- Welcome members to the 2010 Annual General Meeting of the Association
- Declare AGM open at ……….(time)
- Please sign the attendance sheet and pass on to the next person
Have been received from Roslyn Heywood, Archana Sinh, Lynne Moore, Mathilda Element, Pam Fulmer all of whom have sent in Proxy forms.
Are there any further apologies?
A copy of the minutes of the 2009 Annual General Meeting are in front of the Brisbane participants today. Call for any member to advise of errors or omissions.
Could I then ask for someone to move:
“That the minutes of the 2009 Annual General Meeting, held on 11 November 2009 be accepted as a true and correct record of that meeting".
And a Seconder All in favour? Against?
Motion Carried
The president’s report will be published in Journal 16.3 2010 and also on the ECTA website in the members only secure area. I will only mention points briefly this afternoon
- Our numbers have continued to expand during 2010 we now have
- A total of $847 ECTA members being
2010 Individual / 538
2010 Organisational / 175
2010 Graduate / 6
2010 Concessional / 6
2010 StudentEYC / 20
2010 Student / 81
2010 life members / 10
2010 OS EYC Organisational / 1
- This year following our Annual Planning Day the SCC decided to focus on supporting our regional members and ECTA Groups
- Using profits from our 2009 conference we sponsored our 2009 conference Keynote speaker Loretta Giocelli to tour Gladstone, Hervey Bay and Gympie Cooloola Regional Groups.
- We also offered sponsorship to two ECTA Group Office Bearers from each ECTA group to attend the conference and the ECTA Group Breakfast meeting. 7 Office Bearers attended the breakfast along with SCC Members. We hope to offer this sponsorship again next year to Office Bearers.
- Next year we hope to provide a Laurie Kelly tour for all regional groups.
- Our Partnership with Open Learning Institute of TAFE and QUT allows us to provide high quality videolinq presentations to members across the state.
- Also the new streamed recordings of videolinqs has allowed immediate access to videolinqs to members in remote areas. We will still post members a copy of all 2010 videolinqs including tonight’s presentation on DVD.
- We thank ADAQ for their continued support in providing ECTA a venue for our committee meetings.
- Thank you goes to the
- Libbyin her first year as regional groups coordinator – Regional Group provide invaluable networking opportunities for our members and other EC professionals in regional areas. 2010 saw regional groups becoming more active with most holding conferences or workshops.
- Toni and Robbie and the conference committeewho held a successful and for thge first time booked out conference of extremely high quality.
- Next year we will be moving to a new venue and Robbie will coordinate the conference with the support of her committee. eNEWS will keep you updated.
- 4 nominations for conference support were received this year and we awareded sponsorship to attend the conference to Connie Duncan Atherton, Melissa Rudder from Tannum Sands and Margaret Riddle Charters Towers.
- Gail and her very active webweavers committee. ECTA Website continues to grow and refine. eNEWS is sent monthly
- Lynne Moore and her panel for there ongoing professional publications of Educating Young Children. Our last journal for 2010 will be printed in full colour.
- 7 of our 10 life membersGail Halliwell, Mark Cooper, Toni Michael, Pam Fulmer, Carole Wilde, Noeleen Christsensen and Von Davis continued to be actively involved in ECTA during the year and we thank them for their continued dedication to EC and ECTA.
I would like to thank them and all the members of our state coordinating, journal, web and conference committees for their time and dedication to ECTA during 2010.
Without their support ECTA would not be the strong professional organisation that it is.
I wish you all well for the 2011 year.
Please contact me at anytime if you wish to discuss ECTA or your involvement in one of the committees. Kim
Any Questions:
Could I then ask for someone to move:
“That the President's Report for 2010 be accepted".
And a seconder All in favour? Against?
Motion Carried.
I welcome Lisa Cooper who will present the Treasurer’s report for the audited accounts for the year ended 30 September 2010.
The Auditor report for 2010 shows ECTA had an income of $185,667 which is an increase of $23822 from last year. Increased membership and conference registrations and sponsorship accounted for the increase.
In contrast our expenses rose by $8447. Major changes in expense being the Loretta Giocelli Tour which was approx 10, 000. We now pay for videolinq presentations which accounts for the increase in $1302 in Videolinq expenses. Decreases in DVD productions due to combining all videolinq presentations on one DVD and cheaper production costs. Less printing this year was mainly due to bulk printing in 2009.
This has given us a net profit of $33492 as opposed to last year being $20885
We also continue to hold a fixed Investment of $57665.
The auditor has calculated we paid $6647 tax for 2010 (profit from non-member sources)
As a result ECTA membership fees will not rise for the 2011 year.
Are there any questions relating to the financial report.
Could I ask that someone please move:
“That the Financial Report, including the audited accounts, be accepted."
And a Seconder All in favour? Against?
Motion Carried.
The Auditor in the past has been Coogans Pty Ltd. Would someone move that the auditor be reappointed?
Seconded? All in favour? Against?
Motion Carried.
All positions are declared vacant.
(Kim vacates chair for nomination and election of Chair. Mark/Bron to conduct the part for election of President and then Kim resumes.)
One nomination was received for the position of President. I have pleasure in declaring Kim Walters elected as ECTA President for 2011.
Kim Resumes
One nomination has been received for the position of Vice President. I have pleasure in declaring Sue Southey elected as ECTA Vice President for 2011.
One nomination has been received for the position of Secretary. I have pleasure in declaring Mark Cooper elected as ECTA Secretary for 2011.
One nomination has been received for the position of Treasurer. I have pleasure in declaring Lisa Cooper from Hervey Bay regional group elected as ECTA Treasurer for 2011.
One nomination has been received for Regional Groups coordinator
I have pleasure in declaring Libby Gaedtke from Hervey Bay regional group elected as ECTA Regional Groups coordinator and state coordinating committee member for 2011.
The following members nominated as State Coordinating Committee Members:
Sue Southey / Coordinating Committee (Vice P)Website / 1.Sue Southey
2. Kim Walters
Mark Cooper / Secretary /
- Mark Cooper
- Kim Walters
Lisa Cooper / Coordinating Committee
Conference /
- Lisa Cooper
- Kim Walters
Libby Gaedtke / Regional Groups Coordinator
Website committee /
- Libby Gaedtke
- Kim Walters
Gail Halliwell / Coordinating Committee
Website coordinator / 1. Gail Halliwell
2. Kim Walters
Allison Borland (AGM) / Coordinating Committee
Website committee / 1. Allison Borland
2. Kim Walters
Bronwyn MacGregor / Coordinating Committee / 1. Bronwyn MacGregor
2. Kim Walters
Anne Pearson / Coordinating Committee / 1. Anne Pearson
2. Kim Walters
Liz Smith / Committee member / 1. Liz Smith
2. Kim Walters
Gail Halliwell / Website coordinator / 1. Gail Halliwell2. Kim Walters
Roslyn Heywood / Website coordinator
EYC committee / 1.Roslyn Heywood
2.Kim Walters
Sue Southey / Coordinating Committee (Vice P)
Website / 1.Sue Southey
2. Kim Walters
Lisa Cooper / Coordinating Committee
Conference /
- Lisa Cooper
- Kim Walters
Libby Gaedtke / Regional Groups Coordinator
Website committee /
- Libby Gaedtke
- Kim Walters
Conference Committee
Robbie Leikvold / Conference Coordinator /- Robbie Leikvold
- Kim Walters
Jenny Caswell / Conference Committee
Wendy Hooker / Conference Committee
Bev Egan / Conference Committee
Kerry Smith / Conference Committee
Rebecca Trimble-Roles / Conference secretary
Ann Lock / Conference Committee
Pam Fulmer / Conference Presenters
Journal Committee
Lynne Moore / Editor EYC Journal
Mathilda Element (AGM) / EYC Journal /
- Mathilda Element
- Kim Walters
Archana Sinh / EYC Journal /
- Archana Sinh
- Kim Walters
Sue Webster / EYC Journal
Angela Drysdale / EYC Journal
Roslyn Heywood / Coordinating Committee
Eyc committee / 3.Roslyn Heywood
4.Kim Walters
Call for any other items of general business relating to the AGM.
The 2011 ECTA Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 9 November
There being no further business, I declare the ECTA 2010 Annual General Meeting closed at ......
PROXY VOTES from / In attendance / In attendance via videolinqPage 1 of 6