Community Network JOB DESCRIPTION

Job Title: Social Inclusion Project Officer

Reporting to: Social Inclusion Team Manager

Member of: Social Inclusion Team

Main Purpose: To promote telephone support groups to GP commissioners in the UK

Salary: £25,000 p.a.


·  Promoting the project to Local Authorities, charities, GP commissioners and other appropriate partners through events and meetings

·  Recruiting 75 partners to undertake pilot projects

·  Identifying volunteer facilitators for the befriending groups

·  Supporting partners to identify isolated individuals for recruitment into self-help groups

·  Delivering or coordinating a rolling programme of training for telephone hosts.

·  Co-ordinating the delivery of external training with appropriate training providers, if appropriate

·  Positively promoting the service and Community Network as an organisation

·  Communicating Community Network’s mission, corporate strategy and business plans

Key Duties and Responsibilities

·  Setting up and running 75 befriending groups for isolated individuals in partnership with Local Authorities, PCTs and GPs over a three year period

·  Recruiting facilitators, either from the partner organisations or the isolated group or other volunteering organisations to run the befriending groups

·  Commission and manage evaluation exercises to ensure learning is derived from the project

·  Provide support to telephone facilitators to ensure that standards are maintained and that clients receive the most appropriate support

·  Maintain records in accordance with Community Network’s policy to ensure the integrity of information to be included in reports to key stakeholders

·  Maintain a database of all partnership organisations, beneficiaries’ and facilitators’ details

·  To ensure good working relationships are established and maintained with

facilitators, isolated individuals and partner organisations

·  To develop your own knowledge and practice; attend supervision and team


·  To provide training, workshops and seminars for partner agencies and local community groups in order to promote the project

·  To be self-administering

Additional Responsibilities:

·  To work flexibly to meet the needs of volunteers and partner organisations. This may involve travel

·  To ensure the confidentiality of information

·  To undertake other duties appropriate to the post as required by Community Network

·  To comply with the requirements of all Community Network procedures and staff instructions, including responsibilities under the Health and Safety Policies and Procedures

·  To actively promote and support Community Network’s Policies on Equal Opportunities