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Agenda Item: 5

Report on the Progress of the Implementation of SCE Fora 2011 Work Plans

Purpose: Consideration

Submitted by: APEC Secretariat

Forum Doc. No.: 2011/SOM2/SCE/005

/ SecondSenior Officials’ MeetingBig Sky, United States
17-18 May 2011

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In 2010 a new Framework for “Strengthening Economic and Technical Cooperation in APEC” was endorsed by Ministers. Included in this framework was a recommendation that the APEC Secretariat Executive Director prepare a report on how sub-fora work plans meet APEC’s overall vision and objectives for presentation at SCE1 to be followed-up at SCE2 and SCE3 with progress reports presented on behalf of sub-fora chairs/lead shepherds on the implementation of these work plans. In line with these recommendations, this present report has been prepared for SCE2 2011 to outline the efforts made thus far in 2011 by sub-fora on the work that has been undertaken towards the goals outlined in the annual work plans. This report is necessarily an interim report; sub-fora will be expected to provide a detailed summary of their 2011 work in preparation for SCE3 later this year.

For a variety of reasons it is not yet clear whether all groups are on track to achieve their planned deliverables for the year. For instance only nine of the 16 working groups and task forces met on the margins of SOM1 in Washington, D.C., these nine include the extraordinary meeting of the Fisheries Working Group (FWG) and the Marine Resources Conservation Working Group (MRCWG) who will not hold their regular meetings until June. Three groups will be holding meeting for the first time in 2011 at SOM2 or later: the Gender Focal Point Network (GFPN) who will meet on the margins of SOM3; the Mining Task Force (MTF); and, the Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG) who are meeting on the margins of SOM2.

Highlights of Progress Made by SCE Fora

Anti Corruption Task Force (ACT)

In 2011 the ACT will focus on strengthening efforts to combat corruption and to leverage collective action to combat corruption and illicit trade by promoting clean government, fostering market integrity, and strengthening relevant judicial and law enforcement systems. ACT work in 2011 includes:

  • obtaining approval from the SCE to elevate the ACT from a Task Force to a permanent Working Group;
  • beginning work on reports on corruption and illicit trade (counterfeit medicines) and on financial disclosures systems (preventing and detecting conflicts and illicit enrichment) for completion later in the year; and
  • supporting the SMEWG on a series of workshops on business ethics to be held in conjunction with the SME Ministerial to help SMEs overcome the challenges and costs associated with corruption.

Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group (ATCWG)

In 2011 the ATCWG has begun to implement the directions given by ministers in on APEC Food Security and the APEC Action Plan on Food Security stemming from the APEC Ministerial Meeting on Food Security held in 2010. The 2011 work of the ATCWG includes:

  • the annual ATCWG meeting was held on the margins of SOM1 back to back with the HLPDAB annual meeting as recommended by the SCE;
  • working towards the implementation of the following projects:
  • an “APEC-ATCWG Biofuels Network Annual Symposium and Biotrade/Technical Training Workshop” to be held in May;
  • a “Risk analysis on cross-border spread of animal influenza in trade areas of borders and communication for information (P. R. China)” to be held in October;
  • “Promotion of Indigenous Vegetables for Coping with Climate Change and Food Security in APEC” to be completed in late 2011.
  • The ATCWG will also hold a Technology Transfer Forum in November.

Counter Terrorism Task Force (CTTF)

The CTTF work plan is designed to help create a secure environment for economic activity to help ensure regional growth and prosperity.

In 2011 the CTTF is working on:

  • coordinating the development of an APEC counter-terrorism/secure trade strategy in close cooperation with other relevant APEC fora;
  • implementing reforms set forth in the Independent Assessor’s report and the CTTF Medium Term Work Plan;
  • collaborating with TPTWG/AEG-SEC to implement the APEC Aviation Security Canine Screening Workshop;
  • preparing to hold the 8th Secure Trade in the APEC Region (STAR) Conference.

Emergency Preparedness Working Group (EPWG)

The EPWG is works towards a secure community to minimize natural and human risks to economic activity and a secure and resilient economic environment. Following APEC Ministers guidance, the EPWG is intensifying efforts to reduce and prepare for potential threats and disruptions to commerce and trade, and to strengthen the region’s capacity to achieve a secure and resilient economic and social environment. Work completed or underway in 2011 includes:

  • Preparing for an “APEC Workshop on Private Sector Emergency Preparedness” to be held in September;
  • Linking the EPWG website to other organisations’ websites, in particular those international fora that deal with emergency preparedness and business resilience.

Energy Working Group (EWG)

In 2011 the EWG will seek to enhance energy security and promote energy-efficiency and low-carbon policies by focusing on energy-efficient transport strategies and encouraging creation of low-carbon communities. At the time of this report the EWG had not yet met in 2011, but a number of activities have been undertaken so far in 2011 including:

  • inauguration of the Energy Smart Communities Initiative (ESCI) with activities on smart transport, smart buildings, smart grids and smart jobs. ESCI work includes:
  • the Low Carbon Model Towns effort and a Knowledge Sharing Platform
  • smart building efforts include a rating and testing center for building materials and components as well as projects on best practices for low-energy buildings and demonstration of cool roofs and low-energy windows
  • continued implementation of the Peer Review of Energy Efficiency (PREE), this year Indonesia has volunteered for the review while Viet Nam will be the first follow-up PREE to examine its implementation of recommendations made in 2009;
  • implementation of projects on “smart appliance” standards for air conditioners and on standards for highly efficient light-emitting diodes (LEDs);
  • hold a workshop on the energy and green transport benefits of electric vehicles in October;
  • Undertake a project on the resource potential of Biofuels from algae, to be highlighted at a workshop in September;
  • Implementation of new project to review the unconventional gas resources in APEC economies recently approved by BMC;
  • Hosting of joint conference of Transportation and Energy Ministers in San Francisco on September 13. A follow-up expert workshop on energy efficient urban passenger transport is scheduled to take place immediately after the Ministerial;
  • Implementation of new projects analysing remaining inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption with a view to their rationalization and phase out including:
  • a project to examine best practices for eliminating fossil fuel subsidies while protecting the poor
  • a self-funded project in coordination with the International Energy Agency to estimate the economic benefits of eliminating consumer subsidies for fossil fuels.

Fisheries Working Group (FWG)

The FWG is committed to ensure the sustainable development of oceans and the conservation of the marine environment. The regular annual meeting of the FWG will take place in June. Thus far in 2011 the FWG has:

  • Held a joint meeting with the Marine Resource Conservation Working Group (MRCWG) to discuss the possible merger of the groups.

Gender Focal Point Network (GFPN)

The GFPN is focusing efforts on enhancing women’s access to training, financing, technology, and infrastructure to maximize their economic opportunities as well as facilitating women’s access to capacity building programmes, technology and infrastructure and supporting measures to promote employment for women in informal and vulnerable sectors. So far in 2011 the GFPN has:

  • Collaborated with the CTI and SMEWG on projects to improve the business environment faced by women-led small, medium and micro-enterprises;
  • Begun preparations for a Women and the Economy Summit to be held in September .

Health Working Group (HWG)

The HWG contributes to strengthening inclusive, innovative and secure growth through three priorities: enhancing preparedness for and effective management of infectious diseases, building capacity for the prevention of Non-communicable Diseases, and strengthening health systems of economies. In 2011 the HWG has:

  • held a Health Policy Dialogue on aging in Washington D.C. involving the business sector, and academia;
  • held a joint HWG-LSIF meeting discussions focused on increased cooperative efforts in the areas of Non communicable Disease (NCDs), ICT on health, strengthening health system, and health financing issues.;
  • In 2010, there were 5 HWG projects approved for funding, implementation of these projects continues in 2011.

Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG)

The HRDWG work plan contains four strategic objectives for 2011: 1) Strengthen the link among the 3 Networks and other fora; 2) Gather and strengthen internal capacity and resources of HRD to work for REI, Digital economy, Ease of doing business, and Service;3) Build and strengthen HRDWG’s self-sustainable supporting system; 4) Make HRD as a cross-cutting working group in APEC and expanding the collaboration with outside of APEC. In 2011 the HRDWG has:

  • started to build HRD Communication Supporting Group and HRD-Expert Community, in order to support REI, Digital economy, Ease of doing business, and Service;
  • coordinated with ABAC and other international organizations such as SEAMEO, with a view to expanding collaboration and developing joint projects;
  • commenced preparations for a 5th APEC Education Ministerial Meeting in June 2012;
  • launched a multi-year project on skills development promotion and established an APEC Skills Development Promotion Center in Wuxi, China. A seminar on post-crisis skills development policies has been held. Another 4 training of trainers (TOT) courses are now under preparation and have been scheduled in the second half of the year;
  • planned the APEC Human Capital Policies for Green Growth project which was recently in-principally approved by BMC with a symposium scheduled in September 2011;
  • continued implementing the project on Quality in Higher Education: Identifying, Developing, and Sustaining Best Practices in the APEC Region, a 3-day session will take place in August;
  • continued implementation of a project on Capacity Building for Policies & Monitoring of Cross-Border Education in APEC Region with a conference to be held in June.

Industrial Science and Technology Working Group (ISTWG)

The ISTWG supports the prioritized strategy of innovative growth or knowledge-based growth as the engine of future economic growth. Thus far in 2011 the ISTWG has:

  • In close cooperation with the EWG, commenced work on a project on “Addressing Challenges of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Deployment in APEC”;
  • The ISTWG Workshop on International Science and Technology Network was held in conjunction with SOM1 as an opportunity discuss new ways to connect and reach out to Science and Technology institutions and organizations;
  • Initiated coordination with the EWG and how the groups can collaborate on issues such as energy efficiency, new and renewable energies, climate change and smart grids.

Marine Resources Conservation Working Group (MRCWG)

The 2011 focus of the MRCWG is on the promotion of the role of healthy oceans with a sustainable growth strategy through, inter alia, applications of science for the implementation of ecosystem approach to the management of the marine environment in achieving food security. While the MRCWG has not yet held their annual meeting, in 2011 the MRCWG has:

  • Held a joint meeting with the FWG to discuss the possible merger of the groups.

Mining Task Force (MTF)

The focus of MTF activities in the MTF work plan is on the APEC New Growth Strategy, in order to advance green growth and innovative growth, and on the APEC New Strategy for Structural Reform (ANSSR), in order to advance structural reforms in mining and metallurgy. The MTF met in 2011 at the sidelines of SOM2, and resolved on the following:

  • continue to advance the 10 APEC mining policy principles adopted by Ministers Responsible for Mining;
  • draft an annual report on the current situation in mining sector including major events, trends, problems/issues of the sector and forecast for the future, with the help of Friends of the Chair;
  • greater engagement with the business sector, and other groups such as international organizations involved in mining and international financial institutions (IFIs).

Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG)

The SMEWG work plan for 2011 has been developed with the theme of Leveraging Partnerships with APEC Small Businesses to Foster Innovation and Create an Entrepreneurial Society. Four sub-themes are: 1) resolving impediments to increase SME exports, 2) embracing business ethics to enhance SMEs’ Competitiveness, 3) promoting SMEs’ use of new technologies to reduce the costs of doing business, 4) identifying policies to support green SMEs,

Preparations are nearing completion for the following deliverables at the next SMEWG meeting, to be held on the margins of SOM2:

  • identifying progress on the SMEWG Strategic Plan and the potential gaps in each priority area
  • assessment of new projects and sharing of results of completed projects;
  • sharing of best practices on assisting SMEs in crisis management, including economic crises and natural disasters;
  • Reporting on SMEWG inter-sessional activities:
  • Sharing on Best Practice Study on SME Internationalization Seminar
  • Business Ethics for APEC SMEs: Session on Global Supply Chain
  • Business Ethics for APEC SMEs: Session on the Construction Industry
  • Business Ethics for APEC SMEs: Session on Auditing and Certification
  • How to Grow Your Green Small Business in APEC Members’ Markets Workshop
  • Shaping the Agenda: Enhanced SME Competitiveness through Clean Growth
  • Improving SME Competitiveness Through Sustained Business Practices
  • APEC SME Green Innovation Conference.
  • consider how the SMEWG can contribute to APEC New Strategy for Structural Reform (ANSSR) implementation;
  • continue to coordinate with and analyze the work of other APEC fora and related groups to determine future avenues of cooperation, including the EC, CTI, GFPN and WLN;
  • consider how the SMEWG can contribute to the Supply Chain Connectivity Action Plan implementation, and in particular, the work identified under chokepoint 3.

Telecommunications and Information Working Group (TELWG)

The TELWG has five priority areas for 2011: 1) Develop ICT to Promote New Growth, 2) Enhance Socio-Economic Activities through the use of ICT, 2) Promote a Safe and Trusted ICT Environment, 4) Promote Regional Economic Integration, 5) Strengthen Cooperation in the ICT Sector. In 2011 the TELWG has:

  • at the TELWG meeting held in March, discussed:
  • the status of universal access via broadband services in each economy;
  • ongoing projects on ICT infrastructure development and ICT application in socio-economic activities;
  • members’ cyber-security awareness raising activities and cyber-security strategies;
  • implementation of MRA for conformity assessment and MRA for equivalence of technical requirements.
  • Completed the following three projects (workshops):
  • Workshop on Infrastructure Sharing to Foster Broadband Access held in March to discuss best practice of infrastructure sharing and broadband development, and technical issues and policy challenges in infrastructure sharing;
  • Workshop on Cyber-security policy developments in the APEC Region held in March to discuss policies and technical trends from 2005-2010, government implementation of TSSOE (Trusted Secure and Sustainable Online Environment), industry implementation of TSSOE and possible improvement of TSSOE;
  • Workshop on Progress on International Mobile Roaming held in March to discuss case studies of APT (Asia-Pacific Telecommunity) and ASEAN on international mobile roaming and progress in APEC TEL, including overview of ‘international mobile roaming training for Asia-Pacific regulatory authorities’ project.

Tourism Working Group (TWG)

As affirmed by APEC Tourism Ministers in 2010, in 2011 the TWG will continue to focus on implementing specific strategic measures to address (1) raising the recognition of the significance of tourism and the role it plays as an economic engine in the Asia-Pacific region and the wider APEC form as a whole; (2) influencing other APEC fora and policy makers to address issues that affect tourism, such as the Emergency Preparedness Working Group and the Counter-Terrorism Task Force; and (3) promoting the sustainable management of tourism businesses and destinations. In 2011 the TWG has:

  • Drafted and discussed a dynamic APEC Tourism Strategic Plan built on reformulated policy goals;
  • Begun work towards a TWG flagship project on “Creating Business Growth Opportunities in the New APEC Economy” to grow travel and tourism and working towards the creation of an enabling environment in the region for travel and tourism with appropriate policy frameworks, institutional development, inclusive growth (for example, women), and workforce development.

Transportation Working Group (TPTWG)

The TPTWG is responsible for achieving liberalization and facilitation of transport trade and services and enhancing safe, secure, efficient and environment-friendly transportation systems across the Asia-Pacific Region, activities undertaken in 2011 will contribute to Regional Economic Integration, the APEC Growth Strategy and APEC Reform. In 2011 the TPTWG has:

  • assisted the CTTF in the development of the APEC Trade Recovery Program including through a joint TPTWG-CTTF self-funded project titled ‘Aviation Security Canine Screening Workshop’ taking place in June;
  • contribute to the CTI-led Supply Chain Connectivity Framework by addressing the advantages of various intermodal transportation models;
  • begun work to produce a template to analyze international visitor flows and greenhouse gas emissions.


The groups who have been able to report significant accomplishments thus far in 2011 are those that are following the plans set out in their annual work plans. Again this year it is clear that fora with well thought out plans at the outset are able to articulate their accomplishment’s later and deliver results that are directed at APEC’s overall goals and objectives.