Full Senate

February 1, 2017

6:30 PM Alderson Auditorium

I. Call to Order – 6:35 pm

II. Guest Speaker: Marsha Carrasco-Cooper, Director of SILC

A. Today is my 6 month anniversary on this job

a. Have been here at KU for 3 years, started in a different capacity in the SILC office

B. Started my PhD prior to working here and am in the dissertation process

a. So I understand what it is like to be a student, I am one

C. Office

a. Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity

i. Resources, advocacy, programming, education, safe space

b. Leadership Education Programs

i. Just helf 20th LeaderShape Institute at KU

c. Non-Traditional Student Programs

d. Student Organizations

i. Have around 600 registered, provide education and resources for student organizations

e. Fraternity and Sorority Life

f. Campus Fees

g. Danforth Chapel reservations

D. Doing a deep dive into our programming, will be needing student input in next stages

a. Bigger changes in next couple of months

E. Upcoming events

a. Blueprints Leadership Conference

b. Jayhawk Choice Awards in April – 9 awards to student organizations

i. Trend of applications has gone down, want to reverse that

c. Working hand in hand with Senate throughout the upcoming election

d. Pride photo during April

F. Questions

a. Kendre: Have office hours where students can come speak with you?

i. My office door is always open, but I’m not always there. If you’re in the area, go ahead and check if I am there. If I am I will stop everything and chat. I can make appointments through the SILC front desk or email me ()

III. Approval of the Minutes

A. December 7, Cycle 7 Full Senate Minutes

a. Brittney moves to approve, Adam seconds, passes (Vote 1)

IV. Officer Reports

A. Stephonn Alcorn, Student Body President

a. Much of my work has been focused on advocacy for students across the board

b. President Trump’s executive order

i. Student Senate released a statement that we support the students affected by this ban and will continue to support them

ii. 94 students from those countries, highest among Regent’s universities in Kansas

iii. Did anyone go to the forum this afternoon?

1. A few senators did

iv. Please let these students know that we value them here

c. Chancellor search committee

i. Committee has met twice now, host of forums have occurred recently

ii. Themes: Want a chancellor who is open to all students, committed to increasing access, values the idea of inclusion, etc.

iii. Process is closed…at the end of the process we will recommend 3-5 candidates and the KBOR will select the new chancellor from those candidates

iv. Chancellor.ku.edu – can submit your thoughts throughout this entire process

d. Have been in Topeka a lot

i. Amendment to concealed carry to allow universities to decide for themselves, stable higher education funding, affirmative consent

ii. Submitted testimony in support of these bills that would allow universities to decide about guns

iii. Had meetings with Governor and House and Senate leadership, hoping that by bringing student concerns straight to those in power will help move them in a direction on our behalf

iv. Sent a letter in support of a bill called the BRIDGE Act which would codify DACA in support of undocumented students

1. Will email out a way you can contact your representatives in support of this

e. Funding from Coca-Cola, Adidas, etc. will help out a lot around campus

f. With elections coming up, want to remind everyone about our Election Equity program

g. Trinity: Will the travel fund be reinstated?

i. My understanding is that was a test run and during this period it will not be available – I think finance is figuring out if that’s something we want to continue doing

1. Allyssa: It would be for next fiscal year not this one if it is reinstated

B. Gabby Naylor, Student Body Vice President

a. Next week is Unversity Senate

i. Will be finalizing gender neutral language over the next few weeks

b. February 13-17th is Big XII together week for sexual assault

i. Will be focusing on sexual assault awareness month in April, will take the final week (April 24th) to do a lot of outreach and programming

ii. SAPEC is overseeing this all and helping different offices run programming

c. Heartland grant – releasing survey at the end of this week, excited to get results from this

i. Expands from climate survey

d. Women’s Leadership Conference March 11th (Saturday)

e. Will be electing two people to University Senate – meets on Thursdays at 3:30 – undergraduate spots

f. Looking for somebody to sit on Staff Senate

g. UA will be electing a new secretary next week, keep that in mind if you’re interested

h. Jasmine: Want to help with the sexual assault awareness week, because I am a survivor myself and I know there are other survivors too and I know that KU has some bad history with that issue, so I would love to help with that and help develop that so that KU can have a better reputation with that.

i. Sophie: Are there any changes planned in order to increase or gauge the effectiveness of historically the way it has been done on campus, in light of recent events regarding sexual assault?

i. SAPEC office has been very aware of this, in the past we never had that central office so we will highlight different offices and events each week. Collaborating together to work on this. The IOA office is going through a lot of changes, a new director is in place and they are undergoing a lot of changes. The Heartland Grant and survey will lead to change, there are a lot of chances for positive change.

j. Victoria: Who specifically should we talk to?

i. Shane McReary (spelling?) is looking to have student involvement on these campaigns

k. Trinity: A lot of people are interested in how the institution has responded, think a lot of people have been wondering why it took so long…how as Student Senate are you guys dealing with this? How are we still dealing with the same results we had before the big focus on this issue?

i. We met with many people letting them know how concerned we are, have been trying to hold them accountable. The reason we’re not doing sexual assault awareness week is because we didn’t feel it would be helpful to do small events when other offices are doing big events, better to streamline it and then focus on our week later to generate more awareness.

l. Victoria: For University Senate seats, all 3 undergrad?

i. Yes

C. Danny Summers, Chief of Staff

a. Introduce Jasmine Fillmore, she has been serving on the rights committee and now she has been approved to represent AbleHawks

b. Stephonn and I are serving on University Senate ad hoc committee on diversity equity and inclusion

i. Furthering upon DEI report from last year

c. Senator outreach – Connor and I will be reaching out tomorrow with your updated org assignments and another doodle poll for one on one meetings

d. Replacement senators to confirm

i. Still have openings in business, education, international, music, pharmacy

ii. Fr/So CLAS (2), Jr/Sr CLAS (2), Engineering, Graduate

iii. Mattie motions to acclimate, Brittney seconds, senators are acclimated

e. Elections Commission

i. Have received 3 applications, SSRR says we must have 5

1. Will need to suspend the rule – do we want one with 3 people or none at all

ii. Will fill the other spots in the next week or two

iii. Current applicants

1. Harrison Baker

2. Garret Farlow

3. Brittney motions to vote, Brent seconds, they are acclimated (Vote 2)

f. Jonathan: Share Chance’s concern about how that just happened, unclear about what is happening right now, we just approved those 2 and then more are coming?

i. Yes, applications will be rolling. We designate a chair and there are 5 total positions, these have been filled on a rolling basis in the past.

g. Jonathan: Have you received my email about law students…? How does the application work?

i. Yes I did and replied to the person. The application is ongoing on our website.

h. Marcus: You talked about how the commission needs spots so we have to suspend the rules, so they are currently not allowed to meet, and are we doing that at next full senate?

i. They can meet. We approved them so the next thing I will do is suspend the rules. Didn’t know how many people would be approved so I wanted to wait.

i. Trinity: Talked a lot about elections and representation and equity, the pandering season has started, will senate do anything to promote these changes or enforce them?

i. Yeah I think first and foremost the equitable elections fund does a lot but we know it’s only half the story. I think me and Stephonn’s work on the DEI Committee will be beneficial and lead to measurable outcomes. Have been feeling things out about the referendum because that is a unique element this year. There will be updates on that in the following weeks.

j. Adam: Since the Elections Commission recommends a chair, will there be a chair until it is full or will it be decided later?

i. We are asking the same thing. Section 3 Article 7 doesn’t outline the procedure for selection of the chair. In the past a committee would select a chair and put them up for that position for approval in front of full senate. The application that the Chief of Staff gets says are you interested in being chair.

k. Dylan: Who was a part of elections commission nomination committee?

i. Didn’t have the number of applicants for elections commission exceed the number of spots, so we didn’t feel the need to convene the committee – same process for replacement senators.

l. Victoria: How would you suggest we go about the process of selecting a chair?

i. Harrison: Could do it less orthodox, let it be decided between us two. Or we could vote in front of Senate.

ii. Danny: Will have to suspend a rule, 7.3.3

m. Danny motions to suspend the rule (7.3.3) saying it must be 5 down to 2, seconded, passes (Vote 3)

n. Danny motions to vote on elections commission chair, passes to vote

i. Jonathan moves to close the discussion, Brittney seconds, passes to voting on the chair

ii. Garret elected chair

D. Ike Uri and Insia Zufer, CCO Directors

a. Adding a new program with goals of focusing on special education and independence advocacy

i. Working with non-profits in the area

ii. Would love to hear some input on this

b. Into the Streets Week – April 13th

i. Trying to bring the former SBP from Mizzou to speak

c. Facebook events online for these

d. Our office is right next to the Senate office, if you ever want to talk about these types of programs

e. Jasmine: I am interested in helping with your particular organization, definitely want to be involved with the outreach, I think it is important to be in contact with those different schools and those related to special education. As an AbleHawk senator, that is my niche and specialty and as a deaf-blind person I know that I could work with those people who are deaf and blind within the school system all over Kansas.

i. I will definitely be in contact with you. Very important we have people from AbleHawks working on this.

E. Jacob Murray, Policy & Development Director

a. Summer Venture in Business Program

i. Recruiting efforts with high school counselors

ii. Trying to include both faculty and industry leaders in our programming

b. Mental Health Platform

i. Excited to see U Lifeline self-evaluator tool come onto CAPS website free of charge

c. Marcus: Explain more about U lifeline?

i. Helps evaluate certain mental health issues, helps whoever takes it refine their knowledge and resources available to them

F. Abdoulie Njai, Director of Diversity & Inclusion

a. Outreach – sent an email to all multicultural organizations on RockChalkCentral so we can all meet about how to get involved with Senate and other opportunities

b. Multicultural board of advisors will meet this Friday with SAPEC and IOA Director

c. Trinity: Registration starts next weekend for Multicultural Retreat. Very excited about it, I encourage all of you to volunteer and/or come out to join. Want multicultural students to gain the network they deserve early on. Is from 9-5 on that day.

d. There is a facebook event and a link on our senate facebook as well

e. Panel, Student Senate and MSG representatives will talk, multicultural resource fair, lunch, breakout sessions, open discussion, closing speech and ceremony

f. Please RSVP on the facebook page

g. Jasmine: Is there any money in the budget for people who can’t hear or can’t see? Also, who do we send that request to?

i. Yes, we will have money in the budget for accommodation. That could come to me and I could speak to our exec staff to see what we have to do to accommodate that.

h. Jasmine: When does that close?

i. We will just provide the accommodations, you don’t need to put in another application

G. Mady Womack, Government Relations Director

a. Spoke with the chair of the committee working on bill 51 moving forward

b. Doesn’t look like we will bear the brunts of cuts like we have in the past

H. Mitch Reinig, Internal Affairs Director

a. for any clicker or attendance concerns

I. Allyssa Castilleja and Whit Collins, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer

a. Consider coming into office hours for questions – we can get better responses and it saves time at senate