Report; Premises, Health and Safety Committee to Engage Trust Board: March 2016

Directors and Trustees will be aware that PHS rotates its meetings around each of the Trust’s premises and works to a fixed agenda at each. To date this year this means that we have held meetings at the following locations and key issues arising are noted by base. Full details of each meeting are of course available in the Minutes

Compass Lingwood (23 September 2015)

The meeting took place very shortly after the start of term and thus very shortly after the essential work had been completed, which enabled us to open it as a site. Some work was still ongoing so we were unable on this occasion to undertake the usual scrutiny of paperwork. Instead we took a tour of the site and identified priority areas for scrutiny and/or action. Full details are in the Minutes but included

* Checking that the fire evacuation arrangements and muster point were the most appropriate

* Ensuring that until proper security was fitted fire doors with bolts on them had clear signs instructing that they be unlocked during operating hours

* Checking that the monitoring of classroom locations was being urgently actioned given the teething problems that had been described

* Checking that the recent injury to a staff member had arisen and been dealt with in accordance with policy and that the staff member was being supported in their recovery

* Scrutinising parking arrangements, bearing in mind the need to be a good neighbour and to make sure onsite parking was managed safely

The idea of a common schedule for legionella, asbestos and DEC (display energy certificate) was approved

The extent to which staff are adhering to the requirement to register all concerns on Smartlog was queried and governors asked that a reminder was sent to staff. This is the means by which H+S/maintenance requirements are flagged to attention and also allows monitoring of response times and any emerging themes or patterns

Various items of work completed were identified and acknowledged and the successful bid to EFA for replacement windows and doors at Earthsea and Pott Row were celebrated. Work will take place in summer holidays 2016.

Locksley (21 October 2015)

Scrutiny of records indicated no significant issues. Minor ones are noted in the Minutes. It was agreed that we would add DDA scrutiny to future scrutiny activity as we visit each site.

The issues raised at Lingwood were updated including that the injured staff member was doing well and that classrooms would be changed at half term.

We agreed to review the DEC report Norse provided to implement any recommendations that were affordable, or would make rapid savings, or that could saved for significant EFA funding rounds

Use of Smartlog had improved

An OFSTED concern over the locking mechanisms at Pinetree had been addressed.

Compass Belton (18 November 2015)

Scrutiny of records indicated no significant issues. Minor ones are noted in the Minutes for action. DDA assessment of site was undertaken for the first time, again no major issues.

Lingwood classroom issue had settled down so classrooms were not swapped in the end.

Decision made that we do not require a nominated fire marshal in any of our bases.

Extensive resources and premises managers’ report was scrutinised. All issues noted in Minutes including that we would be submitting a bid to the latest EFA round for various refurbishment and heating works and that options are being worked up as there was pressure to create more Primary space at Rosebery.

The committee were advised that Craig Page would be leaving his role at the end of January 2016 and replacement arrangements were being considered.

Compass Belton (20 January 2016)

Scrutiny of records raised a few more items than recently at other bases but again none of major significance; all recorded in the Minutes

Stefan Rider agreed to review all our fire risk assessments, especially valuable given his expertise in this area.

Continued damage to fire extinguishers at some sites will be responded to by installing covers for them in the first instance.

Terms of reference adopted with a review to take place at the end of the academic year if Trust developments make that necessary.

Works to replace windows using EFA funding could all be accommodated during school holidays, so a schedule will be devised minimising impact and avoiding any work outside holidays at Pott Row and Earthsea.

Urgent action to remedy the door at Earthsea was underway following a recent absconding incident

Concern over the apparent lack of training for some caretaking staff will be addressed by new premises manager appointee, Phil Palmer, as he has the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) accreditation to deliver it in-house

Ongoing and longstanding problem with the boiler at Belton had resulted in two days closure. Whilst it has been repaired this remains an ongoing cause for concern which the committee has asked the CEO to continue to pursue with NCC.

Various potential extensions, extra properties and new provisions were discussed with the CEO asked to keep the committee informed and involved as to developments

Trevor Cockburn


Premises, Health and Safety Committee