Reflections from the 9th Wonca Rural Health World Conference

Over 600 participants gathered for one of the most important event in this year’s conference agenda in Crete. The 9th WONCA Rural Health Conference was hosted by the Clinic of Social and Family Medicine, Medical Faculty ,University of Crete, in conjunction with the practice-based research rural network of Crete and EURIPA. The president of host organising committee was prof.Christos Lionis,he and his team of organisers must be congratulated for the successful conference.

The conference’s main theme, “Health Inequalities” covered and was discussed through the three core subjects: technology suitable for rural settings, Island medicine and health services for immigrants.

At the opening plenary session the keynote talk of prof.Barbara Starfield about the contribution of primary health care to equity set the scene for the following three days

exciting program.

Each day of the conference started with a plenary session, the main themes focusing on PHC as a tool in providing equitable care, appropriate technologies adapted to rural environment, the challenges and possibilities of research and improvements in Islandmedicine, according to the proposed topics.

A number of 39 workshops,92oral presentations and 136 posters contributed to the scientific program’s success and variety, enhancing the opportunity of sharing experiences and knowledge after each session. The timetable was very tight,as prof. Lionis also admitted, though worth to spend the whole three days at the conference due to the high standard of presentations. Topics as retention and recruitment,research and education,new technologies,migration, interdisciplinary collaboration,effective practice management in rural settings were thoroughlydiscussed during the conference.

The opening and closing plenary sessions gave a perfect frame for the conference.

The speakers at the opening plenary pinpointed the importance of recognising and meeting the needs of the local community and challenges to access and innovation in resource poor settings, the speakers in the closing session focused on future solutions and providing equity and quality in care for rural people.

The health care professional as a leader and role model in the community must be enabled and encouraged to stay in the community and provide quality in the care of rural people. This must be addressed by health policies worldwide resulting in health systems oriented towards primary health care.

The wonderful location, the warm feel of the event, the outstanding organisation and the strong key messages made this conference a real value and unforgettable experience.

Zsuzsanna Farkas-Pall,MD

EURIPA Executive Member
