Renewal Proposal Instructions Checklists


Please submit all the forms and documents as described on the Renewal Proposal Checklist and the Organization Financial Documents Checklist below and email your proposal to Annie Choi, Program Associate, at

If you have any questions, please contact Annie or your Program Officerat 415.393.1551 or by email.

Transmitting large-sized electronic files

Please note that the Stuart Foundation email system does not accept emails 10MB or larger in size. To reduce file size, consider removing logos or graphics or reducing resolution for .pdf files. If needed, send attachments in separate emails.

We appreciate it if you do not PDF your entire proposal into one document; this makes it difficult for us to do our electronic filing.

Renewal Proposal Checklist

Reports on Current Grant

Interim Narrative Report

See Financial Report Instructions for the following:

Interim Narrative Financial Report

Interim Financial Report (Budget and Expenditures to Date)

Renewal Proposal

Proposal Information Form

Renewal Proposal Narrative

Grant Results Worksheet (please submit as a separate word attachment)

Renewal Proposal Budget (see Proposal Budget Guide for options)

Option 1: Use the Foundation’s budget template (Excel file)

Option 2: Submit a budget in your own format that follows the Guide

List of current Board of Directors (list officers and include organizational affiliations)

Logic Model (optional - submit if your organization has one)

Organization Financial Documents Checklist

Stuart Foundation’sprogram staff conducts a financial analysis for all 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations as part of its due diligence process. Pleasesubmit the documents below.

These documents are not required with your proposal submission if your organization is a government agency, school district, or public or private college and/or university. Your Program Officer will discuss with you what financial documents may be required in addition to the project budget.

Audited Financial Statements

Most recently approved audited financial statements (containing two years of data), including auditor’s opinion and footnotes.

NOTE: If your organization does not have audited financial statements, and is not required to have them, one of the following may be provided in lieu of an audit:

  • A financial compilation or financial review prepared by an accounting firm
  • Internal statements verified and signed by two officers of the Board of Directors

Current Year Financial Statements (unaudited) through most recent quarter-end

Statement of Financial Position (also known as Balance Sheet)

Statement of Activities (also known as Income Statement)

Other Documents

Current Year Operating Budgetwith both revenues (identify committed and projected) and expenses

Most recent IRS Form 990

Renewal Proposal Instructions and Checklists,May 2017, Page 1