Guidance for LEA Needs Assessment and

Title III Improvement/Modification Plan

This improvement/modification plan should begin with the current school year and continue into the next school year.

Title III, Sec. 3122(b)(2)

“If a State educational agency determines, based on the annual measurable achievement objectives described in subsection (a), that an eligible entity has failed to make progress toward meeting such objectives for 2 consecutive years, the agency shall require the entity to develop an improvement plan that will ensure that the entity meets such objectives. The improvement plan shall specifically address the factors that prevented the entity from achieving such objectives.”

Title III, Sec. 3122(b)(2) and the State Board Policy reference

(4) ACCOUNTABILITY- If a State educational agency determines that an eligible entity has failed to meet the annual measurable achievement objectives described in subsection (a) for 4 consecutive years, the agency shall —

(A) require such entity to modify the entity's curriculum, program, and method of instruction;

Policy Identification
Priority: Globally Competitive Students
Category: Testing
Policy ID Number: GCS-A-012

Sanctions for AMAOs Not Met

If the Title III subgrantee has failed to meet the AMAOs for four (4) consecutive years, the State Board of Education shall require the Title III subgrantee to modify its curriculum, program, or method of instruction.

Data Analysis→ New Goals → Professional Development → Evaluation & Monitoring

*These guidelines were taken from North Carolina Title I guidance with information from the Region IV Comprehensive Center at SERVE.

Definition of a Comprehensive Needs Assessment:

A well-planned and well-organized process that examines and gathers data on every aspect of a district’s program, practices, and population, which includes all stakeholders.

Purpose of the Improvement/Modification Plan:

To analyze data patterns that form the basis of improvement/modification plans to bring about improved achievement results.

Three Types of Data for Decision-Making:

1)Outcome data (measurable and quantifiable)

a)Standardized tests and teacher-made tests: include summative, interim, and formative Assessments

b)AMO and AMAO percentages by district/charter and schools

c)Discipline referrals and suspension rates

d)Participation in extended day or summer programs

e)Graduation rate for English Learners

f)Drop-out rate for English Learners

g)Achievement Gap Analysis as compared to other subgroups

h)District/charter and School Report Cards

2)Demographic data (factors affecting outcome data)

a)Attendance records

b)Mobility rates

c)Language proficiency

d)Socio-economic status

e)Opportunity Gap Analysis as compared to other subgroups

3)Process data (the district’s efforts to promote high levels of achievement)

a)Curriculum and textbooks (alignment with external standards)

b)Instruction (time and consistency among grade levels)

c)Classroom assessments (frequency and consistency among grade levels)

d)Schedules and class size

e)Organization of programs

f)Parental involvement

g)Professional development

h)District/charter-wide and School-wide Language Education Instructional Program (LIEP) analysis

Guidance for LEA Needs Assessment and

Title III Improvement/Modification Plan

  1. Identify key stakeholders to form ‘Title III Improvement Team’.
  1. Decide which types of data to analyze.
  1. Analyze your data to look for patterns –e.g. areas of strength and weakness.
  1. Determine what the LEA strengths and weaknesses are and causes for each.
  1. Is it the leadership? Principals?
  2. Is it the instructional program?
  3. Is it the teacher or tutor?
  4. Is it the resources or lack thereof?
  5. Are there differences among grade levels among schools?
  6. What else is affecting the data?
  1. Write your Needs Assessment.
  1. What are the greatest areas of need in your LEA?
  2. Are there specific schools that are weaker than others?
  3. Are there specific proficiency domains that are weaker across the LEA?
  4. What else needs improvement in your Title III programs?
  5. Are there programs working well in some schools that could be replicated in others?
  1. Use your Needs Assessment to create your Title III Improvement/Modification Plan.
  1. What are your goals for the current and upcoming school years?
  2. How will you implement those goals?
  3. Set the achievable and measurable targets (AMAO 1, 2 & 3) and establish the timeline for monitoring check (i.g. Action Items, Person Responsible, Interim Check In Dates, Final Deadline, Completed, Date Complete, & Evidence)
  4. What is your timeline for the implementation of your plan?
  5. How will the plan improve the success of your LEP students?

VI.Implement your Improvement/Modification Plan

North Carolina Department of Public Instruction K-12 Programs

Title III Guidance for Improvement/Modification December 2014