0ctober 9, 2002
Report by
/ Bureau National d’etudes Techniques et de DeveloppementAbidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
1. An awareness raising workshop on climate change and the clean development mechanism was organized by the Ivorian Ministry of Environment and Quality of Life in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on October 9, 2002. This report outlines the information shared and the views exchanged at the workshop.
2. The workshop took note of the essential exchanges among participants and calls relevant issues to the attention of the Ministry of Environment and Quality of Life:
-Adjusting the institutional framework to climate change response requirements;
-Establishing the national UNFCCC follow-up committee;
-Encouraging technical and policy dialogue between stakeholders.
3. Financially supported by the Dutch Government, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has launched the project Capacity Development for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment (UCCEE) is the supporting organisation contracted by UNEP to implement the project.
4. The project will help to establish GHG emission reduction projects under the CDM that are consistent with national sustainable development goals, particularly projects in the energy sector. It will develop national capabilities so that persons in the countries are, at the project’s conclusion, capable of analysing the technical and financial merits of projects and negotiating possible finance agreements with CDM project investors.
5. The project aims at 1) generating in participating developing countries a broad understanding of the opportunities offered by the CDM, and 2) developing the necessary institutional and human capabilities that allow them to formulate and implement projects under the CDM.
6. Worldwide, twelve countries have been selected to participate in the project, among which five countries in Africa. Cote d’Ivoire, Mozambique and Uganda are the Sub-Saharan African countries participating in the project.
7. Started in May 2002 and launched through a preparatory phase ending in December 2002, the project is expected to achieve objectives over a duration period of 3-4 years. A project introductory visit conducted by UCCEE and ENDA to Côte d’Ivoire took place 21-25 July 2002. The purpose of the visit was to introduce the project to Ivorian stakeholders and to elaborate specific goals for the country. Two categories of stakeholders were met: direct capacity building beneficiaries and potential focal institutions for the multi-year work plan development.
8. The report on this first visit to Côte d’Ivoire recommended that the Ivorian Ministry of Environment and Quality of Life considers holding a national workshop at its earliest convenience to raise awareness on climate change issues and to introduce the project to all stakeholders.
9. The national awareness workshop on Climate Change and the Clean Development Mechanism was organized by the Ivorian Ministry of Environment and Quality of Life at the Golf Hotel in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on October 9 2002, with financial support from the United Nations Environment Programme and technical assistance from the Ivorian Bureau National d’Etudes Techniques et de Developpement (Bnetd).
10. The one day plenary workshop consisted of six presentations by five local and regional experts on climate change science and politics, including an introduction to the project “Capacity Development for the Clean Development Mechanism”. The workshop agenda is attached in appendix.
11. The opening address was delivered by Honorable Minister Gilbert BLEU-LAINE, in charge of Environment and Quality of Life, following introductory background setting and appreciation words by Dr. Njeri Wamukonya, CDM Capacity Development project manager at UCCEE-RISOE.
12. Fifty seven participants attended the workshop, comprising 19 public officials, 16 representatives from national institutions, 4 participants from the private sector, 13 persons from local (12) and regional (1) NGOs, and 5 representatives from UN organizations/projects. The list of participants is attached in appendix.
13. The workshop was chaired by Mr. Boubacar Diarra, Director of the National Environment Agency assisted by two session secretaries from the Ministry of Environment (Patrick Pedia) and the Bnetd (Jeremie Kouadio).
14. The following documentation was handed out to participants, courtesy of UCCEE and the UNFCCC secretariat:
-The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – UNEP/IUC (50 booklets: French)
-The UNFCCC Kyoto protocol - UNEP/IUC (50 booklets: French)
-Climate Change beginner’s guide (49 copies: French)
-COP7 report (40 copies: French)
-UNEP RISOE September 2002 Newsletter (50 copies: English)
-Proceedings of the African High-Level Regional Meeting on Energy and Sustainable Development – edited by Dr Njeri Wamukonya (8 books: English)
-Climate Change & Sustainable Development –by Anil Markandya & Kirsten Halsnaes (5 books: English)
-Introduction to the CDM: Clean Development Mechanism – Unep CCEE RISOE (50 Booklets: English)
Three copies of the Bulletin Africain (issue N°13, April 2001) focusing on CDM were also displayed by ENDA in single copies.
15. The participants also received a compilation by the Bnetd of web site addresses for further climate change and clean development mechanism information.
16. A questionnaire on capacity needs assessment prepared by the Bnetd was handed out to participants. The feedback information will be instrumental in triggering the national dialogue toward developing a multi-year work plan on technical and institutional capacity building activities needed to enable the country to access CDM.
17. The workshop included six expert presentations focusing on the science and the politics of climate change, and the international community’s instrumented response to the arising related issues. The full presentation texts and graphics are attached in appendix.
18. The first presentation was made by Dr. Mamadou Kone from the Bnetd on the facts, the nature and the causes of global warming and climate change, using Ipcc, Wmo, Unep, Grida, Noaa and Gcrio data. He concluded on emphasizing the need for awareness and prompt national response implication.
19. In the same session, a second presentation was delivered by Dr. Kadio Ahossane, National Capacity Building Activities project coordinator, on the historical background, the objectives, the parties, the governing bodies, the procedures, and the implications of the climate convention and the Kyoto protocol. He concluded on emphasizing the need to improve the national institutional framework.
20. The audience emphasized the national need of setting the appropriate institutional framework in order to trigger and maintain technical and policy dialogue between stakeholders in order to identify priorities, take legislations, plan appropriate actions, formulate relevant projects, and draw proper benefit from bilateral and multilateral financial opportunities.
21. The audience further insisted on the need to bring local presence in this global debate through initial and updated collection and analysis of local temperature and specific gas emission data due for example to forest fires and car exhaust gases. The audience also sought explanation for observed unusual local climate phenomena and further clarification on the links between the often confused ozone depletion and climate change issues.
22. A heated debate arose on the delay the Ministry of Environment has been taking for the establishment of the national UNFCCC follow-up committee. Participants agreed the workshop should recommend that this action be promptly taken.
23. In the third presentation, Dr. Jean Philippe Thomas from Enda (Environmental Development Action in the Third World, Dakar) shared views and experience on background, issues, structure, interest groups, and progress of climate change negotiations. He emphasized issues that should be important for Africa: funding for adaptation, capacity development, and sustainable development.
24. In response to the audience’s expressed interest in learning the strategies for prior harmonization among african views and for giving strength to their common positions, Dr. Thomas insisted on the important potential role of African regional economic entities (ECOWAS, WAMEU) in giving voice and strength to African positions.
25. The audience also requested further elaboration on funding opportunities for projects and capacity building regarding abatement and adaptation activities and for the preparation and attendance to negotiation meetings.
26. In response, Dr. Wamukonya commented on existing Unep resources regarding assistance to countries for negotiation preparation and attendance, including a list-server for dissemination of climate and negotiation information.
27. Following an expression of concern from the audience on the difficulties at the national level in coordinating the implementation of activities under multiple conventions, Dr Wamukonya announced an upcoming Unep project aiming at assisting countries in resolving these coordination questions.
28. Following the lunch break participants reconvened in plenary to hear two presentations, by Dr. Jean Philippe Thomas from Enda and by Dr. René Yvon Brancart from the company 3E. They discussed the rationale, the procedures and key issues arising from the Clean Development Mechanism. The speakers recommended the developing countries should take advantage of CDM opportunities through awareness, capacity development, incentive measures for project holders, and establishment of a designated national CDM authority.
29. The sixth workshop presentation was delivered by Mrs. Nasséré Kaba from the Ministry of Environment (Office for Project Monitoring and International and Legal Affairs). Mrs Kaba introduced, to the audience, the project “Capacity Development for the Clean Development Mechanism”, funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, administered by UNEP and implemented by UCCEE-RISOE. Mrs Kaba explained the facilitator role of the Bnetd, focal national institution, assisting the UCCEE in the project preparation phase in the country. She concluding by insisting that to be successful the process will require total implication from all stakeholders.
30. Representatives of women NGOs were concerned with the usual lack of effective follow-up on the field from similar workshops and seminars gathering important number of experts. They also suggested the involvement and action coordination with the office for national capacity building at the Prime Minister’s office.
31. Questions arose regarding the specific role played by the Bnetd. Dr. Njeri Wamukonya and Dr. Patrice Tagro contributed in clarifying the issue. The Bnetd’s assignments include essentially CDM stakeholder identification and capacity assessment, presentation of different options for the institutional framework, and process mapping for the national authority characteristics determination.
32. Effective implication of appropriate ministries in the project was also at issue. The Ministry of Education expressed the desire to be involved in the information and communication campaign. The Ministry of industry also wished to be associated to the project.
33. NGO leaders identified their specific capacity gaps as being project design and project implementation, in particular CDM related projects.
34. The Chair, representative of the National Environmental Agency (ANDE), contributed that in developing the work plan one possible scope of activities could be the design of educational tools for schools, to assist student knowledge acquisition on the interwoven issues of climate change.
35. The final workshop recommendations, read by Mr. Jeremie Kouadio, are attached in appendix and summarised in the following item points.
36. The participants wish to express their gratitude to Honorable Minister Gilbert BLEU-LAINE in charge of Environment and Quality of life for presiding the opening ceremony and for the support of his Ministry. They also wish to thank and congratulate Bnetd for its assistance in workshop organization.
37. The participants acknowledge:
the threats represented by the climate change issue for humanity in general and for Côte d’Ivoire in particular,
the low level of the local population’s awareness on the sensible character of the climate change phenomena,
the need for national resource coordination and practical measure initiatives aiming at taping into opportunities offered by CDM.
38. The participants also acknowledge and encourage the government’s effort to ratify the Kyoto protocol.
39. The workshop recommends to the Ministry of Environment and Quality of Life to facilitate:
the prompt establishment of the National UNFCCC follow-up Committee as a component of the National Commission on Sustainable Development,
the prompt designation of a national authority for CDM,
the institution of a technical committee in charge of CDM project identification and selection,
the design and implementation of an informative, educative and communication awareness raising campaign targeting potential CDM stakeholders,
the design of incentive measures for CDM stakeholders’ involvement into the CDM project cycle,
the design of a national capacity building program,
the introduction of climate change adaptation measures into all national development sectors,
the implementation of appropriate larger scale adaptation measures through regional and sub regional cooperation,
the design of a national work plan on capacity development for CDM.
40. In his closing remarks, the Chair expressed his gratitude to all participants for the success of the workshop. In conclusion, the Chair noted that the output of this workshop would be presented to, and considered by, the Ministry of Environment and Quality of Life. He noted the achievements at the workshop in climate change awareness, and then declared the workshop closed.
- Workshop agenda
- Workshop recommendations
- Participant list
- Detailed workshop presentations.
Awareness workshop
Abidjan, Hôtel du Golf
Wednesday, October 9, 2002
- 8.30 - 9.00
- 9.00 - 9.15
Mr. Gilbert BLEU-LAINE, Ministre Environnement et Cadre de Vie
- 9.15 – 9.25
- 9.25 - 10.35
Dr. Kadio AHOSSANE, Coordonnateur Activités habilitantes / Changement Climatique
Dr. Mamadou KONE, Bnetd
- 10.35 - 10.50
- 10.50 - 12.05
Col. Mbareck DIOP, Ancien Conseiller Présidence, Sénégal
- 12.10 - 13.30
- 13.35 - 14.50
Mr. Jean Philippe THOMAS, Enda – Energie
Dr. René Yvon BRANCART, Consultant
- 14.50 - 15.05
- 15.05 - 16.20
Mrs. Nasseré KABA, Ministère Environnement et Cadre de Vie
- 16.20 – 16.30
Mr. Gilbert BLEU-LAINE, Ministre Environnement et Cadre de Vie
Awareness workshop
Abidjan, Hôtel du Golf
Wednesday, October 9, 2002
WORKSHOP RecommEndations
Les participants se félicitent de l’organisation dudit atelier, et félicitent notamment le BNETD. Ils manifestent leur gratitude à monsieur le Ministre de l’Environnement et du cadre de Vie qui a bien voulu rehausser de sa présence la cérémonie d’ouverture dudit atelier et, adressent leurs s’incèrent remerciements au Programme des Nations Unies pour l’Environnement dont l’appui financier et technique a permis la tenue de cette importante rencontre.
Les participants l’atelier sur les changements climatiques et mécanismes de développement propre :
-Conscient de l’enjeux critique que constitue les changements climatiques pour l’humanité et singulièrement pour notre pays;
-Considérant le faible niveau d’information des populations sur le caractère sensible du phénomène ;
-Constatant le déficit de coordination et l’absence de mesures concrètes visant à saisir les opportunités offertes par les mécanismes de flexibilités dont le MDP.
Encouragent le gouvernement à poursuivre, voire accélérer le processus d’adhésion au protocole de Kyoto et recommandent:
-La mise en place ou la formalisation administrative du comité national sur les changements climatiques en tant qu’organe de la Commission Nationale de Développement Durable;
-La désignation diligente d’une autorité nationale du MDP;
-L’établissement d’un comité technique ou autre groupe technique aux fins de constituer un portefeuille de projets ciblés sur les fonds accessibles à travers le MDP et toute autre opportunité offerte par les mécanismes de flexibilité ;
-Le développement et la mise en œuvre d’un programme d’Information-Education- Communication à l’attention de tous les partenaires et parties prenantes potentielsen vue d’assurer leur prise de conscience et de favoriser leur implication dans l’exécution des actions à initier ;
-Le développement d’un programme de renforcement des capacitésnationales ;
-L’impulsion, dans les secteurs du développement, les initiatives visant l’instauration de mesures d’adaptation aux changements climatiques;
-L’encouragement à la coopération régionale et sous régionale en vue de la mise en de mesures idoines d’adaptation;
-L’élaboration d’un Plan national du MDP.
Awareness workshop
Abidjan, Hôtel du Golf
Wednesday, October 9, 2002
Public Officials / Nat. institutions / Private sector / NGOs / UN / Total19 / 16 / 4 / 13 / 5 / 57
Participants / Affiliations / Telephones (+225)Mr. Gilbert BLEU-LAINE, Minister / Ministry of Environment & Quality of Life / 2022 5909
Ms. Christine YABLE / Planification, Prime Minister Office / 2021 2230
Mr. Gouganou KOPIEU Environment Director / Ministry of Environment & Quality of Life (MEQL) / 2021 0623
Ms. Annick TAHIRI
Director, Zoo / MEQL / 2035 0465
Ms. Nasséré KABA
Head of Office / Project Monitoring and International & Legal Affairs, MEQL / 2021 1183
Pollution Analyst / MEQL / 2021 0623
Head of Office / MEQL / 2021 0623
0704 4979
Mr. Ronold BERGER
Technical Adviser / MEQL / 2021 0598
Mr. Patrick PEDIA
Head of Office / MEQL / 2021 2191
Dr. Didier GBE
Head of Office / Environment, MEQL / 2021 0623
Mr. Mamadou BIGOT
Technical Adviser / Ministry of Transport / 2034 7937
Ms. Nah OUATTARA / Ministry of Animal Husbandry and Fishery / 2022 4369
0588 8324
Petroleum Establishment Inspector / Hydrocarbons, Ministry of Mining and Energy / 2021 4246
Mr. Roch DJAHA
Technical Analyst / Ministry of Mining and Energy / 0588 3365
Mr. Daniel ANOMA
Technical Adviser / Ministry of Industry and Private sector / 2021 2631
0501 5366
Mr. Angoua Marc KOUADIO
Waste Management Office / Ministry of Urbanization and Lodging / 2022 8349
Mr. Kagoh ROBALE / Ministry of Basic Education / 2021 0534
Mr. Abdoulaye DRAME / Ministry of Water Resources and Forestry / 2022 1629
Mr. Credain KOUASSI
Inspector / Ministry of Industry and Private sector / 2021 8990
Participants / Affiliations / Telephones (+225)Mr. Boubacar DIARRA
Director / ANDE, Agency for Environment / 2247 0865
Mr. Pierre DJOKOI / ANDE / 0765 7044
Dr. Koffi ATTAHI
Urban & Rural Development / DAUDL, BNETD / 2248 7673
Dr. Patrice TAGRO
Environment / DE, BNETD / 2244 5428
Mr. Jeremie KOUADIO
Head of Office / DE, BNETD / 2244 5428
Dr. Mamadou KONE
Industry, Energy & Mining / DIEM, BNETD / 2244 0863
Mr. Norbert NGORAN
Head of Office / DIEM, BNETD / 2244 0863
Mr. Francis YARO
Technical Analyst / DIEM, BNETD / 2244 0863
Mr. Ibrahima COULIBALY
Technical Analyst / DIEM, BNETD / 2244 0863
Mr. Ngbe ABOLE / SODEXAM / 2127 6941
Pr. Daniel E. SESS
Director / CIAPOL, Air Pollution / 2037 6502
Koffi YOCOLI / CIAPOL / 2037 6502
Mr. Mathieu OULEA / SODEFOR, Forestry / 2244 4425
Mr. Nguessan NDET / LANEMA / 2021 0874
Mr. François OUOHI
Technical Adviser & Quality Manager / CODINORM, Standards Bureau / 0580 7525
2021 5512
Mr. Godefroy KONAN / AGETU, Urban Transport / 2241 0935
Participants / Affiliations / Telephones (+225)Ms. Alimata KONE
Head of Office / CAA Bank
GEF Operational Focal Point / 2020 9830
Head of Office / Hydro Electricity Generation, CIE / 2123 6027
Dr. René Yvon BRANCART
Consultant / 3E / 2241 2263
Pr. Moustapha TOURE
Consultant / ARC Engineering / 2247 9133
Participants / Affiliations / TelephonesDr. Jean Philippe THOMAS
Project Coordinator / ENDA-TM, Environment Development Action / (+221) 822 2496
Dr. Jacques MOULOT
President / SEED Center / (+225) 0589 3273
Ms. Rachel Séri GOGOUA / RIOF, Network of Women’s NGOs / 2021 1475
0773 3456
Dr. Ahoua YAPI
President / FONGED / 0564 0498
Mr. Antonin ASSA
President / RNCCEE / 2031 4209
Mr. Maxime BAHI / CI-Ecologie / 2021 1475
0593 1078
Ms. Hélène KOUMAN / CI-Environnement
Ms. Madeleine BONI / PEDF / READ / 0573 1615
Ms. Flora AHOUTO / LIONGRA / 2352 8161 / 5998
Ms. Léonie GUEI / Femme et Solidarité / 0584 9421
Ms. Germaine DAZE / Femme et Solidarité / 0584 9421
Mr. Kakou EDOUA / SER-CI
Participants / Affiliations / Telephones (+225)Mr. Eloi KOUADIO IV
Environment Officer / UNDP / (+225) 2031 7424
Dr. Njeri WAMUKONYA / UNEP / (+45) 4632 2288
Project Coordinator / Climate Change / (+225) 0792 4267
Mr. Lucien DJA
Project Assistant / Climate Change / 2244 3901
Dr. Cyriaque NGORAN
Project Coordinator / SGP/GEF / 2244 5909