Annual Conference hosted by Trevecca Nazarene University, Nashville, TN

October 9-11, 2014

Registration Information and Form

Note: Registration and reservation information is not considered complete until payment is received.

Registration dates:

Early Registration (May 15 –September 16: $350.00) (After September 16: $400.00)

Early Registration for Spouse/guest fee (May 15- September 16:$150.00) (After September 16: $200.00)

Only one attendee name per form, please.


Badge Name______

School or Affiliation ______


City______State______Zip ______

Office Phone (______) ______

Cell phone (______) ______

eMail Address ______

Are you a first time attender______?

If you have attended in the past, about how many times _____?

Guest information

Guest’s name______

Other information

Please check the following as it will help us better serve you:

_____I plan to attend the Thursday night opening reception (5.30 PM – 7 PM)

_____I have a car and plan to drive to Trevecca on all days of the conference

_____I have a car but plan to take the Trevecca shuttle on all days of the conference

_____I plan to go on bus for the tour of the Country Music Hall of Fame on Friday(2.30 PM – 4.30 PM)

_____I plan to drive for the tour of the Country Music Hall of Fame on Friday (2.30 PM – 4.30 PM)

_____I plan to attend the Saturday night closing banquet(7 PM – 9 PM)

Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or need physical accommodations: ______

Conference fees- check all fees that apply

_____$350.00($300.00 Conference Fee+$50.00 CBFA Membership Fee)

_____$400.00(After September 16)

_____$150.00Guest fee

_____$200.00(After September 16)

_____ $60.00(per person) The Grand Ole Opry Showon Friday October 10, 2014 at 7 PM

______Total due

_____ Personal Check

_____ University/Company Check/PO

For registration by mail, please print out a copy of this registration form and mail it with payment. Make checks payable to Trevecca Nazarene University /CBFA.

Mail to:

CBFA Conference

Trevecca Nazarene University

Attn: Dr. Roy Philip, Skinner School of Business and Technology

333 Murfreesboro Road, Nashville, Tennessee 37210