Report Not Yet Approved By Bonita Pines Board of Directors
The meeting was called to order by President Kathy Rayman at 2:00 PM, but we had to wait for a quorum to begin. Board members present were Kathy Rayman, GhislainLaRoque, Sharon McGarry, and Ruth Becker
Kathy thanked Ghislain and Ruth for their service and announced that we have two candidates for the board: Tom Hapka and Rick Thoman. Harold Lorentzsonwill fill in atthe treasurer position. Since we do not have additional candidates for the board, we do not need to have an election.
Tellers were Charlie Adams from building A, Dave Myers from building B, Dan Folk from building C, Franz Schauer from building D, and Bill Whitaker from building E. Head teller, Charlie Adams announced that we had a quorum.
Ruth Becker read the minutes from the March 1, 2016 annual meeting. Dave Butler moved that we accept the minutes as read, seconded by Jim Winne. Motion carried.
President Rayman asked if there were any questions about the written reports. Bill Scouler corrected a date on the presidents's report to read that April 2017 is the date that Grant’s contract expires.
Marti Whitaker presented the social committee report and thanked her committee: Helen Markgraff, Carolyn Myers, Christa Rhou, Myrna Lyons, and Peg Paulson. She also thanked all of the volunteers that helped to make the garage sale a success. The financial report is attached.
President Rayman read the motions from the board as follows:
Motion #1: Shall the reserves required by Florida statues be waived for 2017 and instead be set as shown in the budget?
A question was asked about what the statues actually required and Mr. Lorentsen said it is very vague.
Motion #2: Shall the budget for 2017 be approved?
A question was ased about future needs and Kathy Rayman said the board will be working on a projection of those.
Motion #3: Shall we resurface the tennis courts and repurpose the north court as two pickleball courts with permanent nets and line the south court for both tennis and pickleball?
Ron Skone announced that he has two bids and is seeking a third bid.
Motion #4: Shall reserve funds be move from roofs to stairs in the amount of $72,000 to complete four more sets of stairs?
Discussion included waiting to do the stairs, the appearance of the stairs not being esthetically pleasing, and painting or staining them to improve the appearance.
Ballots were collected and given to the tellers.
President Rayman announced the results of the survey for painting the buildings. Most people were in favor of painting all of the buildings the same color, but a color different than the current one. She also mentioned additional maintenance concerns for the future: carports and surfacing the parking lots. Ideas for cutting our maintenance costs were also discussed. She also urged the owners to educate their renters and to know what things are association responsibility and what are owner’s responsibilities. Emergencies consist of water and electrical problems and we should not be calling Grant for non emergency repairs.
Head teller, Charlie Adams announced the results of the voting:
#1 47 yes, 5 no
#2 48 yes, 3 no
#3 39 yes, 13 no
#4 48 yes, 5 no
All motions carried.
President Rayman announced that she would continue in the position of president, Rick Thoman will be vice president and also work on buildings, Sherry McGarry will be secretary and work on landscaping, and Tom Hapka will help with buildings and be in charge of irrigation.
Don Peterson is concerned that about half of our owners do not seem to care about what happens in the community as they did not send a proxy or attend the annual meeting.
Dave Butler complimented the board of directors,
New owners were introduced.
Building A has a cat on the first floor in unit 113,
Sharon McGarry moved that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Ruth Becker. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 3:12 PM.
Ruth Becker, secretary