Welcome to Team 8-2

Dear Parents:

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year. We believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success. Throughout the year we will communicate with you through e-mails, telephone calls,progress reports, nine-week report cards, and parent-teacher conferences. We also encourage parents to stay up-to-date on student’s grades by checking Canvas regularly. Daily updates can be found at twitter.com/SMFalconsTeam82. If you would like to follow us on twitter, our handle is @SMFalconsTeam82. If you ever have questions or concerns, please contact us.

Pre-Algebra/Algebra ILaila Soomar:

Science Holly Stuart:

English I/Language Arts 8Robin Reynolds:

Social Studies J. Kloss:

Winthrop Intern (Math)Justine Norton:


Students can help to ensure success by being equipped, organized, and prepared. Below is a list of what they will need throughout the year.

**Donations of tissue and hand sanitizer would be greatly appreciated!

3 ring binder (1-1 ½ in.) / 2 marble composition books / 3 ring binder / 3 ring binder (1 ½ in.)
College ruled notebook paper / 3x5 index cards / notebook paper / notebook paper
colored pencils/markers / colored pencils / 1 spiral notebook / colored pencils
Pencils w/erasers / Pens (blue/black) / Pens (blue/black)/ pencils / Pens (blue/black)/ pencils
2 pocket folder w/clasps / 2 rolls scotch tape / book cover (English I)
ruler / Bottle of liquid glue
Graph paper / Folder with pockets

Students should have all supplies by Monday, August 22nd

Tell Us About Your Child!

Because you are the expert on your child, we will need your help to make this a successful year. To help us to get to know your child better, we would like you to “Tell Us About Your Child in One Million Words or Less.” This information can be in the form of a list, a letter, a power point, an e-mail, an essay - any form you wish. We are seeking your expert knowledge on your child. Tell us about how they learn, their study habits, talents, and what teachers have done in the past that did or did not work. We hope you will take the time to complete this “homework” assignment for your child. We think it will be truly beneficial.


Team 8-2

For your child to be successful in school it is very important that they follow classroom rules. Our classes will follow school wide rules, which you can find in the student agenda (posted on school website), as well as classroom rules. We base our discipline policy on our belief that all students deserve the right to learn in a positive, safe environment and that no student should disrupt the learning environment of others.


We want students to leave the classroom and be successful in high school and life. We have high expectations that they will be productive and self-directed. We would like to see an academically strong, rewarding and enjoyable year for everyone and to do this we will follow the rules below.


  1. Show RESPECT for ourselves and others.
  2. Promote LEARNING in ourselves and others.
  3. Support HEALTH and SAFETY in ourselves and others.


  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Team conference/Parent contact
  3. Behavior Isolation / Lunch Detention
  4. Teacher/Team Referral to Behavior Intervention (BI)
  5. Office Referral

**Severity clause: Certain severe behaviors may warrant immediate referral to the office.

Please fill out the information below and return to your child’s Falcon Time teacher.

Student’s Name ______


Additional e-mails ______

Preferred phone number(s)

Home ______

Cell ______

(please print neatly)

I have read and understand all team rules.


Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature