Removal Letters
Helping Hints
D.A.E.P. Removal Orders:
Be sure to include “offense for removal.”
Indicate the appropriate number of days for removal. You may refer to approval letter sent by Director of Student Discipline to help youcalculate the 45 days. Use administrative right…..end of marking periods is good for all, but use your judgment.
“Recommend” starting date.
Do not indicate an ending date. It could be extended!
Include statement on withdrawing from school…and consequences!!!!
Include statement of not being allowed on ANY school premises.
Provide D.A.E.P. Brochure to family when delivering letter,which will help answer any of their questions.
J.J.A.E.P. Removal Orders:
Be sure to include “offense for removal.”
Indicate the Mandatory 90 days!!!! No discretion here.
“Recommend” starting date and “Projected” ending date.
INCLUDE a statement on “appearance & attendance effect dates.”
Include statement on withdrawing from school… and consequences!!!!
Include statement of not being allowed on ANY school premises.
Provide J.J.A.E.P. Brochure for family when delivering letter to answer any of their questions.
Be sure to include Annie M. Romero, JJAEP on list of individuals receiving copies.
Sample D.A.E.P. Letter
Los Fresnos Consolidated IndependentSchool District
LosFresnosHigh School
907 North Arroyo blvd.
Los Fresnos, TX. 78566
Phone: (956)233-3300 Fax956)233-3510
“A Texas Education Agency Exemplary High School”
May 18, 2007
Mr. & Mrs.
Los Fresnos, TX78566
Dear Mr.& Mrs. ______:
Upon the recommendation of the Los Fresnos High School Administration and careful review of the evidence, your daughter, ______, has been placed at our District’s Alternative Education Program Tier II (DAEP). She will remain in this placement for 45 school days. Your daughter was in possession of a controlled substance on campus. When this happens, the student must be removed from her campus and placed in the DAEP. Will begin her placement on Wednesday, May 19, 2007 and return to the High School campus on Tuesday, October 15, 2007. Your daughter has been given a starting date of May 19; however, his actual starting date will be the first day of her attendance at the DAEP.
The DAEP is located on 3341 FM 1575. The program is an all day program from 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. Transportation to and from the center will be provided. Breakfast and lunch will also be provided. Attendance is very important. Please see that she attends school every day. Her progress at the DAEP will be closely monitored. Failure to follow the rules and regulations for that campus or the comnussion of any other serious offense while she is assigned to the DAEP may result in expulsion from school.
If she withdraws from this school district before the term of the DAEP placement has been served in full, and she later re-enrolls, she will be required to complete the DAEP placement before being allowed to return to the High School campus. Furthermore, copies of this DAEP removal order will accompany your child’s records and will be provided to any other school district which you may seek to enroll. That district will have the choice of continuing the student’s placement in this disciplinary alternative education program for the reminder of the removal term or to when admitting the student to the regular program.
During the placement period, she will not be allowed on school premises or to participate in any school sponsored activities. If you have any questions, please fell free to call (956)233-3300.
Respectfully yours,
LosFresnosHigh School
Mr. Gonzalo Salazar, Superintendent of Schools
Mrs.M.E. Alvarez, Assistant Principal LFHS
Ms. Cynthia Arredondo, Student Discipline Director
Victor Chavez, Registrar
James Harris, Los Fresnos Chief of Police
Merced Burnias, Constable Pct. 6
Tommy Ramirez, Jr., Chief Juvenile Probation Officer
Sample J.J.A.E.P. Letter
Los Fresnos Consolidated IndependentSchool District
LosFresnosHigh School
907 North Arroyo blvd.
Los Fresnos, TX. 78566
Phone: (956)233-3300 Fax: (956)233-3510
“A Texas Education Agency Exemplary High School”
“A US Department of Education New AmericanHigh School
May 18, 2007
Mr.& Mrs.
Los Fresnos, TX78566
Dear Mr.& Mrs.
Upon the recommendation of the Los Fresnos High School Administration and careful review of the evidence, your son, ______, has been expelled and placed at the CameronCounty’s Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program, (JJAEP). He will remain in this placement until the end of the fall school term. Your son has been charged with arson – 2nd degree felony. When this happens, the student must be removed from his campus and placed in the JJAEP, which will begin on Thursday, March 4, 2007, and his placement will end on Friday, October 15, 2004
During the placement period, your son will not be allowed on school premises or to participate in any school sponsored activities.
Respectfully yours,
LosFresnosHigh School
Mr. Gonzalo Salazar, Superintendent of Schools
Mrs.M.E. Alvarez, Assistant Principal LFHS
Ms. Cynthia Arredondo, Student Discipline Director
Victor Chavez, Registrar
James Harris, Los Fresnos Chief of Police
Merced Burnias, Constable Pct. 6
Tommy Ramiez, Jr., Chief Juvenile Probation Officer