Name RUDVIN, Mette
Date and Place of birth 02.05.66 in Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Nationality Norwegian
Current Residence Bologna, Italy, since 1994
Languages English and Norwegian (bilingual), fluent Italian; working French, spoken Urdu
Occupation University researcher and lecturer (“ricercatore”) at the University of Bologna (Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature) in English Language and Translation
Tel/ E-mail
Research interests Translation Studies/ Translation Theory, Intercultural Communication, Community Interpreting/ PSI, Oral narrative, Language and National identity, Anglo-Indian literature/ Literature of India and Pakistan in English; Intercultural Mediation; English as a Lingua Franca/ Global English; Game Theory and Language
1981-1984 Secondary school: Oslo, Norway (major subjects. mathematics, chemistry)
1986 - 1988 University of Oslo, Norway: BA 4-year combined degree in: 1986 Philosophy; 1986-1987 Social Anthropology; 1987-1988, 1989 English Language and Literature; 1988-1989 Translation Studies: Theory and Technical/General and Literary Translation
1989-1990 University of Oxford, UK, visiting student in English Language and Literature
1990-1996 University of Warwick, UK, PhD in Translation Theory; title of thesis “The Role of Norms in Text Production: A Case Study of a Nineteenth Century Norwegian Folktale Collection and its Role in the Shaping of National Identity”
Grants 1989/1990 Norwegian State Grant, Oslo (to attend the University of Oxford)
1990/1991 British Council Fellowship, Oslo (to fund 1st year PhD)
1989-1992 Arnfinn og Lise Hejes Fond, Oslo (support to finance PhD)
Research Periods, Academic Summer Schools
August 2- 14 1993 University of Turku, Finland: Folklore Fellows Summer School (a 2-week international summer school in folkloristics organised by the Folklore Fellows - a prestigious academic organisation and research institution on folklore studies); participant; preparation and presentation of group work “National Identity and Models of Textualisation” and “Periphery and the European Legacy”, reports and video presentation; chairing of regional (Nordic) group on Scandinavian folklore. Fully funded by FFSS
1993 -Jan 1994 Warsaw, Poland (EU-sponsored) research/teaching scholarship on the Tempus scheme, 3-month scholarship at the Department of English, Warsaw University; research and teaching period on the 2010 and 2016 Financial support from NFFO, Association for Writers, Norway (NFF)
1994 July 4-29 Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium: CERA Chair summer school in Translation Studies. Organised annually by professor José Lambert: an international research seminar for young scholars; intensive research work, lectures, seminars, individual supervision by well-known scholars in the field (1994 supervisors: Profs. J. Lambert, G. Toury and D. Gile; C. Nord, L. D’hulst, T. Hermans, D. Delabastita, A. Poltermann. 1994 CERA Chair Professor 1994 Mary Snell-Hornby). Paper presented: “Folk Tales and Children’s Literature: Two Case Studies of Translations in a Macro-Structural Framework” (see below for publication)
2014 April-May Winchester, UK; Intercultural Training Course (business sector) at Richard Lewis Communications
University of Bologna
1995 --- English Language, English Literature, Translation, Interpreting
2014 --- Director and trainer, continuous training course in legal interpreting
University of Milan
2002-2004 and 2016/17 Dialogue Interpreting, Legal Interpreting
1995-- University Lecturer (on contract) in translation and interpreting at the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT), University of Bologna (located in Forlì);
1995-2001/2002 in the 4-yr. degree course with final undergraduate thesis (ca. 1 yr.); from 2001/2002 3-yr. degree course and 2-yr. specialization (MA) course (following nation-wide university reforms);
Full responsibility for the following compulsory semester or annual courses:
1995-1996 translation and specialized translation from Italian into English 4th yr.
1996-1997 translation and specialized translation from Italian into English 4th yr.
1997-1998 translation and specialized translation from Italian into English 4th yr.
1998-1999 translation and specialized translation from Italian into English 4th yr.
1999-2000 translation and specialized translation from Italian into English 4th yr.
2000-2001 translation and specialized translation from Italian into English 4th yr.
2001-2002, 2003-2004 dialogue interpreting between English and Italian 2nd yr.
2002-2003 English literature 1st yr.
The subject matter of each course is chosen, prepared and managed autonomously by each teacher according to their own area(s) of expertise; the teacher has full responsibility for the course structure and all exams). For the modules and seminar series teachers collaborate with the main teacher of the course, especially for exams, but are still almost completely independent in terms of deciding course material
Teaching semester courses or shorter modules/seminar series:
1996-1997Specialized translation from Italian into English 2nd yr. (full course);
English literature 3rdyr. (seminar)
1997-1998English language 1st yr. (full course);
Translation theory 4th yr. (seminar)
1998-1999Translation from Italian into English 3rd yr. (seminar)
1999-2000 Translation from Italian into English 3rd yr. (seminar);
English literature 3rdyr. (seminar);
English language 2nd yr. (full course)
2000-2001 Translation from Italian into English 3rd yr. (seminar);
Dialogue interpreting (full course) 2nd yr.;
English language and literature 3rdyr. (seminar);
English language 2nd yr. (full course)
2001-2003 Dialogue interpreting (full course) 2nd yr.;
English language and literature 4th yr. (seminar);
English language 2nd yr. (full course)
2002-2003 English literature 1st yr. (full course);
English literature 2nd yr. (seminar);
Dialogue interpreting (full course) 2nd yr.
2003-2004 English literature 2nd yr. (seminar);
2004-2005 Dialogue interpreting 2nd yr (full course)
1995-- Supervision of undergraduate and graduate theses in: Translation, Indian Literature in English, Oral narrative, Children’s Literature, Postcolonial literature, etc.
Course contents:
Specialized translation subject areas: business/economic language, journalistic texts, academic articles - university text books, conference papers, etc., essays, advertising, various literary texts
English Language and Literature: Varieties of English/ Global English / Postcolonialism and Language (1999-00, 2000/01, 2001/02);
English Literature: Indian Literature in English (Kipling, Jhabvala, Rushdie, etc.); Postcolonial Literature (postcolonial theory and texts: from Kipling to Forster and Conrad); Text Analysis; Postcolonial Literature and Nostalgia; Children’s Literature: Exploring the Children’s Literature Canon (Carroll, Grahame, Kipling, Barrie, Baum, Milne); Dialogue and Image in Children’s Literature– a Dialectical Relationship (investigating the relationship text-image, texts covered: Carroll, Kingsley, Sendak, Dr. Seuss, McDonald) seminars in the courses of Prof.s Baccolini (1996-97, 1999-00, 2000-01); and Bosinelli (2001-02); (2002-03)
Dialogue Interpreting: general theories/ideas on public service interpreting, introducing skills, strategies, terminology; group and individual practice; sectors covered: commercial, legal, health
Teaching at other academic institutions; 2016-2017:
2002-2003, 2003-2004: University of Milan, Faculty of Political Science: Contract lecturer on annual course in English Language and Translation 2nd yr. on the degree course “Language Mediation” at the Institute of Languages, Faculty of Political Science, University of Milan; teaching semester II Module 3: Oral communication in a professional setting: an introduction to oral language mediation; 60 hours
2016/7: University of Milan, Department of the Science of Languge Mediation and Intercultural Studies, Dipartimento di Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica e di Studi Interculturali, ‘Laboratorio professionalizzante’ on ‘The role of the legal interpreter in criminal procedures’ in the degree corse Language and Cultural Mediation (BA) and Language and Culture for Communication in International Cooperation (MA)
Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Bologna
Contracts for 2002-2005
2002-2003, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Bologna: English Tutor – teaching English exercises to 3rd and 4th year students; 2003-2005 1st year course in Functional Grammar; 2004-2005 post-graduate course English Language and Cultural Mediation / PSI
After 1.3.2005: On 1st March 2005 appointed tenured lecturer/researcher in English Language and Translation “Ricercatrice in Lingua e Traduzione Inglese” (corresponds to assistant professor) in English Language and Translation
a. English Language, 1st y. Undergraduate, “Introduction to Functional Grammar”
b. Postgraduate courses in “Lingua Inglese e Mediazione linguistico-culturale” (Community Interpreting)
a. Postgraduate courses in “Lingua Inglese e Mediazione linguistico-culturale” (Community Interpreting/ Intercultural Mediation and Communication) (Postgraduate degrees in “Language, Society and Communication” and “Lingue e Culture Italiane per Stranieri” (from 2011)
b. Postgraduate courses in English Language, Persuasion and Manipulation in Election Campaigns; Pragmatics; Discourse Analysis (2017...)
(due to National strike 2010-1011 only postgraduate course on ‘English Mediation’)
Supervision of under graduate and numerous postgraduate theses on the English Language, Translation, Community Interpreting, Interpreting, Intercultural Communication, Mediation, Language Teaching/ Acquisition, English as a Lingua Franca
Other teaching assignments at the University of Bologna:
2013-2017-- Seminars on “The Languages and Culture of Pakistan” at the Department for Oriental Studies and Department of Modern Languages (from 2017)
2014-2017-- Director of Continuous Development Training Course on Language Assistance and Interpreting (Corso di Formazione Permanente in Assistenza Linguistica in Ambito Giudiziario on the Legal Sector with special focus on ‘minority’ languages (students with high-frequency languages such as Arabic, Romanian, Albanian, Chinese, Bangla, etc.); coordination and teaching (legal interpreting – theory and ethics)
2015 Teaching English as a Foreign Language for the ‘Tirocinio Formativo Attivo per abilitazione insegnanti’ professionalization course for school teachers (18 hrs)
Supervision of theses at all levels: BA, MA, PhD on various topics, especially community interpreting and intercultural communication
Other teaching assignments and seminars at other education institutions and Faculties/ Departments:
2007 Translation course for the Regione of Emilia Romagna and the Province of Reggio Emilia for the Association La Cremeria Centro Studio e Lavoro:Laboratorio di Formazione sulle Tecniche di Traduzione (on translation techniques)
2007 Interpreting course for the Association Consorzio Provinciale di Formazione Professionale di Ravenna Corso sulla formazione al lavoro per qualifica per mediatori sulla mediazione linguistico culturale at Ravenna and Bagnacavallo (Community Interpreting)
2015, 2016, 2017 University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; “Language Use and the Multiethnic Society” in the MA course “Intercultural Master in the area of Health, Welfare, Employment and Integration
2017 The ‘Oriental’ University of Naples seminar about “Introduction to the History of Pakistan 70 years since Independence” as part of the conference series on Classical and Modern India
2017 University of Rome UNINT – seminar on Dialogue Interpreting
Leaves of absence
2009 October – December Høyskolen, Oslo (3 months)
2018 January-June University of Istanbul (4 months)
Member/ Supervisor PhD programmes
2006 -2010 Member of PhD programme DRIST, ‘Science of Translation’; Department of Modern Languages and Literature Supervision of 3 PhD candidtaes (E Pertu, S Nicoli, T Ozben: vivas May 2011)
2010-2017 Member of PhD programme in European Literatures: DESE
2011 – External member of PhD jury of the thesis G. Bevilacqua on „Die Sprachmittlung in Altenbetreuungseinrichtungen. EineempirischeForschungsarbeitüber die Italiener in Limburg at CETRA, Centre for Translation Studies, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven
2014 – Phd Examiner, University of Turku, M. Garavani “La traduzione della letteratura per l’infanzia dal finlandese all’italiano: l’esempio degli albi illustrati di Mauri Kunnas”
2016 PhD External examiner Maquarie University
European Projects
2013-2016 Partner (representing Department of Modern Languages and Literatures) in European project “Training in Languages of Lesser Diffusion” (TraiLLD) (coordinated by the University of Thomas More Antwerp) financed by DG Justice, EU; topic: legal interpreting for minority languages
Other research and academic tasks, offices, etc.
Commissions at the School of Languages and Literature, Translation and Interpretation, University of Bologna:
2009--2013 Commissione for student Orientation
2013/014 Commission for Internships
2015/16-2016/7Commission for Entrance Requirements, Postgraduate degree course ‘Lingue e Culture Italiane per Stranieri’
2016/2017 Commission for allocation of Grants, International Postgraduate degree course, ‘Language, Society and Communication’
Scientific Committees, Associations, Boards, Referee, Examiner, Evaluator, etc.
2005-10 Member of the Scientific Committee of the international Critical Link conferences Critical Link 5, Sydney, Australia and Critical Link 6, Aston, UK 2010
2005- Expert reader/Referee for John Benjamins (subject: community interpreting)
2008 reviewerTranslation Studies in Africa(3rd IATIS Volume) (‘Health Interpreting’)
2009- invited to form part of Academic Board at The first Conference on Applied Interculturality Research (cAIR10), Graz, Austria, 07.-10. April 2010
2009-2010 Expert reader/Referee for Translation & Interpreting: The International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research ed Sandra Hale, on-line; Interpreting: International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting, (John Benjamins); MediAzione; The Interpreter’s Newsletter; Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
2010 referee Modelling the Field of Community Interpreting: Questions of methodology in research and training, eds. C Kainz, E Prunc and R Schögler
2010 – Referee for CL6 (published with John Benjamins)
2010 --- Member of the FIT Committee on Community Interpreting
2010 – Evaluator for post-doctoral grant for IRCHS Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences, government of Ireland (Fellowship Application Postdoctoral fellowship,Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowships 2011-2012; Irish Research Council for the Humanities & Social Sciences)
2010 --- member of the Committee on Community Interpreting, FIT
2010 --- Coordinator of project on language mediation and interpreting in the legal setting LegaiI; development of a legal interpreting register
2014 – IEREST International education Resources for Erasmus Students and their Teachers; international conferences, scientific committee and chair “ Teaching the intercultural in contexts of student mobility”
2014 – evaluator National Funding body: The Research Foundation Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen, FWO), an independent funding agency that supports fundamental research in all disciplines in Flanders (Belgium)
2014 – referee Routledge
2014 –peer-reviewed category ‘A’ academic journals: Lingue e Linguaggi, Zona Moda,
2014 – Member of ENPSIT, The European Network for Public Service Interpreting and Translation)
2016 - ENPSIT, Member of Committee on Public Service Translation
Member/ Consultant of National Institutions
2011-2015 Delegate for the School of Languages and Literature, Translation and Interpretation, University of Bologna for the Working Group for the standardization of the profession of the Translator and Interpreter of the National Institution of Standardization of the Professions UNI (Ente nazionale per la standardizzazione delle professioni non regolamentati)
Research Groups
Member of three federally funded research groups at SSLiMIT, University of Bologna: “Unity and Multiplicity in National Identity” (2000/01-2001/02-2002/03-2003/04), “Interpretation and Specialist Languages” (2001/2002) and “The Community Interpreter in Emilia-Romagna – investigating the state of the art and training needs” (2002/2003)