School Staff

September 2012

1. School Leadership Group

Head Teacher – Rob Ashdown

Deputy Head – Alastair Sutherland

Assistant Head (LowerSchool): Chris Cooper

Assistant Head (UpperSchool): Gill Dickins

2. Leadership Group’s Main Tasks

Rob Ashdown

Coordinates annual reviews of statements and interim reviews of provision

Designated person for Child Protection

Behaviour and discipline arrangements, including commissioning training for staff

Coordinator for Looked After Children

Alastair Sutherland

Professional Development Coordinator

WholeSchool Curriculum Coordinator [Planning, Assessment, Recording, Reporting and Celebration]

Ensures effective monitoring and evaluation of curriculum delivery, including coordinating work of subject leaders

Maintains an overview of progress of all pupils in the school

Chris Cooper

Class teacher for Class 1(70 per cent)

Organises the LowerSchool department, including arranging regular departmental meetings, assembly themes and rota, play breaks, and maintains an overview of teaching and learning of all pupils in the department

Oversees transition to school for children aged 3 to 5 years

Coordinator of provision for pupils with autism

Gill Dickins

Outreach teacher (60 per cent)

Organises the UpperSchool department, including arranging regular departmental meetings, assembly themes and rota, play breaks, and maintains an overview of teaching and learning of all pupils in the department

Leads team delivering Family Links Nurturing Programme for parents

Ensures regular meetings of School Council for consultation with pupils

Leads Moving and Handling team of school risk assessors

Conducts Transition Reviews and monitors implementation of Transition Plans for Year 6 pupils

Subject leader for PE

3. Subject Leaders

It is an aim that there should be a leader for each curriculum area. They are expected to have relevant knowledge and are involved in monitoring an improving standards of teaching and learning in their specific curriculum areas across the whole school.

Current Posts / Current Post Holder
Curriculum for Pupils with PMLD, MOVE, hydrotherapy / Rosie Brister
Curriculum for Pupils with Autism / Chris Cooper, Jacqui Altoft
Early Years / Jackie Guest
Geography/History / Janet Taylor
Science / Heather Phillips
Music / Vicky Hubbard
PE / Gill Dickins
ICT / Gemma Newsum
Art/Design Technology / Natalie Haslam
PSHCE / Alastair Sutherland
RE / Alastair Sutherland
Mathematics / Rob Ashdown
English (Literacy) / Pippa Jones, Emma Sylvester, Jacqui Altoft
English (Communication), structured language and communication teaching programmes (DLS, Living Language), Communication Aids Referral Team / Kay Chappell
4.Class Teachers

There will be at least one teacher per class. Currently there are thirteen class groups. The teachers are as follows:

Class 1 (Nursery) (3 to 4 year olds): Chris Cooper

Class 2 (4 to 5 year olds): Sue Burton

Class 3 (5 year olds): Jackie Guest

Class 4 (specialist class for pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) aged 5 to 11 years): Rosie Brister

Class 5 (5 to 6 year olds): Vicky Hubbard

Class 6 (6 year olds): Janet Taylor

Class 7 (7 year olds): Pippa Jones

Class 7A (7 year olds): Teresa Humberstone

Note that this is a new class group. It is located temporarily in the former staffroom pending completion in early 2013 of a new- build classroom as an extension to the school.

Class 8 (8 year olds): Emma Sylvester (Mon to Wed; Alastair Sutherland (Thurs, Fri)

Class 9 (9 year olds): Heather Phillips

Class 10 (9 to 10 year olds): Gemma Newsum

Class 11 (10 year olds): Natalie Haslam

Class 12 (class for pupils with autism and/or PMLD aged 8 to 11 years): Jacqui Altoft

Some of these pupils have severe autism; all pupils require multi-sensory activities aimed at teaching early learning and communication skills.

6. Teaching Assistant Establishment

Sharon Fixter

Senior Teaching Assistant

Secures appropriate supply cover for absent staff

Organises meetings to discuss teaching assistant issues

Organises placements for students and volunteers

Organises induction for new assistants

Organises midday supervision for the pupils

Contributes to work of the School Leadership Group

All teaching assistants

May be required to undertake tasks related to resource development and management and planning and record keeping in relation to teaching. They may do this just for their class team (e.g. resource preparation) or for the whole school (e.g. support for a subject leader) or for a department (e.g. organisation of playtime resources and activities).

They must be given non-contact time for this work either by their class teacher as an informal class team arrangement or by the Head Teacher as a more formal arrangement.

First Aiders

Len Baldwin, Kim Ellis, Sylvia Kirk and Sharon Oxley

Some other specific tasks areundertaken by designated teaching assistants.

Tasks / Person
MOVE trainer / Nina Graves
Moving and Handling assessor/trainer / Len Baldwin, Leanne Higgins, Sylvia Kirk, Zoe Martin
Team Teach Trainer / Sharon Oxley, Liz Whiteley
ICT development and website / Kevin Brown, Bekki Johnson
Organisation of language and communication resources and training / Karen Brocklesby, Sharon Oxley, Karen Fallen
Organisation of communication aids and assessment and training / Zoe Martin
Support for Outreach Service / Cheryl Reeves
Safeguarding Activities, including organising confidential files on pupils and training / Jean Grimes
Parent Support Activities / Helen Wilkinson, Kathy Wilkinson, Siobhan Buckley,
Sam Woodward
Dyspraxia programme / Carole Johnson
Fire Warden / Nina Graves

Besides the above, most teaching assistants have specific responsibilities for particular aspects of teaching and learning.

5. Differences in Responsibilities of Teaching Assistants

Teaching assistants (Level 3)

CORE PURPOSE - To assist in planning, teaching and assessing the differentiated curriculum and in developing, implementing and evaluating individual education plans and individual behaviour plans, under the general direction of the teacher. To carry out tasks demanding specialist expertise, as directed by a teacher or appropriately qualified professional.

Main tasks:

Assists pupils in independence and mobility programmes in the local community, after appropriate risk assessment

Implements physiotherapy activities, including water-based activities.

Implements routine and emergency invasive care and clinical care strategies, including gastrostomy feeding and administration of medication rectally or via gastrostomy, as determined after appropriate risk assessment

Makes home visits to provide advisory support for families of pupils

Provides specialist expertise in relation to specific curriculum areas and/or delivers specialist support for pupils that demands a high degree of skill in using particular methods, and contributes to the professional development of colleagues

Contributes to work of subject leaders, including tasks in relation to resource management and some curriculum planning

Teaching Assistant (level 2)

CORE PURPOSE - To assist in planning, teaching and assessing the differentiated curriculum and in developing, implementing and evaluating individual education plans and individual behaviour plans, under the general direction of the teacher.

Contributes to work of subject leaders, including tasks in relation to resource management

Contributes to work of class teachers, including tasks in relation to resource management and curriculum planning and recording

Administers routine and emergency non-invasive clinical care strategies, including giving medication and buccal midazolam, as determined after appropriate risk assessment

Implements mobility activities and participates in positioning and repositioning of pupils in standing frames, wheelchairs, specialist seating and other specialist equipment

Teaching Assistant (level 1)

CORE PURPOSE - To assist in developing pupils’ learning, personal self-care skills, and in managing pupils’ behaviour, under the close direction of the teacher or other senior member of staff.

Currently there are no teaching assistants (Level 1).