Repairs and Maintenance


CBHA Policies and Procedures

Repairs and Maintenance

  1. General

1.1Government has placed a number of legal repairing duties on landlords to protect residents.

1.2It is in the landlords’ interest to keep their housing stock well maintained in order to protect their assets.

1.3The repair service is usually high on residents’ agenda and an important influence on residents’ satisfaction with landlords’ services.

1.4Landlords need effective systems in place to ensure a high quality, prompt and quick repair service is provided to residents.

1.5Tenancy Agreements, licences, or contracts outline the responsibilities of residents in keeping their homes and neighbourhoods at their best. They should be consulted in the decision of what services are provided, in setting local standards and monitoring performance.

  1. Introduction

2.1The Defective Premises Act 1972 outlines the landlords repairing obligations to residents or visitors to its homes and estates and to ensure that any defects, known or which ought to have been known, are made safe.

2.2Landlords have a duty to ensure that visitors are reasonably safe while visiting the communal parts of its premises. Failure to do so makes the landlord liable for any injury caused to the visitor under the Occupiers Liability Acts.

2.3Landlords have a responsibility to comply with relevant Building Acts and Regulations, Health and Safety and Fire Regulations and other relevant regulations eg EC, Construction Design and Management, gas, etc.

2.4Section 11 of the Landlords and Tenants Act 1985 permits the landlord or a person with its written authority to enter a property at a reasonable time of the day to view the condition or state of the repair provided that 24 hours written notice is given to the tenant. It also gives the landlord rights to enter the property to carry out repairs and duties to make good any damage to decorations arising from repair work.

2.5Section 16 of the Housing Act 1988 states that assured tenants are required to give the landlord access to the property and to all reasonable facilities to carry out repairs.

2.6 Local authorities have enforcement powers that require landlords to repair properties that are unfit, unsafe, a statutory nuisance or fail to comply with HMO regulations.

2.7 Tenants have the right to have repairs carried out to the property (and to claim compensation for outstanding repairs) as if section 96 of the Housing Act 1985 (as amended) and the regulations thereunder applied to the tenancy.

2.8The Residents’ Charter published by the Housing Corporation, the Tenancy Agreement and the Residents’ Handbook outline the repairing responsibilities of both residents and the landlord.

2.9The Residents’ Charter outlines the rights for residents to be consulted if any changes to the arrangements for providing housing management and maintenance services are being considered.

  1. Policy Statement

3.1CBHA will provide an economic, efficient and effective repair service to residents ensuring that repairs are promptly reported, correctly logged and the right work ordered.

3.2CBHA will provide a cohesive repair contract with a regularly updated schedule of rates for day to day, emergency and void property repairs along with a procurement strategy to secure the best contractor and ensure value for money is achieved.

3.3CBHA will comply with all legal repairing duties and codes of practice.

3.4CBHA will ensure that tenants’ homes are safe, warm, comfortable and in good repair, and that all communal areas are in good, safe condition.

3.5CBHA will ensure that residents are aware of their repairing rights and responsibilities as well as CBHA’s rights and obligations.

3.6CBHA will ensure that all residents have access to report their repairs, they are aware of how to report a repair and how repairs are categorised, ensuring that this information is well publicised.

3.7 CBHA will inspect empty dwellings as soon as possible to identify essential repairs to be completed prior to letting in line with CBHA’s Voids Policy and Procedure.

3.8CBHA will take appropriate action to gain access to a property where there is likely to be a serious health and safety risk to the residents or others; or where there is likely to be severe structural damage to the building; where the resident is not available or refuses CBHA or its contractors access to the premises.

3.9CBHA will charge residents for repairs that are requested and not the CBHA’s responsibility, or that arise as a result of damage, misuse or unfair wear and tear by following CBHA’s Recharge Policy and Procedure. CBHA may also carry out repairs in this way for former tenants who have exercised their right to buy.

3.10CBHA will have effective budgetary controls in place to track actual, planned and committed spending and to ensure that only satisfactory work completed is paid for.

3.11In consultation with resident groups CBHA will monitor and manage its repairing process effectively and publish its performance for public record in accordance with performance obligations to the Housing Corporation. CBHA targets will be outlined in the Tenants Handbook.

3.12CBHA will take into consideration the promotion and practice of its Equal Opportunities Policy and its Race Equality and Valuing Diversity Policy in carrying out its repairing obligations and ensure that it is extended to contractors or agents carrying out work on CBHA’s behalf.

3.13CBHA will consider Duty of Confidence and the Data Protection Act 1998 while carrying out its repairing duties.

3.14In consultation with residents CBHA will annually review the performance of contractors and the Repair and Maintenance Contract and will report this to the relevant Committee of the Board with recommendations for either extension, renewal or retendering of the Contract.


4.1 At the time of sign up CBHA will provide the resident with a Tenancy Agreement and Tenants Handbook which outlines the residents and CBHA’s repairing rights and responsibilities.

4.2 All CBHA tenants will be provided with a Residents’ Handbook informing them on how to report repairs and response times for differing types of repairs.

4.3 CBHA will consult residents on any planned major works for their property or area.

4.4 Communal areas will be inspected routinely for repairs, any health and safety repairs will be made safe within 2 hours of it being identified or reported.

4.5 CBHA will inspect a number of repairs reported by residents to verify the nature of the repair, including emergency repairs. The repairs selected for such inspection will be those outlined in the Residents’ Handbook and CBHA procedures.

4.6 Where emergencies occur outside office hours CBHA’s Emergency Callout Policy and Procedure will be followed.

4.7 CBHA will identify its own repairing obligation and take appropriate action where alternative repair policy and procedures should be followed e.g. Rechargeable Repairs, Defects Liability, Right to Buy etc.

4.8 Where the cost of a repair is likely to be more than £500 or where it is technically complex, the repair is to be inspected and appropriate approval is to be sought.

4.9 Appropriate restrictions will be put into place on our IT systems to ensure staff are only able to order and release repairs up to their financial limits, as defined in our procedures.

4.10CBHA will raise works orders for the repair contractor identifying what work is needed, where and when the work is to be completed making an appointment with the resident for the work to be carried out.

4.11CBHA will provide residents with a Repair Receipt & Customer Reply Card giving details of the repair and when the work should be completed (appointment) allowing response and comments on the work completed.

4.12CBHA will post inspect and monitor the performance and standard of work completed by the repair contractor in accordance with CBHA procedures to ensure it meets CBHA’s standards.

4.13CBHA will discuss any performance issues and take necessary action that may be needed to resolve particular problems.

4.14All complaints received regarding CBHA repairing standards will be investigated and a full written explanation of the situation and remedies to resolve the situation will be given.

4.15CBHA will monitor customer satisfaction by carrying out surveys and analysing Customer Reply Cards in order to improve the repair service.

4.16CBHA will liaise with the repair contractor and hold regular monthly meetings to discuss any variations to works orders and contractual issues.

4.17 Appropriate action will be taken where repairing standards fall below acceptable levels and contractual obligations are not adhered to.

4.18CBHA will ensure that all gas and electrical fittings supplied by the Association are maintained in line with current regulations, through annual inspections of gas installations and regular testing of electrical equipment.

4.19CBHA will keep its properties insured and protected for third party liability.

4.20CBHA will compensate residents who report a repair or maintenance problem that affects their health, safety or security and where CBHA has, acting unreasonably, failed to make good the repair within the set timescales.

4.21CBHA will identify the relevant repair category and ensure that work and spending is allocated to the appropriate cost centre.

4.22All computerised and manual records will be promptly updated with reported repairs and the progress of their completion.

4.23 Invoices will be matched to relevant works orders and completion certificates checked against completion dates prior to the payment process. Where there are any discrepancies, details are to be forwarded to the Housing Director.

4.24CBHA will ensure that if there is any discrepancy in costs or if work has not been completed satisfactorily, an appropriate credit will be raised against the original invoice.

4.25 Invoices are to be paid within 28 days of its receipt.


It is the responsibility of the Chief Executive to ensure that this policy is implemented effectively.

  1. Consultation

This policy will be reviewed in consultation with resident groups at least every five years.

  1. Review

The CBHA Board in consultation with the appropriate Committee will review this policy at least every five years.

Approved by Board 25th June 2003

Reviewed September 2007

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