Report by Anne Gent, Director of Human Resources

The Board is asked to:

·  Note that the Staff Governance Committee met on Tuesday 17 May 2016 with attendance as noted below.

·  Note the Assurance Report and agreed actions resulting from the review of the specific topics detailed below.

Alasdair Lawton, Board Non-Executive Director
David Alston, NHS Board Chair
Robin Creelman, Board Non-Executive Director (Videoconference from 10.05am)
Myra Duncan, Board Non-Executive Director
Anne Gent, Director of Human Resources – In the Chair
Adam Palmer, Employee Director
In Attendance:
Gaye Boyd, Deputy Director of Human Resources
Pam Cremin, Workforce Planning and Development Manager
Stephen Loch, Senior Nurse for Education and Training (from 10.15am)
Paul Maber, Learning and Development Business Support Manager
Margaret MacRae, Staffside Representative
Judith McKelvie, Head of Learning and Development
Brian Mitchell, Board Committee Administrator
Mr Paul Simmons, Learning and Development Facilitator
Ray Stewart, Quality Improvement Lead for Staff Experience
Etta Mackay, Staffside Representative
Elaine Wilkinson, Board Non-Executive Director


·  Statutory and Mandatory Training RPIW – Tier One Report Out

·  IHI Joy at Work Presentation

·  Staff Experience and iMatter Activity Update

·  Staff Governance Monitoring Framework Return 2015/16

·  NHSH Workforce Risk Register

·  Workforce Contribution to Local Delivery Plan

·  Workforce Report

·  Review of Agenda for Change Band 1 Posts – Scottish Terms and Conditions Committee Discussions

·  Fixed term Contracts

·  Update on Paid as if at Work

·  Knowledge and Skills Framework (including National Developments) Update

·  Staff Governance Committee Annual Report 2015/16


The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 23 August 2016 in the Board Room, Assynt House, Inverness at 10.00am.



Meeting on Tuesday 17 May 2016

1 / TOPIC: Welcome and Declarations of Interest
Issues / Assurance / Actions
Do members have any interest to declare in relation to any Item on the agenda? / ·  No declarations made. / Action:
2 / TOPIC: Draft Assurance Report and Action Plan – 25 August 2015
Issues / Assurance / Actions
Any issues relating to accuracy of draft Assurance Report?
Need to update Action Plan / On the matter of scrutiny/assurance taken by the Committee it was agreed this be explicitly outlined in future Assurance Reports.
Agreed. / Action:
·  Agreed level of assurance taken to be made explicit in future Assurance Reports – Committee Administrator
·  Action Plan to continue to be updated – Named Officers/ Committee Administrator
3.1 / TOPIC: Matters Arising – Role of Non Executive Whistle Blowing Champion
Issues / Assurance / Actions
What discussion has taken place in relation to this role? / AG advised she had met Mr Creelman, with G Boyd and A Palmer, to discuss the role of Whistle Blowing Champion. Relevant Guidance for the role would be included within the NHSH Whistle Blowing Policy. / Action:

The Committee agreed to consider the following Items at this point in the meeting.

4.1 / TOPIC: Minutes of Meetings of the Highland Partnership Forum on 12 February and 11 March 2016
Issues / Assurance / Actions
Any Issues arising from the Minutes?
What emerged from discussion in relation to Smarter Offices proposal?
What activity is underway in relation to improving recruitment processes? / AP advised there had been a Workshop Event in relation to reinvigorating the Partnership Forum, recommendations from which were to be considered at the meeting to be held on 20 May 2016. Issues being considered included attendance and commitment of members, meeting arrangements and a re-structured agenda, member roles and responsibilities, review of Constitution, support for Local Partnership Fora and information sharing.
AP advised there was a level of concern being expressed by affected staff. Workshop events would be held across all three sites involved to highlight is about making best use of available office space. Noted working from home raised number of eHealth issues and that there may need to be a degree of building work/improvements at Assynt House. Dr van Woerden to Chair the relevant Project Board.
PC advised currently undertaking RPIW on recruitment processes, with specific Corporate Objectives developed for 2016/17. NHSH operated a positive youth employment agenda, and talent development and succession planning issues were being developed with Sensei support from Virginia Mason Institute (VMI). The next iteration of the NHSH Workforce Plan would include greater reference to this subject and would be submitted to the NHS Board in August 2016 for approval and sign-off. / Action:
4.2 / TOPIC: Minute of Meeting of Health and Safety Committee on 5 November 2015
Issues / Assurance / Actions
Any Issues arising from the draft Minute? / AG advised there had been discussion in relation to the range of Health & Safety Training activity. / Action:

The Committee agreed to revert to the original agenda at this point in the meeting.

5 / TOPIC: Statutory and Mandatory Training RPIW – Tier One Report Out
Issues / Assurance / Actions
What has been the focus of the recent RPIW activity on Statutory and Mandatory Training?
Why introduce a paper training passport as opposed to an IT solution and how do staff members identify their Statutory and Mandatory training needs?
How can learning be applied across NHS Highland?
When will reporting be available to provide appropriate levels of assurance? / AG introduced the Item, advising this had been raised as an organisation wide issue by the Audit Committee. The report considered by the Audit Committee at their meeting on 10 May 2016 was circulated for information. SL gave a presentation to members, representing the 60 Day Report Out. The RPIW had focussed on Band 5 nurses in general wards and their key training programmes relating to Fire, Resuscitation, Moving & Handling, Violence & Aggression and Plated Food handling. The RPIW theme was to develop a robust system for staff to identify and undertake appropriate statutory and mandatory training; reduce waste, improve lead time and access to appropriate training; and to reduce waste and improve recording so that the individual and the organisation can ensure staff are appropriately trained within a specified period. The RPIW had subsequently been widened to include Band 2 staff in general acute wards. SL introduced the relevant target progress report and value stream map, advising the process had identified 23 wastes and generated 36 ideas. It was reported that at the end of day 4, in simulation, improvements had been identified including a reduction in lead time from interview to training completion, and a reduction in training cancellation and Did Not Attend rates. JMcK circulated the relevant RPIW/Kaizen newspaper and introduced activity after the 30 day report out, advising a number of actions involved a lead in time. Areas of focus were outlined as being in relation to recruitment; scheduling, booking and recording of training, induction process, overall governance and communications. The new induction programme commenced on 9 May 2016. JMcK advised the 60 Day Report Out reflected the lead in time for many of the actions. An overview was given in relation to the new induction process, including an outline of relevant responsibilities for training providers and their admin support. JMcK emphasised this was about ensuring a person centred approach for new starts in NHSH. Reflecting on the start point of the RPIW, and the areas identified for consideration, JMCK took members through improvements to date, and ongoing actions, including identification and provision of actual individual staff training requirements, development of standard work, development of a training passport for staff and ensuring IT access for new staff to complete relevant training. Moving forward, the challenges were indicated as being in relation to capacity to manage the induction process for new staff, admin support, management of the training passport and the ability to match capacity to demand.
During discussion, and on the points raised, it was advised the relevant sample number provided those involved with a valid test cohort. The two week induction period for completion of training would be considered a maximum timeframe and would depend on individual staff member needs. It was confirmed that aspects relating to revalidation would be included within the training passport.
JMcK advised, in light of current issues relating to introduction of future IT solutions this represented a practical way to test new processes whilst introducing a degree of staff member personal responsibility. She advised training needs were identified in the Training Prospectus available via the NHSH Intranet site.
Key areas for action were outlined to members including managing the increasing level of Statutory and Mandatory training required and considering how best that can be delivered efficiently. There was need for identification of role requirements to in turn inform post outlines, PDP discussions, updating of the prospectus and development of educational frameworks, especially for non-clinical staff. There was need to further consider how training was accessed and booked, ensuring capacity to attend and matching training capacity to demand. PM gave an example of data being utilised and emphasised the importance of ensuring consistent information and processes. Aspects relating to access to training records, including the proposed training passport, were being considered alongside the possible introduction of a Dashboard approach and scoping of the impact of the new NES system being introduced. In terms of governance reporting consideration was also being given to the Learning Plan, Committee level reporting, Data Collection Plan, relevant educational governance aspects and working with RPIW teams to develop compliance reporting arrangements. PM concluded by outlining the range of people/groups within NHSH with responsibilities in relation to Statutory and Mandatory Training and outlined the relevant next steps to be taken.
JMCK stated the importance of being able to ensure that data being collected was accurate, as a starting point for reporting. AG emphasised the governance role of this Committee and the need to be able to provide Operational Units with accurate data. She also emphasised the role of Professional Leads and the need for an appropriate Communications Plan to be developed. DA stated it was important to establish effective processes to ensure that NHSH was able to confidently produce accurate compliance information and AG advised that establishing this for relevant priority areas was the initial focus at this time. The Committee thanked those presenting for such a comprehensive update. / Action:

S Loch and P Maber left the meeting at 11.35am.

6.1 / Highland Quality Approach – IHI Joy in Work Presentation
Issues / Assurance / Actions
How can NHSH ensure a positive working experience for staff? / AG gave a presentation to members, previously delivered at an IHI Conference in December 2015, on ‘Creating Joy in Work’. Noting more work days are lost in healthcare than in traditional heavy industry the back to basics message was to establish why staff entered their profession and determine what makes them joyful at their work. Both the individual and organisation should seek to influence this aspect as it was stated “without joy and meaning, the workforce cannot perform to its potential” and this resulted in lower quality of care, diminished patient satisfaction and increased medical errors. The day to day experience of staff was examined in terms of how a positive inner work life led to higher performance. Joy in work was influenced in turn by developing helping relationships in the work place and establishing a culture of co-creation. It was stated, in delivery of a service, any disconnect between individual and organisation creates a challenge to person-centred care while a loss of purpose for providers in turn depletes Joy at Work. In summary the presentation had emphasised healthcare is a calling that provides meaning and joy in work, although burnout amongst providers is high. It was stated research, strategies and action need to be taken to address this issue. The main aim was to ensure every day was “your best day in healthcare”. The Committee thanked Mrs Gent for sharing the presentation content with members. / Action:
6.2 / TOPIC: Staff Experience and iMatter Activity Update
Issues / Assurance / Actions
What is the current position in relation to iMatter within NHS Highland? / Mr Stewart advised that Cohort 1 was in the process of participating in their first anniversary cycle, with the associated response rate having risen to the 60% level required for production of a Board report. The production of Action Plans remained an issue of concern in relation to Cohort 1. There had been little improvement in relation to the production of Action Plans for Cohort 2 despite additional focus and discussion. It was reported Cohort 3 had achieved a positive 69% response rate which would in turn result in production of an updated Board report. Initiation of activity in relation to Cohort 4 (South and Mid Division) had been delayed until after Summer 2016, as agreed with the National Programme Lead and with a view to achieving a higher response rate with the main summer holiday period having passed. Cohort 5 had also been deferred slightly although Argyll and Bute activity would proceed as previously outlined. All required activity will be complete by the end 2017 deadline. Mr Stewart again emphasised the importance of teams developing their respective Action Plans and stated visible leadership from the NHS Board and Executive Team was important.
During discussion, concern was expressed that the increasing demands placed on staff at this time were impacting on performance in a range of Staff Governance areas including iMatter, Staff Survey, KSF/PDP, and training activity. RS emphasised that response rates were positive however Action Plan production was not as yet following the same trend, risking staff disengagement. Mrs Gent emphasised the role of individual staff members in taking matters forward, and stated that recognising that day to day quality improvement activity also represented HQA/iMatter activity then making the relevant connections would be easier for front line staff. She also emphasised the wider role for Staffside representatives in encouraging greater iMatter engagement. PC stated that by linking the wider workforce agenda to such activity, and by providing a daily focus on matters relating to engaging, providing leadership and enabling staff, relevant activity would likely be increased. AG confirmed the HPF were to further consider the idea of introducing HQA Team Boards. / Action:
·  Report Noted.

The Committee adjourned at 12.10pm and reconvened at 12.15pm.