Minutes ofDec12, 2017
The regular meeting of the Grand Blanc Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at
5:31 p.m. by B. Hesterat the Grand Blanc Parks and Recreation Office, 360 E. Grand Blanc Road,
Grand Blanc, Michigan.
Commission Present: Brad HesterChairman
Jake MengelCommissioner
Gary GreenCommissioner
Ken ThomasCommissioner
Staff Present:KaeEidsonDirector
Jamie WeaselAssistant Director
Rob McRaeProgrammer
Carol Neumann Office Manager
Misty MoenSenior Coordinator
Chris HesterMaintenance Supervisor
Absent:Jason MaccoVice Chairman
Paul NasSecretary/Deputy Treasurer
Tom PettitTreasurer
B. Hesterrequested a motion to accept theDecember agenda as presented.K. Thomas made the motion and support was provided by J. Mengel. No discussion needed.Vote taken4 Yeas – 0 Nays. Motion carried.
B. Hester requested a motion to accept theNov 16, 2017Minutesas presented. J. Mengel made the motion and support was provided by G. Green.Vote taken 4 Yeas–0 Nays. Motion carried.
Directors Report
B. Hester inquired about the status of the security cameras at the park. K. Eidson noted some equipment had to be added to allow for a better view. Additionally, after reviewing some initial footage it was determined the recording speedneeded to be reduced so better views can be obtained. This will mean the number of days recordedand stored footage will be reduced from about 30 days to 20 days. Once the recordingspeed was reduced the clarity of the picture was greatly improved.
Assistant Director
No questions were raised
Recreation Programmer
No questions were raised
Maintenance Supervisor
B. Hester inquired about the issue of cars being left in the park overnight. C. Hester indicated before locking the park they tried to find the owners of the vehicles but they were nowhere to be found. At some point they returned to their vehicles to find they were locked inside the park. One of the owners tried to break out and caused some damage. The license plates were documented and the police were able to determine who caused the damage. Restitution is being made for damages and repairs were made immediately.
Senior Center Coordinator
No questions were raised
No questions were raised
Administration & Policy Committee
Did not meet/ No Report
Area & Facilities
Did not meet/ No Report
Budget & Finance Committee
Did not meet / No Report
Senior Committee
Did not meet / No Report
Old Business
None to report
New Business
K. Eidson noted the 2018 meeting dates indicating there are two non thirdThursday meetings. K. Thomas inquired if it was possible to change the meeting time to a later time as some commissioners work out of town. K. Eidson said she would present the idea to the Administration and Policy Committee for discussion. B. Hester requested a motion to accept the 2018 meeting dates. K. Thomas made the motion and G. Green provided support. Vote taken 4 Yeas – 0 Nays. Motion carried
Financial Reports
Nov. Financials were tabled until the January meeting
Round Table
J. Weasel took a moment to acknowledge the success of the millage implementation for 2017. He noted a lot of positive improvements were made throughout the year, many of which the community were able to put to use immediately.
B. Hester thanked the commissioners for allowing him to continue to represent the Grand Blanc Parks & Recreation Commission and appreciated the commissioner’s support in re-appointing him to the board.
As there was nothing further to discuss J. Mengel made a motion to adjourn at 5:45p.m. Support provided by G. Green.
Vote taken 4 Yeas – 0 Nays
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Nas