Academic Calendar of Parent Workshops/Information Evenings/Work Sharing

This details the events planned in for the year...there may be more events that appear throughout the year so please keep an eye on theNewsletter..

4th - family service @ church @11.30.
8th - Early Years Teddy Bear Picnic @ 4pm
9th - StackpoleInformation meeting @ 3.30pm
14th - FoBLS AGM @ 7pm and first meeting of the year @7.30pm
15th - Read Write Inc Phonics Information Evening for Early years, Year 1 and 2 parents @ 3.30pm
15th - Parent consultation meeting regarding academies
19th or 20th - Hanging Basket planting (12 eco reps from KS2 will be invited)
21st - Year 5 visitor from herb centre
Week Commencing 19th = Stackpole
26th (1SW) and 27th (1KW) Year 1 visits to Cotswold Wildlife Park
26th - Bishop Loveday Visions Meeting for parents @ 6pm
27th - Maths Information Evening @ 6pm
Year 3 trips to Sainsbury's(TBC)
Early Years visit to farm shop (TBC)
Each Friday classrooms are open for parents to come in and see the children's learning. / October
2nd - Harvest workshop in church house @ 10am followed by a service at 10.30am
3rd - Harvest Festival in Church
4th - Early Years Harvest Festival in the school hall
4th - Year 6 presentation to parents about their trip to Stackpole @2.45pm
5th - Early Years Reading and Maths Information Evening for parents @ 6pm
10th October - 6PW to IMPs
10th - Year 5 to Sulgrave Manor (Date TBC)
11th @ 6pm - PC Newman running Parent Information Evening about Online safety.
14th - 6WD to IMPs
18th & 19th - Parents Evenings
19th - School photos.
Year 2 trip to Banbury Museum (TBC)
Each Friday classrooms are open for parents to come in and see the children's learning. / November
2nd - Year 5 will have a visiting planetarium
4th - Year 1 parents invited to the hall to participate in a Superhero Collage @9.15am.
4th - Y1&2 to church
6th - Come and Praise @11.30
7th and 8th - Roman Workshops visiting year 4
9th - Children Singing for Children Concert (for School Choir) @ 7pm
14th- 18th : Anti-Bullying Week
18th - Y3&4 to church
25th - Y5&6 to church
27th - FOBLS Winter Fayre
Each Friday classrooms are open for parents to come in and see the children's learning. / December
4th - Christingle service at church @ 3pm and 4.30pm
6th - Year 1&2 Christmas Production @2pm (2JO and 1SW)
7th - Year 1&2 Christmas Production @2pm (2SC and 1KW)
12th - Year 3&4 Christmas Production @2pm (3LM and 4SV)
12th - Year 5 Christmas Stargazing Concert in Church
13th - Year 3&4 Christmas Production @2pm (3JM and 4SJ)
14th - Early Years Christmas Production @ 2pm
15th - Year 2 gallery of work at 3.15pm
EY trip to Mill Theatre (TBC)
Each Friday classrooms are open for parents to come in and see the children's learning.
Annual Parent Questionnaire will come home to parents.
6th - Y1&2 to church
10th - Year 4 meeting about Grendon Hall @ 3.30pm
12th - Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Workshop @ 6pm
13th - Y3&4 to church
20th - Y5&6 to church
Behaviour Questionnaire will come home to parents.
EY will have a visit from the Dinosaur Man (TBC)
Each Friday classrooms are open for parents to come in and see the children's learning. / February
5th - Come and Praise @11.30
7th & 8th - Parents Evening
23rd - KS1 SATs Information Evening @ 3.30pm
24th - Y1&2 to church
28th - KS2 SATs Information Evening @3.30pm
27th +/or 28th - Year 5 to Jitterbug & Jive at Banbury Museum.
28th - Year 1 Indoor picnic in the hall.
28th - EY pancake making in school
Each Friday classrooms are open for parents to come in and see the children's learning. / March
5th - Come and Praise @11.30
3rd - Y3&4 to church
6th - book fair in school all week.
Year 3 trip to Crocodile World (TBC)
9-10th - Year 4 residential to Grendon Hall
10th - Y5&6 to church
29th - Year 3 parents invited to view art work.
29th - Year 5 W11 presentation to parents
Year 1 visit to Banbury Museum (TBC)
EY will have a visit to a farm (TBC)
Each Friday classrooms are open for parents to come in and see the children's learning. / April
3rd, 5th and 6th - children will be visiting the church for the 'Easter Experience'
4th - Year 5&6 Easter Assembly @ 9.30
4th - Year 3&4 Easter Assembly @ 2.30
4th - Y1 parents invited to their Toy Museum.
5th - EY Easter Assembly and Treasure Hunt @2pm
6th - Year 1&2 Easter Assembly @ 9.30. Following this, year 2 parents are invited to stay and see the year 2 pirate dance.
27th - Frank Chapman Information Evening at 3.30pm.
27th - year 5 have a visit from the 'Bug Man'
28th - Y1&2 to church
Each Friday classrooms are open for parents to come in and see the children's learning.
2nd May - KS1 Phonics Screening Information meeting for year 1 parents @ 3.30pm
5th - Y3&4 to church
7th - Come and Praise @11.30
12th - Y5&6 to church
Week Commencing 8th =KS2 SATs
25th - Year 4 Blue Abyss Exhibition for parents at 3.30pm
EY will have a visit from a vet or will go to a see a vet (TBC)
Each Friday classrooms are open for parents to come in and see the children's learning. / June
4th - Come and Praise @11.30
Year 1 trip to Batsford Arboretum (TBC)
9th - Y1&2 to church
16th - Y3&4 to church
16th - School Fete
23rd - Y5&6 to church
Each Friday classrooms are open for parents to come in and see the children's learning. / July
2nd - Come and Praise @11.30
3rd-6th July - BGN Year 6 transition days
7th - School Music concert at 9.30am
10th -School Reports come home
10th - Move up Monday (children meet their new teacher)
11th - Year 1 & 2 Meet the Teacher presentation @ 3.30pm
12th - Year 3 &4 Meet the Teacher presentation @ 3.30pm
13th - Year 5 & 6 Meet the Teacher presentation @ 3.30pm
17th-18th Year 2 @ Frank Chapman
14th - Sports Day
19th - reserve sports day
21st - Year 6 Leavers' Assembly
Year 3 parents invited to view their sketch books.
Year 3 - Stoneage Workshop (TBC)
Year 1 parents invited to a garden show (last week of term).
Early Years Trip (TBC)
Each Friday classrooms are open for parents to come in and see the children's learning. / Ready for next year: