Report on Mineral Oil Cargos Transported in Bulk

(pursuant to Article 62/A.(1) of Act CXXVII of 2003 on Excise Taxes and Special Regulations on the Distribution of Excise Goods)

1.Personal data

1.1.For self-employed entrepreneurs


1.1.2.Place and date of birth:

1.1.3.Mother’s name:


1.1.5.Permanent address (residence):

1.1.6.Business seat (if not available, mailing address):

1.1.7.Personal identification number (passport number):

1.1.8.Number and date of business licence, and name of issuing authority:

1.1.9.Tax identification number:

1.2.For entities with legal personality and entities without legal personality


1.2.2.Business seat (if not available, business site):

1.2.3.Tax identification number/community tax identification number:

1.2.4.Authorized representative’s and date of birth:’s name: address (residence): identification number (passport number):

2.Data relating to the transport of mineral oils pursuant to Article 62/A.(1) of the Excise Act

2.1.The delivered goods’

2.1.1.CN code:

2.1.2.Quantity (in litre/kilogram, rounded to two decimal places):

2.2.Name of transport operator:

2.3.Type of vehicle:

2.4.Registration number plate of vehicle:

2.5.Name of consignor of the cargo:

2.6.Address of consignor of the cargo:

2.7.Name of consignee of the cargo:

2.8.Address of consignee of the cargo:

2.9.Expected date of entry to the territory of Hungary:

2.10.Place of entry to the territory of Hungary:

2.11.Route in Hungary:

2.12.Expected time of exit from the territory of Hungary:

2.13.Place of exit from the territory of Hungary:


4.Signature of buyer/transporter


the Form titled ’Report on Mineral Oil Cargos Transported in Bulk’

The buyer, transporter of mineral oilsmust submit the mandatory notification of

  • mineral oil cargos transported in bulk from one Member-state to another Member-state or to a third country via the territory of Hungary,

as stipulated in Article 62/A.(1) of Act CXXVII of 2003 on Excise Taxes and Special Regulations on the Distribution of Excise Goods (hereinafter called: the Excise Act), with the content specified in Annex 29 of Decree 8/2004. (III.10.) PM of the Ministry of Financeon the implementation of certain provisions of the Excise Act, by using the Form introduced by the customs authority, or the electronic Form downloaded from the Internet website of the customs authority, in a printed format to the customs organization having jurisdiction at the place of entry in writing (e.g.: by postal mail, by telefax or in an electronic letter). The report may be submitted in English, German or French languages, according to the choice of the reporting entity, by using the Form introduced by the customs authority, respectively.

The reporting obligation pursuant to Paragraph (1) of Article 62/A of the Excise Act shall be applicable exclusively for cases when the mineral oilsare transported in tankertrucks, railway tankerwagons, tanker ship, tank containers or any other drums or cisterns containing an actually loaded volume exceeding 210 litres.

Any change in the data specified in the report shall be notified to the customs authority on the day of change the latest, while changes of data relating to the transport vehicle shall be reported before the vehicle takes leave.

Customs organizations of the National Tax and Customs Administrations (hereinafter referred to as: NAV) are as follows:

Special Cases and Large Taxpayers Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-1077Budapest, Dob u. 75-81., H-1410Budapest, PO Box: 11138

Telephone: +36-1-461-33-00

Telefax: +36-1-461-33-11

East Budapest Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-1064 Budapest Rózsa u. 89., H-1387 Budapest,PO Box 5.

Telephone: +36-1-472-6600

Telefax: +36-1-472-6610

North Budapest Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-1037 Budapest, Csillaghegyi út 25., Postal address: H-1300 Budapest, PO Box: 152

Telephone: +36-1-437-4300

Telefax: +36-1-437-0285

South Budapest Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-1107 Budapest, Száva u. 7.

Telephone: +36-1-432-21-00

Telefax: +36-1-432-21-99

Győr-Moson-SopronCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-9024 Győr, Nádor u. 25., H-9002 Győr, PO Box: 307

Telephone: +36-96-513-950, +36-96-513-999

Telefax: +36-96-513-990

VasCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-9700 Szombathely, Széll Kálmán u. 24., PO Box: 8

Telephone: +36-94-501-000, +36-94-501-001

Telefax: +36-94-501-007

ZalaCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-8900 Zalaegerszeg, Mikes Kelemen u. 2., H-8901 PO Box:198

Telephone: +36-92-597-800

Telefax: +36-92-597-801

Komárom-EsztergomCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-2800 Tatabánya, Erdész u. Building 'F',PO Box:176

Telephone: +36-34-513730

Telefax: +36-34-513749

VeszprémCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-8200 Veszprém, Pápai u. 49., H-8201 Veszprém, PO Box: 22

Telephone: +36-88-577-470

Telefax: +36-88-422-056

SomogyCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-7400 Kaposvár, Széchenyi tér 3., H-7401 Kaposvár, PO Box:103

Telephone: +36-82-527-400; +36-82-529-050

Telefax: +36-82-527-401; +36-82-529-051

FejérCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-8000 Székesfehérvár, Prohászka Ottokár u. 42.

Telephone: +36-22-512-280, +36-22-512-560

Telefax: +36-22-512-299,+36-22-513-781,+36-22-512-579

TolnaCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-7100 Szekszárd, Damjanich u. 50., PO Box: 99,H-7101

Telephone: +36-74-528-160

Telefax: +36-74-528-161

BaranyaCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-7602 Pécs, Ágoston tér 6., PO Box: 292, H-7602 Pécs, Megyeri u. 26., PO Box:292

Telephone: +36-72-514-430, +36-72-503-051

Telefax: +36-72-514-431, +36-72-503-052

PestCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-2040 Budaörs, Dózsa Gy. u. 1/B., H-2041 Budaörs, PO Box: 134

Telephone: +36-23-427-850

Telefax: +36-23-427-870

Bács-KiskunCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-6000 Kecskemét, Kurucz krt. 14., H-6001 Kecskemét, PO Box: 516

Telephone: +36-76-513-100

Telefax: +36-76-513-117

NógrádCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-3100 Salgótarján, Mártírok útja 2., H-3100 Salgótarján, PO Box: 129

Telephone: +36-32-520-820

Telefax: +36-32-311-810

HevesCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-3300 Eger, Grónay S. u. 3., H-3301 PO Box: 115

Telephone: +36-36-410-711, +36-36-412-520

Telefax: +36-36-516-547

Jász-Nagykun-SzolnokCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-5000 Szolnok, Ady E. út 21., H-5001 Szolnok, PO Box: 49



CsongrádCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-6720 Szeged, Jókai u. 7-9., H-6701 Szeged, PO Box: 156

Telephone: +36-62-599-300

Telefax: +36-62-599-399

Borsod-Abaúj-ZemlénCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-3525 Miskolc, Horváth L. 17-19., H-3501 Miskolc, PO Box: 28

Telephone: +36-46-349-912, +36-46-348-611, +36-46-346-703

Telefax: +36-46-359-866

Hajdú-BiharCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-4034 Debrecen, Vágóhíd u. 2.; H-4013 Debrecen,PO Box: 43

Telephone:+36-52-521-700; +36-52-521-701

Telefax: +36-52-437-781

BékésCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-5600 Békéscsaba, Dr. Becsey O. u. 5., H-5601 Békéscsaba, PO Box: 122

Telephone: +36-66-323-455, +36-66-547-330

Telefax: +36-66-441-298

Szabolcs-Szatmár-BeregCounty Customs and Finance Guard Directorate of NAV

H-4400 Nyíregyháza, Dózsa György út 39., H-4400 Nyíregyháza,PO Box: 379

Telephone: +36-42-598-340

Telefax: +36-42-598-348, +36-42-598-355