Committee Meeting


Monday 28th August 2006

10.00 hours – 12.30 hours

Corporate Meeting Rooom

CH(C)P Offices, 300 Balgrayhill Road, Glasgow, G21 3UR

Present: / Councillor Robert Winter (Chair)
Councillor Billy McAllister / Jim McKenzie
Donna Drummond
Alex Mackenzie
Arlene Cooke / Colin Ferguson
Ting Fong Choy
Margaret Daly / Liz Simpson
In attendance: / Paul Ryan / Morag Brown
Evelyn Borland / Clive Travers
Ann Stewart
Mike Burns / Ann Shaw
Apologies: / Councillor Ellen Hurcombe / Councillor John Gray
Councillor Allan Stewart / Ellice Morrison
Item / Action
Welcome from the Chair, Councillor Robert Winters.
1. / Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes of previous meeting were agreed as a true record of the meeting.
2. /

Community Health Projects Update (06/19)

Evelyn Borland, Head of Planning and Health Improvement provided an update on the current situation regarding the Community Health Projects.
This reports explains the background to the decision to cease funding Maryhill and North Glasgow Community Health projects. It sets out the options which were considered, the support that was given to the projects and the plans for future support for community health activity in North Glasgow.
The Committee noted the actions taken to date and agreed that the Head of Planning and Health Improvement is to conclude negotiations with the Healthy Living Community as outlined in this report.
In response to a query regarding the rental paid by the CHCP for the continued use of accomodation in Maryhill Community Centre, the Head of Planning and Health Improvement undertook to discuss this with Cultural and Leisure Services.
3. / CHCP Joint Performance Framework (06/20)
Evelyn Borland, Head of Planning and Health Improvement updated members on the development of a joint Performance Assessment Framework for Glasgow City CHCPs.
The Committee noted the progress in developing a Joint Performance Assessment Framework and considered further performance indicators required to monitor the delivery of the North CHCP Development Plan. It was acknowledged that given North Glasgow’s distance from most national indicators, there is a need to set local targets.
Head of Planning and Health Improvement will provide an initial performance monitoring report once the information has been provided from the Health Board and Social Work Services.
4. /

North Glasgow Professional Executive Group - Membership Proposal (06/21)

Paul Ryan, Clinical Director and Joint Chair of the North Glasgow CHCP Professional Executive Group (PEG) proposed that a member of the North CHCP Practice Managers Group be invited to join the PEG.
The committee approved that this was suitable.
The committee also agreed that the PEG should have the flexibility to co-opt members as appropriate to engage in specific short-life task groups.
5. / North CHCP Financial Monitoring (06/22)
Alex Mackenzie, Director, presented summary financial statements. In response to a query the Committee noted that a presentation on primary care at a future meeting, would include details of incentives (e.g. to encourage a reduction in prescribing costs).
The committee requested that an updated financial report be presented in 3 months time.
6. /

Social Work Inspectorate Agency – Performance Inspection (06/23)

Mike Burns, Head of Childrens Services updated members of the iminent Social Work Inspection Agency Performance Inspection in Glasgow City.
Following discussion, the committee noted the contents of this report, and requested to receive further reports on the performance inspection and the implications for social work services in North Glasgow.
Key policy documents include:
§  For Scotlands Children (2001)
§  Perfecting Children and Young People: Framework for Standards
§  Health for All Children 4: Guidance on Implementation in Scotland
§  Supporting Children’s Learning
§  New Learning Community
§  Changing Lives
§  Getting It Right For Every Child
There was discussion of the challenges faced in North Glasgow asa result of the high concentrartion of children as social work clients and the potential benefits of more integrated working between NHS and social work staff.
It was noted that North Glasgow is leading on planning for childrens with a disability and ASL as part of the city-wide planning for volnerable children.
It was agreed that CHCP and Community Planning strategies for planning for children should be integrated.
7. /

The Workshop and Development session was presented by Mike Burns, Head of Childrens Services

The presentation set the context for Children’s Services planning, development and delivery in North Glasgow.

8. / Date of next meeting:
Monday 9th October 2006 at 10.00am - 12.30pm. Meeting to be held in Corporate Meeting Room at North Glasgow CHCP Offices.