Renaissance School of Art and Reasoning
8thGrade Science 2011 - 2012
Mrs. Bawa (425 936 1544)
Course Description
Welcome to 8thgrade Science! Here students will develop abilities to make predictions, explore causal relationships, discover patterns and generate explanations based on their observations. We will focus on three inquiry-centered science modules this year. They are:
1. Properties of Matter
2. Earth in Space
3. Human Body
The primary goal of these modules is to engage students directly with the natural phenomena, the tools of science, real-world problems and technological design challenges.
Class Expectations
Students are expected to follow the school rules for appropriate behavior as outlined in the student agenda. The following Operating Principles are in place in our classroom:
- Be respectful
- Be prepared
- Stay on task
- Follow directions
By following these principles students will benefit from a calm and organized environment where successful learning can take place.
The following consequences will occur for students choosing not to follow class rules:
- Verbal warningand / or loss of AMP points
- 10 minute teacher detention / Timeout Form
- Phone call/conference with parent
- Referral to an administrator
These steps may be taken out of order if the behavior warrants it.
Class Materials
Students are expected to have the following materials with them EVERY DAY they are in class:
- Science Journal
- Planner
- Pencil or Pen (blue or black ink only)
- Red Pencil or Pen for correcting
- Highlighter
- Scissors
- Glue stick
Grading Policy
Grades are based on the following percentage system:
A = 89.5-100% C = 72.5-76%
B+= 86.5-89% C- = 69.5 - 72%
B = 82.5-86% D+= 66.5-69%
B- = 79.5-82% D = 59.5-66%
C+ =76.5-79% F = 59.4% and below
Student’s grades will be weighted by the following percentages:
Content- Projects/Tests 60%
Assignments and Journal 30%
A.M.P- attitude, materials and participation 10%
Late Work
An assignment is considered late if it is turned in after it has been collected by the
teacher, even if it is during the same period, or if it is turned in without receiving a stamp. Late work will be accepted for up to one week. Late work will be given a maximum of 50% of the possible points for the assignment. It will be graded normally and then that score will be cut in half to get the late-adjusted score. For example, if the late assignment was graded to receive 8 out of 10, then the late-adjusted score would be 4 out of 10 as the final score.
Each student will have 2 homework passes per semester that theymay use on daily assignments. Assignments turned in with a homework pass will not be penalized.
Academic Absences
You are responsible for finding out what you have missed when you were absent. My website,, will be updated with details about classwork, handouts and homework every day. You can access it from home prior to returning back to school. You will need to check class notes found in the Record Binder, gather worksheets found in the Make-Up Work box, talk to your group members and talk to me upon your return. I will then guide you make up the missed work. If you have missed a lab, please talk to me to schedule a make-up lab. Make-up labs will NOT be provided for unexcused absences. You will get as many days as you were absent to complete the work. Please schedule all appointments outside of class time.
Communication between parents and teachers can be instrumental in helping students be successful in all facets of school life. You may contact me by phone, email, or by making an appointment regarding any comments, questions or concerns. I will return e-mails or phone calls within 24 hours.
I look forward to a fun, exciting, and rewarding school year with each of you.
Jyoti Bawa
425 936 1544
To Do
- Please read and discuss these expectations carefully with your parent/guardian.
- Print your name and provide your signature.
- Request the parent/guardian to provide his/her signatures as well.
- Return the signed page to Mrs. Bawa by 09/12/11.
- Keep the remaining sheets in the front of your binder for any future reference.
Mrs. Bawa
Science Expectations
Name (Print)
(first) (last)
I have read and understand the expectations and policies outlined in the science syllabus at Renaissance School of Art and Reasoning. I recognize that by signing this I am responsible for my own actions, behaviors, and academic performance concerning these expectations and policies and that I may face consequences that have been previously outlined if they are neglected to be followed.