Item No : 7(c)
Date:21 January2015
Report:Surrey Hills Society – November 2014- January 2015.
Written by:Chris Howard (Chairman)
Purpose of Report
To report on the activities of the Surrey Hills Society
The Surrey Hills Society continues in its main role of promoting and engaging with the public and raising awareness of the issues facing the AONB. It has been a busy autumn for the Society. Highlights include our AGM at Leatherhead Institute, presenting and supporting the SH Annual Partnership meeting at WFB and most importantly our stand at the Enterprising Surrey event at the Houses of Parliament on 26 November 2014.
The SHS Strategy
The Society continues to support the work of Surrey Countryside Rural Enterprise Forum (SCREF), particularly focusing on the Food &Drink and the Visitor Economy working Groups.
It is also still working closely with Surrey Hills Enterprises, Surrey Hills Trust Fund and the Board. Having signed off the Business Plans for each “arm” of the organization, we are now developing plans on how we can all work together to effectively deliver the Plans. The Surrey Hills Society Business Plan is now also signed off by the Trustees and the Management Team of volunteers are meeting at the end of January to start developing the accompanying Action Plan.
Core Funding and staffing
The charity is completely independent and still currently receives no grants. The Society has been supporting the Board on the potential funding bid to the lottery fund for the Tillingbourne Valley Project and Rob F came to speak to the Society at our November Trustee’s meeting. The SHS Trustees have given formal support for this project. Barings Solicitors in Godalming continue to be our key sponsor.
Communications and Publicity
The Winter/Spring edition of the newsletter is just being put together by the Society and will be distributed at the beginning of February. I continue to write my Surrey Hills Column in Surrey Life magazine and we have also secured an article in Vantage magazine for February 2015.
Most local papers across Surrey covered the Enterprising Surrey event at the Houses of Parliament which happened on 26 November 2014 and we received several pages of coverage in Surrey Life magazine.
Shows and Talks
Ken Bare continues to deliver a series of talks to various groups across the County and now even South London. The Surrey Hills trailer has now been “put to bed” for the winter after a busy summer season.
Growing our membership is the main priority of the Management Team and Trustees for 2015. Our new paid co-ordinator is focussing her attention membership recruitment and streamlining the management of our events programme.
The events team are just finalising a full and varied events programme for 2015. Our Chairman’s Day this year is taking place on Wednesday 27th May and is focussing on our Surrey Hills Beverage producers. If you would like to join us please let me know asapas this event always books out fast.
The SHS- 20 to30s group is continuing to run a monthly walk somewhere in the Surrey Hills. This month we are showcasing all the environmental improvements at the Devil’s Punchbowl, Hindhead.
The AGM was held on 22nd November at the Leatherhead Institute at 2.00pm, with 50 members attending. I am very grateful to David Wright, Chairman of the SH Board for coming to support us. It demonstrates the close working relationship between each of the Surrey Hills Family organisations.
Anne Milton MP for Guildford organised for Visit Surrey CIC (the official tourism organisation for Surrey) to go up to Westminster on 26th November to highlight the tourism offer for the County. This included of course, the Surrey Hills AONB family. The key theme we were highlighting was how Surrey is using enterprise and volunteers to create new, more effective ways to work and promote our county and what it has to offer. 160 MPs, Peers, staff and journalists visited the Jubilee room at Westminster Palace and we received extensive media coverage of the event including TV coverage on Sky TV and Surrey Living TV, Surrey Life magazine, Surrey Advertiser, Dorking Advertiser and Surrey Mirror. The event was also picked up by BBS Surrey –who made “local Surrey” food the theme for the breakfast show that day and included interviews by myself and Tracy Carroll from Local Food Surrey.
The event was organised on virtually no budget but the businesses of Surrey (mainly in the Surrey Hills) were extremely generous with donating their produce, their time and their expertise. I am extremely grateful to Tracy Carroll for co-ordinating the food producers on the day. It is also proof of a strong rural network that can deliver extremely effective missions if tasked correctly.
Other Updates:
The AONB Board is asked to note of the report and the Surrey Hills Society Business Plan