Project Team

System Functionality Letter

Component: Password Reset – Survey and Subsequent Changes

Distribution Date: April 23, 2012


The WorkInTexas Business Team recently conducted a survey about Password Reset in WorkInTexas. The results of that survey ledto some changes in WorkInTexas that we hope will positively impact the user’s experience while attempting to gain access to the system. Our survey included questions on the length of time staff have used WorkInTexas, how many password resets they get in a day, who they get these requests from, and other questions meant to ascertain staff’s knowledge of Revoked Passwords, System-Locked Accounts, and Forgot Password.


More than half, almost 52%, of respondents indicated they have used WorkInTexas for more than five years. In addition, 39% have used WorkInTexas for one to five years. So, most staff have used the system for a significant amount of time.

Forty-six percent receive one to five password reset requests per day while 26% indicated they receive six to ten requests. Overwhelmingly, 94% of these requests come from job seekers.

The vast majority of survey responders, almost 54%, indicated that if a user has revoked their password they cannot attempt ‘Forgot Password’ but must contact Workforce Solutions staff to access their account. The correct answer to this question: the user can attempt ‘Forgot Password’ immediately. Only 23% answered correctly.

There seemed to be a lot of confusion on the System-Locked Account question. Almost 64% of those responding answered that the user cannot attempt ‘Forgot Password’ but must contact Workforce Solutions staff to access their account. The correct answer: the user could wait 24 hours and attempt ‘Forgot Password’ to gain access to their account. Only 19% answered correctly.

The survey results showed a split in the number of staff who have actually used ‘Forgot Password’ themselves – 49% have and 51% have not.


Overall, it became very obvious that existing functionality was not very intuitive, and we needed to make some changes. Staff receive too many Password Reset requests when, in fact, most users can gain access to the system without staff assistance. We have also experienced staff who are confused about how the system works, which makes it difficult for them to help job seekers and employers.


First, we knew that we needed to reduce the System-Lock wait-time from the original 24 hoursespecially when users needed to access their accounts as quickly as possible. Second, we knew that we needed to tell users that they could wait a certain amount of time and then attempt Forgot Password. This meant changing our error messages. We also wanted to make sure our error messages were user specific. And finally, we knew we needed to clean-up and distinguish the two processes: Revoked Password versus System-LockedAccount.


A user’s password is revoked when the user incorrectly enters their User ID and Password three times in a row. This could happen in a variety of ways. For example, if the user enters their User ID and Password incorrectly from the WorkInTexas Home page, they are taken to the alternate WorkInTexas Logon page. If they enter it incorrectlya second time, the page flow automatically takes them to Forgot Password – Step 1 of 2. At this point, if they use the Back button and return to the WorkInTexas Logon page and unsuccessfully enter a User ID and Password a third time,then their password is revoked and they can no longer use that password to access WorkInTexas.

Onceapassword is revoked the user will get the following error message: You may reset your password online if you know your security information. The user will continue to get this error message on each subsequent logon attempt if they do not gain access to their account using Forgot Password or by contacting Workforce Solution staff. However, they can select the “security information” link embedded in the error message, which prompts them to complete Forgot Password Steps 1 and 2 to gain access to their account without staff intervention. Or, they can contact Workforce Solutions staff who can grant the user access to their account by resetting their password.

Staff know when a job seeker’s password has been revoked because “Revoked” displays instead of the User ID in the Summary Information modal. “Revoked” also displays on the Summary of Employer Users page for the employer user with a revoked password. For Staff, the Revoked column on the Staff User Search page displays “Yes” when astaff user’s password has been revoked.


A user’s account is System-Locked when they enter their User ID and Nameon Forgot Password-Step 1 of 2 OR answer their security question on Forgot Password-Step 2 of 2 incorrectly three times in a row. Users can either chose to go to Forgot Password from the WorkInTexas Home page by selecting the link “Forgot Password?” or they will automatically be sent there on a second failed logon attempt. Regardless of how they get to Forgot Password, three failed attempts on either step will System-Lock their account. An account will remain System-Locked for five minutes for Staff and 10 minutes for Employers and Job Seekers.

The following error messages display in the event of three failed attempts:

Staff Error Message –

You may attempt Forgot Password again in 5 minutes; OR Contact your local Security Administrator or WorkInTexas Liaison to reset your password.

EmployerError Message –

You may attempt Forgot Password again in 10 minutes; OR Contact the WorkInTexas Security Administrator for your business to reset your password. If that person is unavailable, contact your local Workforce Solutions Office for help or send us a message through the Message Center.

Job SeekerError Message –

You may attempt Forgot Password again in 10 minutes; OR Contact your local Workforce Solutions Office to reset your password or send us a message through the Message Center.

In each error message, “Forgot Password” is linked to Forgot Password-Step 1 of 2. In the Employer and Job Seeker messages, “Workforce Solutions Office” is linked to the Directory of Workforce Solutions Offices and Services page and “Message Center” is linked to each user group’s respective Message Center Compose Message page.

After the designated time has passed, the user may attempt Forgot Password again. They also have the option of contacting Workforce Solutions staff (by looking up the contact information from the directory) or sending a message to Workforce Staff through the WorkInTexas Message Center.

If the user opts to contact Workforce Solutions staff to gain access to their account, staff can grant the user access by resetting their password, giving them a temporary password to use for logging onto WorkInTexas. Staff know when a job seeker’s account is System-Locked because “Locked” displays instead of the User ID in the Summary Information modal. “Locked” also displays on the Summary of Employer Users page for the employer user with a System-Locked account. For Staffaccounts, you must view the Unlock User page (Staff User Search page  Name link  Edit Staff User page Unlock User link) to see that their account is System-Locked.


The user may access Forgot Password from the WorkInTexas Home Page (see “Forgot Password?” link in page banner) or the user will be directed there after failing to enter their User ID and Password correctly twice in a row. This process allows the user to gain entry to WorkInTexas without having to rely on staff intervention. The key is to know their User ID, the exact spelling of their name as it is displayed in, and the answer to one of three possible security questions.

Step 1 of 2 directs the user to enter their User ID, First Name, and Last Name. They must also identify themselves as a Job Seeker, Employer, or Workforce Staff. Successfully entering all data items allows the user to continue to Step 2 of 2 where they must answer a randomly selected Security Question. Successfully answering the Security Question grants them access to the Change Password page where they can enter a new Password. After saving their new Password, the user is taken to their Home Page.


The Survey we conducted proved to be enlightening and led to changes in WorkInTexas that should positively impact the user’s experience. We’ve clarified error messages, given time values for system-lockouts, and made the process consistent for all users. We’re also emphasizing the self-service option which should reduce the number of Password Reset requests received by staff. We also know that part of this process is educating our users. This system letter is intended to share survey results and the subsequent changes to WorkInTexas so that staff can share that knowledge with Job Seekers, Employers and other Staff. We highly encourage staff to emphasize the self-service feature for resettingpasswords,i.e. Forgot Password when assisting users with gaining access to their account.

Effective Date: April 12, 2012