Report on Councils participation in XIII International Exhibition - New Year Gift Fair, Saint Petersburg,Russia from 15th to 18th Dec., 2016under Focus CIS Programme of Govt. of India.

WWEPC organized participation in XIII International Exhibition - New Year Gift Fair, Saint Petersburg,Russia from 15th to 18th Dec., 2016 with thirteen member-exhibitors under Focus CIS Programmes of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India. The objective of this participation was to explore the Kazakhstani Market and provide the member-exporters opportunities to interact with buyers/importers to strengthen India’s presence in the field of woollen exports in CIS Region. The CIS Region offers tremendous potential because of liberalised economies and streamlining of banking operations. Shri R. K. Gupta, ED coordinated the delegation under the leadership of ShriSushilKaura, Chairman.

About the fair:

The international exhibition "New Year Gift" is the biggest New Year exhibition in Russia (according to the audit of Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs). Traditionally, the exhibition includes consumer goods, gifts, New Year stuff, accessories, household products, VIP gifts, products for the New Year's feast. Annually over 750 exhibitors from all regions of Russia and 18 countries participate in this fair. Over 65000 customers/buyersfrom all CIS Countries attend this fair.

The show provides a huge platform for the manufacturers, craftsmen and other artists to showcase the products. The exhibition offers huge range of products that attract more visitors from all over the world. The visitors can also directly send the gifts from the exhibition center by Russian post.
New Year Gift Expois organized by Farexpo Limited, which is known as a leading organization in conducting various important shows. December is traditionally known as the month of big expenses in Russia. It is necessary not only to buy gifts for relatives, friends and colleagues, but also to set the holiday table and choose the festive attire for New Year's Eve.

WWEPC Participation

Our exhibitors comprised producers and marketers of apparels like woollen/pashmina shawls, stoles, woollen/acrylic knitwears, readymade garments, fashion accessories etc. for men, women and children. The booths of our exhibitors were beautifully decorated which were remain source of attraction for all visitors.Visitor flows was excellent. There was big inflow of regional wholesale and retail trade representatives, manufacturing enterprises sourcing agents, showroom owners, distributors, wholesalers, representatives of large-format fashion retail chains, apparel brands, ecommerce retailers and many morewho were interested in establishing regional contacts.

During the exhibition, business meetings were organized by the Council to create a platform for the Indian and Russian business. The Council also distributed member’s directory and brochures on Indian Woollen Industry and a catalogue brought out especially on this fair to international visitors.

Our participants achieved three main established objectives: raising visitors’ awareness about the goods, search for potential customers and increase of the enterprise popularity level. Our participants believe that their expectations of participation in the fair were satisfied and they are planning to participate in subsequent fairs.

Our participation in this fair will develop network opportunities and therefore the advancement and future enlargement of the related market sector are going to be increased with additional improved technologies and latest market trends that may be introduced during this international platform. As per feedback received from the participants, large number of export inquiries was received by them during the exhibition.

Visit of Dignitaries

The Council made regular interactions with the Embassy of India in Russia for making the event successful.Mr.Arun Kumar Sharma, Consul General of India in Saint Petersburgextended their full support and extended guidance for making the participation successful. Mr. Sharma visited the fair and interacted with our participants, briefed them about the economy of Russia and offered full support to boost India's exports. He visited each stall and had one-to-one interactions with all the participants. He praised the presence of Indian exhibitors in this show.

Glimpse of Council’s stand

(Mr.Arun Kumar Shamra, CGIin Saint Petersburg with Mr.SushilKaura, Chairman, WWEPC, Mr. R. K. Gupta, ED, WWEPC)

Boosting interest in business

Due to cold climate conditions, the CIS region offer huge opportunities and ample scope for increasing exports of woollen products from India to these countries. To explore the possibilities of increasing the export of Indian woollen products to CIS countries, the Council is regularly participating in leading exhibitions and also sending trade delegations to revive the business contacts with Russian importers/buyers. During the exhibitions/visit of delegations, significant proportion of business in Russia is carried on a ‘cash and carry’ basis. Russian buyers prefer to make payments, off-take merchandise and then go ahead with the sale of these items. The neighbouring European Countries, mainly China, Korea have occupied a major portion of trade markets in these countries.

Despite the efforts made by the Government in increasing exports and also by individual member exporters the exports have not really picked up. The main reasons that affect our trade are Custom Clearance, language barriers, inadequate transit facilities & inadequate banking facilities i.e. difficulty in realization of payments.

The potential for economic cooperation between Russia and India has not been realized to the full extent and provides ample opportunities for business. Russia has traditionally been associated in the Indian public’s minds.Russia is ahuge marketwith great potential for further growth. Russia represents the 6theconomy in the world and the biggest market in Europe with some 150 million consumers.

As a team-leadingmember of EEU(i.e. Eurasian Economic Union of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan), Russia gives direct access to all 185 million of EEU consumers. New member countries are also coming.Russia is theTop BRICS country in ‘Ease of Doing Business’.

SaintPetersburgisRussia'ssecond-largest cityafterMoscow, with fivemillion inhabitantsand an important Russianport on the Baltic Sea. It is politically incorporated as afederal city. Saint Petersburg was the imperial capital of Russia.Saint Petersburg is the mostWesternizedcity of Russia, as well as its cultural capital.A large number offoreign consulates,international corporations, banks, andbusinesseshave offices in Saint Petersburg.

The exhibitors also appreciated arrangements made by the Council and efforts taken by ShriSushilKaura, Chairman, WWEPC, Shri R.K. Gupta, ED, WWEPC and the support extending by the Consulate General of India in Saint Petersburg.

We are also thankful to ShriArundKumar Sharma, CGI and other officials of the Consulate for extending their co-operation for successful participation in this fair.

List of participants in XIII International Exhibition - New Year Gift Fair, Saint Petersburg,Russia from 15th to 18th Dec., 2016through W&WEPC

1. M/s. RoliImpexPvt. Ltd., New Delhi

2. M/s. Dare & Deer Creations Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

3. M/s. Fair & More Inc., New Delhi

4. M/s. Indian Art & Crafts, New Delhi

5. M/s. Ganesh Rishab Enterprises, New Delhi

6. M/s. Roli International, New Delhi

7. M/s. Ma Vaishno Enterprises, Karnal

8. M/s. Exim Craft, New Delhi

9. M/s.Kusum Overseas, New Delhi

10. M/s. VCD India Co., New Delhi

11. M/s. A.K.S. Fashions, New Delhi

12. M/s. Village Carpet Dealers, New Delhi

13. M/s. Pride of India, New Delhi