The Feasibility of Hosting an ITU Triathlon World Cup Event on July 14, 2002 (B. Smith)
Recommendation:That this report be received for information.
Report Summary
This report provides a response to Mayor B. Smith’s inquiry regarding the logistics, costs to the City and implications of hosting Triathlon World Cup events at Hawrelak Park in 2002, 2003 and 2004.
Previous Council/Committee Action
At the November 27, 2001 City Council meeting Mayor B. Smith made the following inquiry:
“The 2001 Triathlon World Championships in Edmonton were so successful that the ITU has identified Edmonton as its first choice for a second Canadian stop on the World Cup Circuit.
If we were to accept this invitation, we would join an elite group of cities that currently host the circuit: Sydney, Australia; London, England; Orlando, Florida; Galway, Ireland; and Lausanne, Switzerland.
Our participation would involve a three-year commitment, with July 14 the date of the 2002 event in Edmonton.
The venues, events, and television coverage would be similar to the Championships we hosted in 2001.
I would like the Administration to respond to questions surrounding the feasibility of Edmonton hosting an ITU Triathlon World Cup event in Edmonton on July 14, 2002 and in each of the following two years.
- Logistically, is it possible? (i.e., Are venues available and is there adequate time to make the necessary arrangements?)
- What additional costs, responsibilities and impositions would result for the City of Edmonton?
- What impact would the event have on Hawrelak Park and its normal use by citizens?
- Based on the 2001 experience, what benefits would Edmonton realize by hosting this event?
Other Previous action by Council is enclosed as Attachment 2.
- The main challenge to holding future Triathlons in Hawrelak Park, is the quality and design of the lake. To meet both local and International Triathlon Union water quality standards for safe swimming, the William Hawrelak Park lake water must be chlorinated to control pathogens and to help control swimmer’s itch. A permit from Health Canada was required to undertake this treatment for the previous triathlons held in the lake.
Health Canada only reluctantly granted the permits because these chemical treatments are not registered for such use in bodies of water containing natural communities. Even at that, Health Canada only granted a temporary research permit, under guidelines of stringent testing and reporting.
Discussions relating to the possible 2002-2004 events are currently underway with Health Canada. It is not certain that Health Canada will grant the necessary permits to support additional events, or that the permits will be granted in time to undertake necessary preparations and monitoring before the planned event date. It is therefore not possible to guarantee at the present time that the lake venue will be available for the City to consider hosting World Cup Triathlons at Hawrelak Park in 2002, 2003 and 2004.
There is adequate time to make the necessary preparations for these events, and the only other logistical aspect that could conceivably affect staging of the events would be the planned construction closure of River Road during the summer of 2002. Road construction impacts are not likely to be major, however.
At this point, no other viable venue, other than Hawrelak Park has been identified.
- Attachment 1 outlines the anticipated costs the City would incur in hosting the event, per year, estimated at $109,120. The estimates are based on experience gained during the 1999, 2000 and 2001 triathlons.
Deployment of staff to perform the tasks listed on Attachment 1 does have implications for other regularly planned work, notably in the area of pest management monitoring and field operations.
More triathlon swimming events in Hawrelak Park could fuel expectations of ongoing use of the lake for public swimming, which would only be feasible with considerable capital expenditures on the lake.
- Noise levels and road closures during events have been a concern for residents in the neighbouring communities, notably Windsor Park.
Of the more than 80 events scheduled in Hawrelak Park in 2001, five events (in addition to the Triathlon) used the park for comparable lengths of time. In total, these six major events occupy the park for about 176 days.
The Free Will Players Theatre Company has its River City Shakespeare Festival scheduled for June 19 – July 20, 2002, which may be a direct programming conflict.
There will also be some conflicts with the Sourdough Raft Race (tentatively scheduled for July 14, 2002), with canoe and river programs, operating out of Emily Murphy Park, and with some children’s day camps.
There would be some interference with casual and group use of the park during the 20 or so days up to, including and immediately after the actual triathlon. Area residents and most of the frequent users of the park were assured during planning for the 1999-2001 triathlon events that the events would only be held for those three years.
Staging of more triathlon events would have impacts on other nearby parks (Government House Park, Emily Murphy Park and Victoria Park) in terms of road closures. Triathlon spectators use Laurier Park, Buena Vista Park and the Valley Zoo for informal parking, causing added congestion at those sites.
The general public would still have use of most of the park, although the aesthetics of the setting may be depreciated somewhat by fencing and set-up work underway. This would extend to shortly after the event, until event-related structures and materials can be removed.
Turf maintenance in the park during the 20-day set-up, hosting and clean-up period will be hampered. Staff cannot irrigate, because irrigation water comes from the lake, nor can any fertilizing be done.
- A study by Economic Development Edmonton predicted an economic impact of $17 million from the 2001 Triathlon World Championships. The impact of the World Cup Triathlon in Corner Brook, Newfoundland has been estimated at $3 million.
The 2002-2004 events proposed for Edmonton would each attract about 100 out-of-town athletes, and the balance of the participants would mostly be from Edmonton and area. Given the much lower number of out-of-town athletes, the 2002-2004 events proposed for Edmonton would likely have economic impacts on a much lower scale than the World Championships, but quite possibly greater than those projected for Corner Brook, a much smaller city with fewer additional attractions than Edmonton.
Less tangible benefits to the city would include enhancement of Edmonton’s image abroad, particularly coming on the heels of the successful events of 2001. The World Cup events would enhance the image of the sport of triathlon and also provide additional opportunities to increase public awareness of the benefits of recreation, sport and healthy living for individuals and the community. It would also help to strengthen local sporting groups and volunteer spirit.
It is not expected that there would be any direct benefit to the parks, facilities or infrastructure of the city.
Budget / Financial Implications
The cost to the city of supporting the proposed events is estimated at approximately $109,100 for each of the three years. These are all unplanned costs which have not been budgeted for.
Background Information Attached
- Estimate Of Costs To The City Of Edmonton of the Proposed 2002, 2003 and 2004 Triathlons at William Hawrelak Park.
- Previous Council/Committee Action.
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Attachment 1
Estimate Of Costs To The City Of Edmonton of the Proposed 2002, 2003 and 2004 Triathlons at William Hawrelak Park
Fæcal Coliform Testing / $2,000 / $2,000 / $2,000 / 1Lake Chlorination / $11,000 / $7,000 / $3,000 / $1,000 / $11,000 / Two App.
Potable Water Hook-ups / $250 / $250 / $250 / 2
Research, Monitoring and Evaluation / $10,000 / $10,000 / $10,000 / 1
Chemical Weed Control / $7,600 / $500 / $6,600 / $500 / $7,600 / $30,850
Park Site Work
Excrement Cleanup / $1,550 / $1,100 / $450 / $1,550Goose Management-Fencing / $2,585 / $2,500 / NA / $85 / $2,585
Goose Repellents / $5,150 / $3,050 / $2,100 / $5,150
Temporary Ramping / $3,000 / $3,000 / $3,000
Pre, Post and Event Parks Servicing / $1,700 / $1,600 / $100 / $1,700
Beach Installation / $3,000 / $2,200 / $800 / $3,000
Sweeping Roadway/Lot / $1,000 / $1,000 / $1,000
Site Cleaning/Mowing, etc. / $2,500 / $1,500 / $1,000 / $2,500
Turf Repairs / $4,000 / $4,000 / $4,000
Utility Hook-Ups / $1,500 / $1,200 / $300 / $1,500 / 3
Lot Modifications / $6,785 / $6,785 / $6,785 / 4
Administration/Reports / $3,000 / $3,000 / $3,000 / $35,770
TOTAL: COMMUNITY SERVICES / $66,620 / $33,700 / $14,200 / $7,935 / $10,785 / $66,620
COMMUNICATIONS / $3,000 / $3,000 / 5
EDMONTON TRANSIT / $7,500 / $7,500 / 6
EMERGENCY RESPONSE / $3,000 / $3,000 / 7
ROADWAY OPERATIONS, T&S / $5,000 / $5,000 / 8
CIVIC CONTINGENCY / $18,000 / $18,000
TOTAL: OTHER DEPARTMENTS / $42,500 / $42,500 / 9
TOTAL: CITY OF EDMONTON / $109,120 / $109,120
1 Value may vary depending upon conditions imposed in the Health Canada Permit.
2 Assumes that Local Organizing Committee pays for potable water directly.
3 Assumes showers needed.
4Assumes that renovations to parking lot area would be made for cycling course (one time versus annual cost).
5Hosting, gifts, public relations, signage, etc.
6Based on the 1999 experience which includes pre-competition support, athlete transportation, shuttle to/from U of A, free athlete access to ETS and cost of day inspectors.
7Includes three units.
8Does not include any roadway rehabilitation or repaving, etc.
9Assumes like costs to 2000 triathlon event (i.e., not a world championship). Costs are based on 2001 labour/equipment rates and may be subject to increases beyond 2002.
Attachment 1 - Page 1 of 2
Attachment 2
Previous/Council Committee Action
At the regular meeting of City Council on April 7, 1998 Council approved the following recommendations:
- “That the City of Edmonton support the hosting of the 2001 World Triathlon Championships in Edmonton by providing a maximum of $400,000 in cash and services to the Society for the ITU World Championships 2001 (the Society) according to the schedule in Attachment 1 (of the March 5, 1998 Community Services Department report). These funds will be used to support preliminary events in 1998, 1999 and 2000 as well as the World Championships in 2001. Source of funds for years 1999-2001 to be incremental items in the Community Services Department Operating Budgets. The support, beyond the immediate lake improvements, be provided contingent upon the confirmation of the World Championships being awarded to Edmonton and confirmation of the financial support of the Provincial and Federal Governments.
- That improvements to the lake in William Hawrelak Park be undertaken in the spring of 1998 to allow a swim event to occur in the lake this summer. (Estimated cost $59,400, included in Attachment 1 of the April 7, 1998 Community Services Department report). Source of Funds: 1998 Community Services Capital Budget (and defer the septic system upgrades to the Yorath Property).
- That approval be given to enter into an Agreement with the Society, as per Attachment 3 (of the April 7, 1998 Community Services Department report). This Agreement shall be acceptable in form to the Corporate Services Department (Law Branch), and in content to the General Manager of the Community Services Department.”
Attachment 2 - Page 1 of 1