The Working Mens College Corporation
Draft Minutes for the Meeting of the Special WMCCorporationMeeting held on Monday, June 18th 2012 at 6.30 p.m. in The Old Library /Room 601, Working Men’s College 44, Crowndale Road, London, NW1 1TR.
Members ( Appointed Governors ):Governors Attending ( Ex Officio )
Margaret AlexanderAppointedSatnam Gill Principal Ex Officio
Kate BellAppointedGovernors Attending ( Nominated )
Philip BadmanAppointedShingo Nakatani Staff Nominated
Barbara Burman.AppointedKazi Nessa Student Nominated
Lucy de GrootAppointedErik Richards Student Nominated
Nigel Franklin AppointedIvy Simmonds Student Nominated
Ruth HawthornAppointedStaff Attended:
David OffenbachAppointedStewart Cross VP Resources
Abdul QuadirAppointedTheresa Hoenig Deputy Principal
Tom Schuller ( Chair )AppointedAlan Conway Clerk
Paula WhittleAppointed
The Chair welcomed governors to the meeting and emphasized the importance of the strategic steer the governing can provide through consideration of the items at this Special Meeting.
BC22.12Declaration of Interests
Staff Governors, Student Governors and Staff attendees with drew for Confidential Item ( Ref.BC.26.12 )
BC23.12Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Roger Robinson and Martin Jones
BC24.12Strategic Review – Key Priority Objectives; Chair’s Paper
The Chair introduced this draft list of Strategic Aims and Objectives. following detailed discussion at Strategy Day on May 12th of the broad-based long-list of aimsand objectives as were currently identified in the Strategic Plan 2012-15. These were discussed on the basis that they needed to be thinned down to a concise set of genuinely strategic objectives consistent with the College’s approach. As agreed at Strategy Day the Chair, having taken the discussion and further post Strategy Day comment from governors into account, had produced re-drafted focused aims and objectives for further consideration and comment at this meeting; this,with a view to a finalized paper being put to the July 18th Board to approve a focused set of key strategic aims and objectives. The intention is that these will provide continuity of purpose and a basis upon which progress in identified key strategic areas can be measured; such continuity being all the more important in a fast-changing national policy environment. The College needed a such solid framework to also encompass flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.
The Draft paper presented:
-Proposed no change in the College Mission
-Reduction in the Aims from 9 to 6, with the remaining 6 remaining the same in substance whilst being more concisely phrased
-The identification of 4 Strategic Priority Objectives; these being sufficiently measureable so as to monitor progress. Measurement should only be numerical when appropriate.
Salient points made by individual governors in discussion included:
WMC Background / Initial Statement
This needed to state more clearly upfront that WMC was a College for women and men.
Aim 6 ( Re. Unique History )
Very important to make best use of this unique selling point. We need to engage positively with our past.
Objective A Point 1 ( Re. Decreasing public expenditure: fee and income related issues )
Fee income represented 10% of income until two/three years ago and this had recently been boosted to 15% of income. With turnover of £5m it will be difficult and challenging to reach the suggested 25% target within the next three years. Fee income was low relative to other SDI’s although that may be reflective of WMC’s student profile with high levels of deprivation. However, compared to general FE Colleges fee income was high.
In efforts to maximize income it may be helpful to differentiate between ages 18-21,21-24 and 24 plus and understand income streams and the wider policy context in those age-related terms; not least in the area of apprenticeships. Also, government was thought to be moving 18-21s from JSA to a mix of grants and loans.
Pressure to Maximise fee income needs to be considered alongside the College’s mission in terms of providing opportunities to address educational deprivation which is often linked to socio-economic deprivation.. Giving deprived students a second educational chance is the College’s unique selling point.
Opportunities to get investment into the College via charitable route should be explored.
Objective A Point 2 ( Re. invest in premises enabling diversification of income )
Initiatives explicitly referencing the College’s traditions and history may be relevant in terms of use of the premises.
Objective B ( re. providing for disadvantaged communities and groups )
The College should provide a breadth of opportunity to disadvantaged groups as central to the College’s mission and such opportunities should not be only narrowly confined to increasing employability. The wording specifically identifying employability would, accordingly, be deleted.
ObjectiveB Point 1 ( re. hard-to-reach people and groups )
It would be best to refrain from reference to specific groups such as ex-offenders or homeless people unless we are certain we will deliver to those groups.
Objective C ( re. work with employers and partners )
The objective is under-developed and reference to partners is vague. Partners could look beyond employers and could also therefore be referenced under Objective B This does reflect that the College continues to struggle with relationships with employers and with such as how best to key into opportunities at Kings Cross.
Objective D /Aim 1 (Re. Providing an outstanding learning experience / education to adults )
It should be clearly stated that a key aim is to do the absolute best for our learners. Whatever their background may be, the College should aim to provide the best experience for learner. This could be interpreted as a ‘value-added for students’ approach.
Use of the term ‘Outstanding’ may carry specific connotations insofar as it is an official term in the OFSTED grading system.Therefore replace with an equivalent term. .
The Chair will liaise with the Principal and the Aims and Objectives draft document will be revised and re-worked taking into account the points made above for consideration by the board on July 18th.
The Report to the July 18th Board will encompass consideration of how progress over the next three years against aims / objectives can best be measured. Staff will be consulted, as part of the process, with respect to how best to measure progress against identified aims and objectives.
The 3 year Strategic Plan will be further developed accordingly and a detailed Plan including benchmarks will be put to Governors at the November Strategy Day
In further developing the resultant Strategic Plan through more focused aims and objectives a meaningful document will be produced and put out that has substance and will affect the direction the College takes and how it makes use of resources.
BC25.12Strategy Day Action Note 12.05.2012
The Note was amended to confirmNigel Franklin had not sent apologies and had been in attendance.
The Board Noted the Strategy Day Action Note
BC26.12Review of Business Development Unit – Principal’s Report
This was taken as a Confidential Item.
BC27.12Any Other Business
Governors were invited to attend the arts activities from 4.00pm on Friday 22nd. These included an exhibition, fashion show at 4.00pm and concert from 7.00pm.
BC28.12Next Meeting – Wednesday 18th July 2012
Chair:______Date: ______