March 19 2013
Teachers please read this to ALL of your classes. Attention students. As stated in the student handbook, students are not allowed to have soda, water bottles, Gatorade or any drink in school. I have instructed your teachers to ask you to empty your containers or throw bottled drinks away. This rule is in force to protect everyone here at CHS. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Report Cards need to be turned in by Thursday, or you will receive a detention
TOMORROW, MARCH 20TH, THE FOLLOWING SENIORS AND JUNIORS NEED TO COME TO THE AUDITORIUM DURING 6TH HOUR HOMEROOM: Breanne Aikman, Aaron Aschemann, Mikaela Cantrell, Jaci Chaplin, Taylor Conley, Torie Conover, Shelby Davis, Stephanie Dearwester, Mallory Fifer, Emery Gronewold, Bekah Hodges, Luke Johnson, Matt Miller, Logan Myers, Martin Nall, Leanne Nevin, Megan Scheiter, John Aden, Cyndi Brotherton, Aaron DeRousse, Jacob Eilers, Erin Flesner, Anthony Holtschlag, Amanda Ihrig, Paige Johnson, Tanner Kennady, Taylor Kill, Paige Marshall, Emily Miller, Jonathan Nash, Cole Phillips, Jared Starman, Tori VanZandt, Callie Weber, Cameron Wilson, Kelli Zimmerman.
Sign up sheet for Baccalaureate outside the office!! Volunteers needed for opening prayer, song leader, scripture, Introduction of speaker, praise band, and more! Baccalaureate will take place on May 12th, 2013. Sign up soon seniors!
Our final picture day will be today. Club/Sports involved include FBLA, FCCLA, FFA, Co-op, Workbase, STP, Baseball, Track, Softball, NHS, WYSE, Yearbook, and Color Guard.
STP Students the quarter ends for Quincy High on March 15th, so grades for STP until March 19th. See Amy for an updated report card.
The Baccalaureate Planning Committee is looking for seniors that are interested in participating in the Baccalaureate Service by reading the opening, leading prayer, scripture readings, introductions and closing. There is a sign-up sheet in the high school office. The deadline for signing up is April 12th. Seniors need to be in the band room by 6:30 p.m. in GOWNS ONLY, NO CAPS.
Also, each senior that is attending should submit to 4-6 family pictures by April 12thto Mr. Brassfield to be used in the Baccalaureate Service.
There will be a presentation on today during 6th hour homeroom on Mizzou with Cody Dailey!
Central Adams Sportsman scholarship is due April 15th!
QU is hosting their 1st Annual Learn to Lead Leadership Conference for high school students. The conference is $10.00 to attend on Saturday April 6th from 9AM - 3PM. The fee includes a continental breakfast, lunch, break-out session materials, and a t-shirt. There will be a key note speaker and several break-out sessions. Registration must be received by March 28th and is available in Ms. Triplett’s office!
CHS Student Council will be having a Jean Drive starting this week March 11th - 21st. Please bring in any jeans that you no longer wear or just want to get rid of. Jeans with holes and tears will be donated to make rugs for Mrs. Chris Schmidt’s cause. See Mrs. Shaw if you have any questions. Thank you!!
JUNIORS interested in STP and would still like to register please see Ms. Triplett ASAP!
SENIORS - New Scholarship in Ms. Triplett’s office - The JL Wade Foundation in the amount of $5,000.
If you have pictures from school events, or class you want to see in the yearbook, please bring them by Room 109. We’d love to see them!!
NHS SENIORS! Honor cords are $8.00 for graduation. Please make your checks to CHS and give to Ms. Triplett! Please get this in before March 8th! The following students still need to pay for their honor cords: Nicholas Mackrides
NEW SCHOLARSHIP SENIORS! The Quincy Service League scholarship and the Quincy Preserves Scholarshipare now available in Ms. Triplett’s office!
Seniors turn in 1 senior picture and 1 baby picture. If you want a different senior picture than the yearbook turn in deadline April 10th. Will use Lifetouch picture if not turned in. Turn into Brassfield
Organizations- Clubs
Seniors-Mallory Fifer, Hanna Boehler, Julia Bruce, Tanner Tenhouse, & Shane Richmiller, please turn your contract for senior class trip to Mrs. A Schmidt ASAP!!
Sophomores-Please pay your class dues to Ms. Triplett or Eric Lee, Class Treasurer. Dues are $35.00!
Freshman- Class dues $25. Please turn your dues into Rebecca Hibbert or Mrs. Knuffman. Make checks out to Class of 2016 with students name in the memo.Freshman class officers meet in Mrs. Knuffmans room to discuss Fundraiser today.Freshman class Meet in the auditorium during homeroom on March 26th to discuss fundraiser
Juniors- Class Dues are $40.
Student Council- Reminder that your “Veteran’s Projects” are due on March 22nd.
Spanish Club- Meeting Wednesday at 7:50am
All Athletes must be in school by 8:45 on game day to participate
Cheerleading- Think you’ve got spirit? Show it! Practice April 2-5 from 6am-730am in the HS gym. Tryouts will be April 6 @ 10am in the HS gym. Current freshman-juniors please sign up in Blair’s room. #cheerperfection
Baseball-Practice tonight
Softball- Practice tonight
Today’s Lunch:Cheese Quesadillas, Vegetables, Fruit, No Salad Bar
Wednesdays Breakfast:Breakfast Pizza
Quote of the Day:
“I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.”-George S. Patton