Please put your “First and Last name – Soulcraft Journey Application” in the subject line of the email. Thank you.

Animas Valley Institute

800-451-6327 or 970-259-0585

Soulcraft Journey: A Mountain Pilgrimage

We invite you to fill out this application and respond to our questions first as an exploration of your own longings, and we respectfully request that, if you do subsequently choose to submit the application, you do so with confidence that, if accepted, you will be able to make the arrangements to join us. Thank you.


Date of Birth: ______Gender: ____ Occupation: ______

Address: ______City: ______State: ______

Email address (please print): ______Phone: ______

Sliding Scale Fee You Choose if Accepted (please see website for the range for this program):

Month & Year of Soulcraft Journey:

Submission of this form acknowledges I have read and accept Animas Valley Institute’s Policies and Procedures -

Please list any previous Animas programs that you have attended, roughly when, and the guides for those programs:

Please answer the following questions. Please do be thorough, but we do ask that your answers remain relatively brief.

1)What do you currently know about the deeper story you are called to live? And, what are the images or clues you have discovered about this deeper story through visions, numinous encounters, revelations, dreams, conversations with the wild world, etc. that have been guiding you or revealing parts of this story to you? And, what are you aware of not knowing about this deeper story?

2)Please answer one or more of the following three questions (a, b, and/or c), as well as the question at the end of this paragraph, even if the answers are not easy to pinpoint or articulate: a) What is your greatest and deepest longing in your life right now? b) What are the deepest questions you find yourself pondering when you wake in the morning? c) What are the deepest mysteries that are guiding your life right now? And, in relationship to your answer(s) above, how are these longings/questions/mysteries changing your life or the way you live your life (please speak more toward the essence of the changes rather than the biographical and chronological details)?

3)Why are you seeking to enroll in Soulcraft Journey: A Mountain Pilgrimage in particular? What about this offering is most alluring to you?

4)What is the level of, or nature of, your familiarity with the Nature-based Map of the Psyche (the content of both the Wild Mind intensive and the book of the same title)?