Medical Assisting 71B, Page 1
October 1999
ChabotCollegeOctober 1999
Replaced Fall 2010
Course Outline for Medical Assisting 71B
Administrative Skills II
Catalog Description:
71B - Administrative Skills II2 units
Administrative Medical Assisting skills which include medical economics, banking, billing, medical insurance and coding. Prerequisite: Medical Assisting 71A (completed with a grade of C or higher). 1 hour lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
[Typical contact hours: lecture 17.5, laboratory 52.5]
Prerequisite or Advisory Skills:
- Professional responsibilities
- Patient advocacy
- Medical legal concepts
- Telephone skills
- Medical office reception
- Scheduling appointments
- Computer applications
- Office equipment and maintenance
- Use of the medical record
- Drug prescription and records
- Filing
- Written correspondence
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1.demonstrate banking procedures manually and using computer:
- patient records -- enter/delete responsible party and view fact sheet
- financial records -- view patient activity and responsible party balance
b.billing and collections:
- collection of information
- the pegboard system
- billing
- aging of accounts
- collection process
- special problems
2.demonstrate peg-board accounting; manually and using computer:
b.write-offs, NSF checks
c.simulated activities questions
- daysheet entry -- enter patient transactions and print receipts
- daysheet status -- daysheet and transaction reports
- production/ledger update -- apply active daysheet transactions processing
- introduction -- types of medical insurance programs
3.prepare commonly-used medical insurance forms; manually and using computer:
a.government-sponsored programs
c.medicaid and medi-medi
d.champus/champva and VA outpatient clinic programs
e.worker's compensation
f.HMO's, super bills and special plans
g.Blue Shield and Blue Cross programs
4.demonstrate billing and collection procedures;
- code office procedures using the CPT and ICD-9 Coding system;
- demonstrate beginning transcription skills;
- explain transmission of written communication, postal services, fax transmission;
- perform skills needed to seek employment;
- compare and contrast medical software.
- Demonstrate proficiency in using different medical software programs
Course Content
1.Banking procedures
2.Accounting systems
3.Medical insurance
4.Billing and collection procedures
5.Coding systems
- Process employee payroll
- Transcription
- Postal services
- Fax transmission
10Word processing
11Travel arrangements
12Medisoft application
13Resume preparation
Methods of Presentation
4.Student presentations related to office practices
5.Audio-visual materials
- Resources speakers
Typical Assignments:
- Homework
- Workbook
- Papers
- Class skills performance
Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
2.Laboratory assignments
- Midterm and final examinations, both written and performance
Computers in the Medical Office using Medisoft for Windows – Glenco, 1998
Special Student Materials:
Revised 12/99