CJOIP Consultation Questions
Communities improve their understanding and participation in community justice- Do you agree with the action and measures outlined in the Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan to take this forward?
Disagree / Unsure / Agree on some actions and measures / Agree / Strongly Agree
Partners plan and deliver services in a more strategic and collaborative way.
- Do you agree with the actions and measures outlined in the Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan to take this forward?
Disagree / Unsure / Agree on some actions and measures / Agree / Strongly Agree
People have better access to the services they require, including welfare, health and wellbeing, housing and employability.
- Do you agree with the action and measures outlined in the Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan to take this forward?
Disagree / Unsure / Agree on some actions and measures / Agree / Strongly Agree
Effective interventions are delivered to prevent and reduce the risk of further offending.
- Do you agree with the action and measures outlined in the Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan to take this forward?
Disagree / Unsure / Agree on some actions and measures / Agree / Strongly Agree
If you would like to make any other comment on the Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan, please do so in the box below:
Thanks you for taking the time to respond.
Handling Your Response
We will use the information you provide for the purpose of this consultation, including statistical and analytical purposes.
We are subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and therefore would have to consider any request made under the Act for information relating to written responses/records or oral representations made to us relating to this consultation.
Please return any responses to:
Community Justice, Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership, Hector McNeil House, 7-8 Clyde Square, Greenock PA15 1NB
The closing date for this consultation is Friday 6th January 2017.
In order to validate your response to this consultation, please provide your details below:
I am responding in my capacity as a:
Public Sector Organisation / Organisation:
Third Sector Organisation / Organisation:
Community Organisation / Organisation:
Private Sector Organisation / Organisation:
Member of the Public
Trade Union / Name of Trade Union:
Member of Community Council / Community Council:
Elected Member
Member of Staff / Organisation:
Service User (involved in the criminal justice system)
Victim of a crime
Witness to a crime
Other / Please