Cortez Groves Lot Owners Association – Page 1 of 2

P.O. Box 37013, Phoenix, Arizona 85069 Volunteer Board Voicemail (602) 249-1142

Fax: 602-680-5661 Official Website: E-mail:

Monthly Homeowners Meeting: February 13, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse


Board Members in Attendance

Cortez Groves Lot Owners Association – Page 1 of 2

P.O. Box 37013, Phoenix, Arizona 85069 Volunteer Board Voicemail (602) 249-1142

Fax: 602-680-5661 Official Website: E-mail:

Monthly Homeowners Meeting: February 13, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse

·  Veronica Lucas, President #92

·  Arthur Griebel, Vice President #128

·  Karen Manies, Treasurer #88

·  Maria Myers, Secretary #129

·  Gilbert Casas, Director #67

·  Gloria Brittain, Director #126

·  Paul Sullivan, Director #121

Cortez Groves Lot Owners Association – Page 1 of 2

P.O. Box 37013, Phoenix, Arizona 85069 Volunteer Board Voicemail (602) 249-1142

Fax: 602-680-5661 Official Website: E-mail:

Monthly Homeowners Meeting: February 13, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse

Unit # / Homeowner / Unit # / Homeowner
6 / Barbara Villarreal / 69 / Marie Huls
27 / Margaret Long / 71 / Barbara Wells
36 / ? / 124 / Tim Bein
44 / Jim Black / 125 / Adam Rogers
55 / Junko Shoun / 132 / Eleanor Nash
60 / Vee & Shauna Lamb / 133 / Lettie Reed & Carol Tressler
61 / Edward Lyons / 134 / Guy Thorson
66 / Leroy & Janet Moland / 144 / Rosalie Turner


·  Everyone was welcomed.

·  January minutes were reviewed for any last minute changes.

·  Veronica motioned to pass the January Minutes with corrections, Arthur seconded, motion was passed.

·  Lot Owner & Tennant Forms were collected. These are required in order to provide the Police Officers with an updated roster and for volunteers doing violations. This will allow us to place a courtesy call or e-mail prior to issuing an official violation notice.

·  Information with our Towing Company has been updated and cars will now be attended to immediately. Thanks for hanging in there while they took their time to recognize the new Board.

·  The treasury has been transferred to Karen and the Checkbook and Expense Report is posted on the arcadia door. We will hand out statements at the end of the meeting and mail the rest.

·  A vote was done to consider adding an extra day to the Police Officers schedule. Veronica motioned, Arthur seconded, all in favor, motion was passed.

·  A Homeowner suggested that the times be changed as to when the Officers are on duty.

·  Veronica motioned for Top Quality Lawn to be the Communities landscaping company, Arthur seconded, all in favor, motion passed.



·  The report on Jesus’ work with the community is as follows: completed the repair orders of 26 homes and 4 broken water mains. Additional maintenance requests have included: graffiti, painting homes, fixing fences & gates, tree & shrub removal, stucco, and cementing sidewalks. Rainy days contribute to him not working a full 40 hours a week.

·  We are receiving a lot of requests and we are looking at contracting a handyman to pickup the work that Jesus cannot get to.

·  Homeowners were encouraged to call the voicemail or send an e-mail for all requests.


·  Homeowners were informed that Parker Finch complied with canceling the contract and returned property and funds belonging to our community.

·  The Community was informed that the Board is looking into switching our phone service to an 800# to reduce costs by 50% each month

·  A Homeowner stated that a school bus is driving too fast through our Community. Veronica requested that the bus number and name of the school district be given to her to make a call to the district.

·  A bid on repairing the red tiles was received. Veronica motioned for the bid to repair the red tiles in the Community, Arthur seconded, all in favor, motion passed.

·  We also have a bid on replacing all the shed roofs.

·  We need to obtain a bid on the cost of repairing or replacing the siding on the sheds.

·  A bid for bulk trash was finally received. Veronica motioned for the bulk trash to be picked up at the cost of $250, Arthur seconded, all in favor, motion passed. The bulk trash pick up is scheduled for end of Feb.

·  A bid for recycling was received. Veronica will obtain the cost of weekly pickups vs. pick ups for twice a month. A future vote will be done on the type of method.

·  A Homeowner stated that not a lot of people are complying with putting away their trash cans when they should.

·  A Homeowner inquired as to how many Homeowners are now paying their dues. Veronica stated that we now have 115 Homeowners paying their dues compared to 79 in December.

·  Late fee ballots were collected and counted. The two sections in the bylaws received enough votes to pass the changes; the CC&Rs did not.

·  Q&A

·  End of meeting

·  Lot Owner Account Statements were distributed.