Report of the 2006 Board Nominating Committee
At the request of the Board of Directors of the 1818 Society, I chaired the Nominating Committee to propose a slate of Directors for election at the Society’s Annual Meeting in October 2006. Gene McCarthy, Joe Scearce and Pilar San Jose Stark joined me as members of the Committee and Frona Hall served as liaison with the current Board.
The Society currently has seven Directors, who are elected for two-year terms. The terms of three Directors are coming to an end in 2006:
Ram Chopra
Ricardo Halperin
Charles Ziegler
Ram and Ricardo have indicated they do not wish to be considered for another term. Chuck would be willing to continue to serve on the Board, if elected.
The Nominating Committee solicited interest through the Society Bulletin as well as activating various networks and personal contacts. We developed a slate based on our assessment of the candidates, their interest in serving, skills, nationality, gender and Bank Group experience.
To fill the three two-year positions on the Board of Directors, we recommend the following slate:
Uma Lele
Jean-Yves Maillat
Charles Ziegler
The Board of Directors has proposed the creation of two new Board positions, subject to the approval of the membership. If two new positions are approved, we further recommend the appointment of the following candidates, whose terms would be determined by the Board:
Shawki Barghouti
Constance Morris Hope
Brief biographies of the five nominees are attached. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting.
Daniel Ritchie
Chair, Nominating Committee
July 2006
Nominees for Directors of the 1818 Society
Shawki Barghouti, a Jordanian national, has had a distinguished career in agriculture and agricultural research, both inside the Bank and in the international community. He served with the Government of Jordan (four years), the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (three years), the Ford Foundation (eight years) and as Director General of the CGIAR center in India, the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). In 25 years with the Bank, Shawki worked in the Africa and South Asia Regions, as Division Chief of the Agricultural Technology and Natural Resources Division, senior advisor on agricultural science and technology and as the agriculture portfolio manager. Shawki retired from the Bank in 2004. He holds a M.Sc. and PhD. from the University of Wisconsin.
Constance Morris Hope, originally from Liberia but now an American citizen, retired from the Bank in 2002. She served 12 years in the Corporate Secretariat, most recently as a Senior Board Operations Officer in the Policy Support Division. She managed the work of several Board committees such as CODE, the Audit Committee and several ad hoc committees. She also managed for five years the Bank-Fund Annual Meetings program of seminars. Prior to joining the Bank she was Chair of the Department of History of the University of the District of Columbia. Since retiring from the Bank, Connie has established a coaching and consulting service from her home in St. Michaels, Maryland. She holds a degree from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).
Uma Lele, from India, is a noted international scholar and policy advisor. Her career in the World Bank spanned thirty years, most recently as a Senior Advisor in the Operations Evaluation Department (now IEG), and previously as Advisor in the ESSD Anchor and, for twenty years, economist and manager in the Africa Region. Uma recently completed an evaluation of the Bank’s Global Programs, including the CGIAR. She left the Bank in 1991 to join the faculty of the University of Florida in Gainesville, as Director of international studies and programs, and also as Director of the Global Development Initiative of the Carnegie Corporation and the CarterCenter. She returned to the Bank in 1995 and retired in 2005. Uma holds MSc. and PhD.degrees in agricultural economics from CornellUniversity.
Jean-Yves Maillat, a French national, was a Bank staff member from 1983 to 2000. He was successively a manager of various service units, the Bank’s economic and sector training programs and the internal managing consultant unit. He retired in 2000 as a Senior Internal Management Consultant. Since then, Jean-Yves has been an independent executive coach and management consultant for the Bank, IMF, IADB and Fannie Mae. Before joining the Bank in 1983, he was a management consultant with BoozAllen Hamilton, based in Algeria and Egypt, and started his career as co-founder and first manager Cofac, a small consumer cooperative in France. Jean-Yves has an MBA from New YorkUniversity and a Masters in Economics from the Universite de Nancy.
Charles Ziegler, an American, has served on the Board of the 1818 Society since 2004. He joined the Bank in 1972 and retired in 1999. He spent his career in records management and as a mainstay in the World Bank Group Archives. In addition to his regular Bank work, Chuck was active in the Staff Association, serving five terms on the Executive Committee and two as First Vice Chairman. He has been a very active 1818 Society Board member, working to develop closer relationships between the Society and the Archives, writing for the Newsletter and serving on several committees.