Partnership Funding
Acorn Park Nursery is in Partnership with Glasgow City Council to provide funded places for all eligible three, four and five year olds.
All children are eligible for funded Early Learning & Childcare from the day following their third birthday or from the date of entry onto the Council’s Funding System (NAMS) if later. Eligible children are entitled to 600 or 190 three hour and ten minute sessions of Early Learning & Childcare during the school year.
At the beginning of each Term authorisation codes are sent from the Council by post to each Parent/Carer and in order to receive funding this code must be passed on to nursery by the given deadline on the letter.
The 3 Terms are:
Term 1 – August to December.
Term 2 – January to March.
Term 3 – April to June.
The Partnership funding is transferred to an Acorn Park Nursery Partnership Account from Glasgow City Council 3 times per year, and then transferred to parents via a cheque each term.
Acorn Park Nursery is allocated 40 funded places per annum. However, as we usually have in excess of 40 children who are eligible for Partnership Funding, there will be an adjustment made to the amount given by Glasgow City Council to allow for all our eligible children to receive a funded/part funded place.
Split Placement
Parents should inform us if their child attends any other local authority or pre-school partner nursery. For those parents/carers attending a local authority nursery they will receive their funding from the local authority nursery in the first instance.
Further information can be found on the funding entitlement guide on the Glasgow Family Information Website under the pre-school entitlement section.
Please read, sign and return to the office. We will be happy to provide you with a copy of this form for your reference if required.
Print Name:______