Deer Lake United Church <Enter the Tenant’s name here>
Rental Agreement Between
Deer Lake United Church
<Enter the Tenant’s name here>
1.0 Intent
In consideration of the use of designated areas of the Deer Lake United Church property at 5135 Sperling Avenue, Burnaby BC, the intent of this agreement is to permit activities and usage approved by the Stewards Committee.
2.0 Facilities
Areas available for rent include the Sanctuary, the Upper Hall, the Upper Hall Kitchen, the Lower Hall, the Lower Hall Kitchen, the Pre-School Room and the Parking Lot.
Deer Lake United Church will provide tables and chairs as requested.
3.0 Term
The Tenant is permitted to use the
area(s) during the hours of am/pm to am/pm each
(days) for the purpose of
The Term of this Agreement begins ______and will continue in full force and effect unless terminated by either party as set out in Section 5.0.
4.0 Rent
Rent for use of the designated facility/premises shall be $______per month, payable in advance. This rate is fixed for the first twelve (12) months of this agreement.
The rent shall be made payable to Deer Lake United Church and is to be received at the Church Office prior to the first day of the month.
For future rent adjustments, the Tenant will be given three (3) months notice.
5.0 Termination
Termination of this Agreement may be made by either the Landlord or the Tenant by providing two (2) calendar month’s written notice to the other party.
6.0 Liability
The Tenant is responsible for loss or damage to Church property, and is fully responsible for loss or damage to its own property. The Tenant must provide proof of liability insurance covering the activities noted in section 3.0 of this rental agreement in the amount of not less than $3,000,000, and will have Deer Lake United Church named as an additional insured with respect to the activities of the Tenant.
7.0 Landlord’s Responsibilities
Under this Agreement, Deer Lake United Church will provide heat, light, and janitorial services for the facilities used by the Tenant. The Landlord will provide two (2) keys for access to the premises. A $20 deposit per key will be charged, refundable when returned. Additional keys may be provided on request.
8.0 Tenant’s Responsibilities
8.1 The Tenant is to exercise care in the use of church property.
8.2 The Tenant will report any damage that occurs.
8.3 There is to be NO SMOKING in the building.
8.4 Participants are to refrain from wearing shoes that will mark or damage the floors.
8.5 Food and drinks/juices are not to be served or consumed in the carpeted areas outside the Upper Hall.
8.6 Children are to be supervised at all times.
8.7 The tenant, when exiting, is to ensure that the heat is turned down, lights are out, and all doors locked.
Agreed this day of , 20 .
<Enter the Tenant’s name here> Deer Lake United Church
Name Name
Position Position
RENTAL-2 Short-Form Rental Agreement 2006-05-07 D.doc 1