John’s gospel

Ian is planning to lead this course on the first part of John’s Gospel. It will be a mixture of a talk followed by discussion. Many members of Jesus Church have explored Mark’s gospel as part of the baptism preparation course or Christianity explored. This is an opportunity to ask questions and explore John.It will be in Charis starting this Thursday(27th Sept to 18th October) at 8pm – 9.15pm and replace housegroups but also include anyone who does not normally attend a housegroup. (Music group will not be meeting before half term).

Next Sunday

(as well as the morning services)

Bring and Share Lunch Sunday 7th October (following Harvest Service)

Everyone in our church family is invited to join us for a time of food and chat. All we ask is for you to contribute a dish to share, either savoury or sweet. It is a great opportunity to relax together and chat to different people. To help with planning there is a sign-up sheet in the Charis or if you have any questions speak to Chris B

Last week’s sermon

James wrote to the early Christians about the power of the tongue.Jesus said that our words spring from the condition of our hearts.If we want our speech to encourage others, to build up hope, to spread love, then our hearts must be in tune with God’s Spirit. The psalmist writes “ Your Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” We too need to study God’s word, and allow our growing experience of Jesus, the Word of God, to shape our lives so that our words can be a positive influence for good rather than hurtful and destructive.