Part 1 Programme details
Proposed titleBSc (Honours) in Business andInformation Systems (MECIT)
Proposing School:School of Retail & Services Management
Nature and duration of programmeFour years, full-time
**Derogations from DIT regulations apply. See page 3 of this report**
- DIT awards requested:BSc (Honours) in Business and Information Systems; with classification in accordance with a grade point average system, 2.30-2.99 Second Class, Lower Division, 3.0-3.69 Second Class, Upper Division and 3.70 -4.00 First Class
Exit Awards requested:
- Certificate in Business and Information Systems – 120 Credit Points (ECTS equivalent: 60), unclassified
- Diploma in Business and Information Systems– 240 Credit Points (ECTS equivalent: 120)in accordance with a grade point average systemclassified 1.00 – 2.70 Pass, 2.71 – 3.70 Merit, 3.71 Distinction
- Advanced Diploma in Business and Information Systems–360 Credit Points(ECTS equivalent: 180)in accordance with a grade point average system1.00 – 2.70 Pass, 2.71 – 3.70 Merit, 3.71 Distinction
Parallel award sought from other award bodyNone
Professional/external accrediting body None
This programme is jointly managed by the Middle East College of Information Technology (MECIT) in Oman and the School of Retail and Services Management in DIT. As part of the Institute’s partnership arrangements it was proposed by an Accreditation Committee in January 2009 that MECIT be accredited as a partner institution of DIT. The programme arises from ongoing collaboration between MECIT and DIT and is designed based on an informed understanding of the need for high calibre management graduates with equally strong Information systems base.
Programme Aims and Learning Outcomes:
The overall aim of the programme is to develop a high level of intellectual awareness and technical competence in the subject area of Business and Information Systems, through a process of education, with possibility to pursue pathways in one of the following fields:
- Supply Chain and Logistics Management
- Human Resources Management
- Accounting
It is expected that graduates of the programme will be able to take their places in Management and Information systems related positions in Business, Commerce and the Public sector and demonstrate a high level of competence. For those wishing to pursue a career in one of the three specific disciplines (pathways), the programme aims to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding in the major elements of the management of these sectors and a range of technical competence and key management skills. The programme integrates these with the larger needs of the country and the region and is positioned at a level expected of producing competent and responsible business professionals.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the programme, students are expected to be able to demonstrate:
- Subject knowledge and developed understanding of:
a)Basic business areas and the relationship and interdependence of business functions with technological aspects of organisations.
b)The inter-dependence and inter-relationship between the organisation, its environment and management in the technological context.
c)Concepts, frameworks and the underlying principles of business management and information systems.
d)Contextualised and specialized aspects of the business environment.
e)The impact of technology and globalisation on organisations and their management.
f)Research methodologies and appropriate applications.
- Subject-Specific Skills - able to:
a)Critically analyse given scenarios in the light of business and technological knowhow.
b)Apply appropriate qualitative and quantitative research skills.
c)Select, apply and evaluate key business tools and theories to develop integrated applications to a range of business issues.
d)Demonstrate an awareness of the significant current and future business, technological and environmental issues that impact on the organisation.
e)Develop specialist technical know-how relevant to the chosen pathway.
- Intellectual skills - able to:
a)Critically evaluate arguments and evidence – capacity to identify assumptions, to identify implicit values, to define adequately and generalise appropriately.
b)Analyse and conclude from structured or unstructured situations.
c)Locate, extract and analyse from multiple sources.
f)Analyse, interpret and use data in pursuit of solutions to specific business and information systems problems.
g)Plan, design and innovate based on specific business and information systems scenarios.
h)Recognise the limitations of current knowledge and familiarise with sources of new knowledge.
i)Integrate knowledge and work-life experiences.
j)Appreciate social, technological, environmental and ethical issues in a business and information systems context.
- Key skills - able to:
a)Participate constructively in a non-structured team as well as group environment.
b)Manage autonomous, independent learning and be self-directed in terms of time, motivation and planning.
c)Take direction, accept criticism and use feedback to enhance own performance and that of others.
d)Apply numerical skills.
e)Communicate effectively with peers and supervisors on technical and non-technical matters.
f)Effectively use communication strategies and information technology.
Programme structureThis honours degree programme is to be offered on amodularised and semesterised basis. .
Minimum Entry Requirements:
Minimum entry requirements for accessing this programme are as follows:
- General Education Certificate (equivalent to final second level certification), or equivalent qualification, and
- A minimum of 5.5 score on IELTS or its equivalent or successful completion of the MECIT Foundation Programme.
Exemptions to individual components of the programme will be considered on a case by case basis and may be offered on a module by module basis, subject to the agreement of both Joint Chairpersons for the programme. Any exemptions will be considered only where common modules have been completed or where there is a minimum of 75% overlap in module context and where students have achieved a minimum grade of 60% or over. Exemptions will not be awarded to any modules that are set at level 3.
Student assessment
In accordance with DIT Modular Scheme Assessment Regulations. However the following derogations will apply.
- Exit Award Titles differ somewhat from the award titles as placed on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications. (Refer to condition at the end of this report regarding this matter)
- Classification system is based on a Grade Point Average system
- The minimum pass threshold is 50% in all subjects.
- Students have only one opportunity to repeat an examination, i.e. total attempts at an examination = 2 attempts.
- In the event that a student has to repeat an examination, the minimum mark to be achieved in continuous assessment component of the modules is 20 out of 50%. ???
A detailed student handbook the specific regulations on this programme is available in the Quality Assurance and Academic Programmes Records Office.
Part 2 Review details and membership of panelSchedule of Meetings: 25th May 2011, Boardroom, DIT Kevin Street
9.30 hrsTea / Coffee to be served: Introduction of members of Panel to the Director/Dean of Faculty, senior staff from the School responsible for the programme and representatives from the MECIT. Presentation to the panel on proposed changes
10.15hrsPrivate meeting of Panel to review in detail documentation submitted and discuss matters to be raised at subsequent meetings with various groups
11.00 hrsTeas / Coffees Meeting of Panel with Head of School, Chairperson of the Programme Committee, Representatives from MECIT and appropriate members of the Programme Committee to discuss specific issues raised by the Panel.
12.30 hrsLunch.
13.30 hrsMeeting of Panel with staff teaching on the Programme to discuss such matters as syllabuses, teaching methods and assessment issues
14.30 hrsTeas / Coffees: Private meeting of Panel to consider draft report.
15.00 hrsOral Presentation of findings of Panel to Director, senior staff, Chairperson of Programme Committee and other staff as appropriate
Composition of Review Panel
Internal Members:
Mr. Frank Prendergast (Chair) College of Engineering and the Built Environment
Ms. Anna CruickshankCollege of Arts and Tourism
Mr. Paul O’ReillyCollege of Business
Ms Nicole O’NeillQuality Assurance Officer
External Members
Dr. Sean EnnisDirector of Teaching and Learning, Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Mr. Michael O’ConnorCorporate Communications and Marketing Manager,
Siemens Ireland Ltd.
Part 3 Comments on documentation and arrangements for event
Documentation provided: Programme documents A and B, including critical appraisal, programme structure, and rationale of the programme, as well as core component and staff details were provided.
Briefing notes provided: Extracts from the DIT Handbook for Quality Enhancement
Part 4 Findings of the Panel
The Panel is pleased to recommend that Academic Council approve the programme for the awards of BSc (Honours) in Business and Information Systems with classification in accordance with a Grade Point Average System indicated above, and at level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications.
The panel will also investigate recommending to Academic Council approval of the exit awards of Certificate (Unclassified) as a minor award at level 6, Diploma (Classified) at level 6 and Advanced Diploma (Classified) at level 7 as detailed above.
In line with DIT Quality Assurance Policies a full programme review should be undertaken after 5 years. During this five year period requests for minor changes to the programme should be submitted to the DIT Business College board in early June each year and a completed Q5 form should be submitted in November each year.
- To facilitate the implementation of the classified exit awards, learning outcomes should be included in the programme document for each of the exit awards and the external examiner should be appointed from year 2 onwards.
- Staff Curriculum Vitae should be submitted to the panel.
- A statement of equivalency on the alignment of the MECIT & DIT grading systems and classifications and assessment criteria for each classification should be included in the programme document.
- Details included in the student handbook on Academic Policies and Procedures, General Academic Policies and Grading and Evaluation should be embedded in the programme document.
- Details on assessment included in the programme document and a schedule of assessments should be included in the student handbook.
- The School of Retail and Services Management should nominate moderators for each of the discipline areas each year.
- The formula for the calculation of the classification of the award(s) should be included in the programme document.
- A summary workload table should be included, that details by module contact and self learning hours, ECTS and assessment weighting.
- Reconsider the title of the Maths module in year 1 to reflect that the module focuses on mathematical applications.
- Details should be included in the programme document on the industry liaison currently in place in MECIT and consider developing student excellence awards and industry sponsored prizes for high performing students.
- Consideration should be given to including an on-line support workshop from DIT on academic writing, DIT Style Guide and examination techniques.
- The table on p19 should be corrected to include Business Economics.
- The linkages between DIT and MECIT need to be indicated in terms of the awarding and moderating role of DIT.
- The document should be edited to remove reference to other Institutions not involved with this programme.
- Indicative reading lists should be updated.