Introductory Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) Meeting

May 18, 2011

Commencement: 11:00am

Adjournment: 12:00 noon

Chairman: Mr. Winfield Griffith, Director Research & Information Department (CTO)

COUNTRY / BAHAMAS / Kelsie Dorsett / Department of Statistics
Pamela Lowe / Ministry of Tourism
BARBADOS / Denise Haddock / Barbados Statistical Service
Sue-Ann Bishop / Barbados Tourism Authority
JAMAICA / Sonia Jackson / Statistical Institute of Jamaica
Antoinette Lyn / Jamaica Tourist Board
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO / Dave Clement / Central Statistical Office
REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS / Hazel Corbin / Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB)
Rodinald Soomer / Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)
Sharon Coward / Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO)
Sean Smith
Nekeisha Grant

Agenda: Establishing a Regional Coordinating Committee and a Regional Technical Committee for the Tourism Satellite Account Project.


Mr. Winfield Griffith opened the meeting by welcoming all members to the webinar meeting.

The attendees were drawn from the National Tourism Offices and National Statistical Offices of the beneficiary countries (as per the project documents): Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago: and representatives of regional organizations. Belize and Guyanaareexpected to join the list of benefactors when their ‘Letters of Commitment’ are submitted. The OECS countries areeligible for funding through the Caribbean Development Bank, (CDB), a 2nd TSA Webinar Meeting Minutes.doc formal proposal will be made to this effect. The committee was also asked to suggest other Regional Institutions that should be included at the coordination level. CARICOM, Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) and Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Centre (CARTAC) were identified. The UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean(UNECLAC was suggested. It was recommended that participants onTSA committees seek to build a relationship with CARICOM’s Technical Working Group (TWG).

The formation of the Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC) and the Regional Technical Committee (RTC)which is an initial requirement for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) funded project was discussed. The attendees were asked to make recommendations on the creation of these committees. It was suggested that the groups should have a maximum of six persons. However, this was seen unlikely since representatives from the beneficiary countries, as well as other Regional Institutions are to be included at the coordinating and technical levels. Other participants suggested using two representatives from each participating country and one from each Regional Institution would constitute too large a coordinating group. Another suggestion was for each country to nominate a representative to sit on the coordinating committee to form a group of more than ten persons to divide between the two committees.

The OECS contribution to the project was discussed and Mr. Soomer a representative of the OECS Secretariat indicated that the organisation has a significant interest in the project. However, their concern was the exclusion of the OECS countries from the list of beneficiary countries participating in this project. Mr. Soomer stated that the OECS was prepared toplay an observer role on the two committees. Mr. Soomer was assured that the project will seek to expand throughout the region in the not too distant future and that funding will also be sought to assist the OECS. Therefore the presence of the OECS on the committees should prove to be beneficial for future reference.

It was suggested that the Terms of Reference for the RCC be developed and circulated in order to inform the composition of the RCC. This suggestion was accepted. In addition to the aforementioned, there was a discussion on developing a strategic plan for the region.

The presence of a TSA system in Jamaica was highlighted and it was proposed that Jamaica’s expert team provide some of their best practices and possibly technical support to the two committees.

There was a brief review and explanation of the proposed budget. The meeting was concluded withan undertaking to provide all the participants with a starter package for the project which include the Original Proposal, the Budget, Plan of Action and Draft TORs for the RCC.

Adjournment: The attendees were thanked for their presence and contribution to the meeting. A second meeting will be held Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 11am, via Webinar. The meeting concluded at 12noon.