August 2013
Habrough Parish Council : Jean Keyworth
Local Information and good news/success stories:
During the last month we held the kids and cops event which was a good night despite the police and the fire engine not able to attend due to incidents that they needed to respond to .Around 150-160 children attended, Millenium Crystal donated 2 great bikes and supported us brilliantly on the night, The ward councillors also gave us a generous donation which paid for the buses and vouchers/refreshmentsI am to have a meeting with Inspector Pattinson to look at doing things differently next year,
I also had a visit from Mathew Grove our police and crime commissioner we discussed neighbourhood watch and any problems in our local area I raised the question of transport for PCSO's and he promised it would be looked at and said others had raised the same problem.
Sarah Baker
Incidents: 3 commercial fires,1 flat fire
Secondary fires 8 of which 5 rubbish fires and 3 garden bonfires.
Serious issues around secondary fires in the usual hotspots. Hadleigh Road, Thornbury Road and Spring Street green space.
Working with Tom and Shoreline on getting a community spirit project on the Reedmere launched which I feel is crucial to us currently. Not purely for the clean up but for the longer term aim around community pride.
Could I please say a huge thank you to Oasis Immingham and the SEN department for some brilliant training and interaction with our crews? It was an absolute pleasure to do.
By Thomas Plaskitt
As this our first monthly report for One Voice we thought we would like to introduce the team to you and give you a little bit more of a background about each of us.
We are team of young community development workers funded by the Reaching Communities project and Big Lottery Fund. We are looking to engage with 18 – 25 year olds in various communities and promote the benefits of volunteering to them and help them, help communities, help themselves.
Natalie O’Keefe – Family Group Conferencing
Natalie is our liaison with the Troubled Families agenda running in North East Lincs Council.
She works 2 days a week doing Community Development and 3 days working with Troubled Families doing Family Group Conferencing.
Thomas Plaskitt – Digital Tech and Social Media
Thomas is the digital technology specialist and is looking for ways to use to technology to enhance the way communities interact with each other. Currently working on projects like the inandaround websites and looking at building better social network profiles.
Sophie Wilson –Crime Prevention
Sophie works 2 days a week Community Development and 3 days a week working with the Humberside Probation Trust dealing with male ex-offenders and offering them support and mentoring. She currently has a drop in session on a Thursday afternoon which helps develop their computer skills etc.
Joe Mager – Costal and Tourism
Joe has been working closely with the Big Local scheme helping plan events etc which has seen 2 wards in Cleethorpes be awarded a £1,000,000 over the next 10 years so Joe is currently going through the data of what people in the area would like to see this money spent on. Also he has plans for planning a music/arts event in the Cleethorpes area over the coming months.
Sophie Johnson – Sports and Culture
Sophie Johnson is currently working alongside Community Games and the YMCA helping promote sports activities throughout the area.
Kelly Smaller – Youth Offending Service
Kelly Smaller is currently on a placement at YOS and has a strong interest in this area. She also has been doing a lot of work with the Survivor’s Group offering hairdressing etc. to the women who come along to the sessions.
What have we been doing?
As a team we have been attending various different events since we last met. We have attended the Careers Fair at Grimsby Auditorium and managed to get the feedback from over 250 students about what they would like to change about their area, something that we feel really proud of as a team and we can get some great data from these comments.
VANEL have been allocated some money from Anglian Water to help promote their Keep It Clear campaign. This has involved us going to local schools and events help raising awareness of things that people should and shouldn’t be putting down their pipes and down the loo!
Sophie J and Natalie O’Keefe have set up a Summer of Sport event that is being held at Immingham Resource Centre on the 5th,6th and 8th of August 10-4pm. This is a scheme that is being funded through the Troubled Families agenda and is open to anyone in Immingham between the ages of 7 – 18. These are free sessions for each day and lunch is provided. There will be various sports going on over the 3 day sessions including Football, Tag Rugby, Cheerleading and more. There will be professional coaches there on the day to help coach the children through each of the activities.
We are currently working on a Sports England bid which includes the Immingham area and will hopefully bring us a lot of funding to be able to put on lots more sporting events in and around the areas of NE Lincs for people under the age of 25.
Stallingborough Parish Council: Paul Gilbert
Local Information and good news/success stories:
The village is still waiting for the first households to be connected to Virgin Media broadband. Although no formal confirmation of a date has been received, it is still hoped/expected to be in September 2013. This will be a significant boost to the internet service in the area.Two new councillors were elected to the Parish Council at the July meeting. 1 vacancy still remains and a candidate has already shown an interest to be considered for co-option in the September meeting.
The Chairman was asked to meet with the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner, to review any local policing issues.
Upcoming Events and New Initiatives.
The next Parish Council meeting is on the 11th September 2013 at 7.30pm in Stallingborough Village Hall. All are welcome. Meetings are held at the same time, the second Wednesday of every month (except August).Stallingborough’s Annual Produce Show will be held on Saturday 7th September in the Village Hall.
Local Priorities or Issues
The Parish Council are still waiting for confirmation from Humberside Airport that a representative can attend future Airport Consultative Committee Meetings. This is in relation to on-going issues with helicopter noise.No Other Reports Received