Preservation of Digital Objects – Selected Preservation Sites and Readings
- National Archives and Records Administration. Center for Electronic Records
The Center for Electronic Records appraises, accessions, preserves and provides access to U.S. Federal Government electronic records of continuing value.
- ARL Digital Initiatives Database.
The ARL Digital Initiatives Database is a Web-based registry for descriptions of digital initiatives in or involving libraries. The goal of the effort is to capture basic information for a wide range of digital initiatives.
- PADI – Preserving Access to Digital Information.
A subject gateway to digital preservation resources including issues, standards, approaches, and projects.
- PANDORA - Preserving and Accessing Networked Documentary Resources in Australia.
PANDORA is a project initiated by the National Library of Australia to investigate strategies and implement
procedures for the capture, storage, preservation and access to digital data by creating an electronic archive of
library materials.
6. NEDLIB: Networked European Deposit Library.
This site is the homepage of NEDLIB, a collaborative project consortium, headed by the National Library of the
Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek) and including eight other European national libraries, a national archive and
three main publishers. The main goal is to find ways to preserve access to both online and offline (physical format)
digital publications.
7. National Library of Canada Electronic Collection.
The Electronic Collection of the National Library of Canada (NLC) consists of Canadian books and periodicals
published online. It includes more than 3,000 titles published by both the commercial publishing sector and the
government publishing sector.
- Federal Depository Library Program Electronic Collection.
The Federal Depository Library Program Electronic Collection (FDLP/EC) is a comprehensive digital library
of U.S. Government information, drawn from a wide variety of sources, and sharing the attributes of being
of public interest or educational value and produced entirely at taxpayer expense. The FDLP, through its
network of depository libraries, is identifying, pointing to, acquiring or creating metadata for, and in many
cases archiving electronic publications from all agencies, and will provide ongoing free public access through
its suite of locator tools and services.
9. Electronic Depository Project – Texas State Library.
- Rajasekar, Arcot et al. Collection-Based Persistent Archives.
- Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS).
The Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model is a model for an archival system for the long-term
preservation of and access to digital information. OAIS has been developed by the Consultative Committee for Space
Data Systems (CCSDS) and is expected to be released as a draft ISO standard in the future.
- Applying the OAIS Reference Model to the Deposit System for Electronic Publications (DSEP).
This is a discussion of the Open Archival Information System (OAIS), a proposed ISO archiving standard. It describes
how project NEDLIB has applied, scoped and extended this Reference Model to the needs of digital deposit libraries.
- Document Object Model (DOM).
The Document Object Model is a platform- and language-neutral interface that will allow programs and scripts to
dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of documents. The document can be further processed
and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented page.
- OCLC/RLG Digital Preservation Commons.
In March 2000, OCLC and RLG announced their commitment to collaborate on identifying and supporting best
practices for the long-term retention of digital objects. Two working groups were formed; one to address
preservation metadata issues, and the other to address the attributes of a digital archive.
15. Moore, Reagan, et al. Collection-Based Persistent Digital Archives - Part 1.
This paper defines an approach for maintaining digital data for
hundreds of years through development of an environment that supports migration of collections onto
new software systems.
- Moore, Reagan, et al. Collection-Based Persistent Digital Archives - Part 2.
This paper describes the creation of a one million message
persistent E-mail collection. It discusses the four major components of a persistent archive system:
support for ingestion, archival storage, information discovery, and presentation of the collection.
- Gilliland-Swetland, Anne J. and Philip B. Eppard. Preserving the Authenticity of Contingent Digital Objects.
A discussion of factors and methods on preserving authenticity of digital records.
18. National Library of Australia. Preservation Metadata for Digital Collections: Exposure Draft.
19. CEDARS Project . Draft Specification: CEDARS Preservation Metadata Elements.
20. Networked European Deposit Library. Metadata for Long Term Preservation.
- Table of Core Metadata Elements for Library of Congress Digital Repository Development.
- OCLC/RLG Working Group on Preservation Metadata. Preservation Metadata for Digital Objects: A Review of the
State of the Art.
- Lawrence, Gregory W. et al. Risk Management of Digital Information: A File Format Investigation.
- Council on Library and Information Resources. Authenticity in a Digital Environment.
- OCLC. Persistent URL Home Page.
- Texas Records and Information Locator Service (TRAIL).
- Texas Electronic Depository Project. Collection Development Plan.
- Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI).
- Miller, Paul. Interoperability: What Is It and Why Should I Want It?
- Z39.50 Maintenance Agency.
- W3 Consortium. Resource Description Framework (RDF) Activities.
32. Preservation 2000 Conference Papers and Presentations.